Hey guys! I'm back again! Ahh, help! I'm kind of running out of ideas, so I may end up ending this soon! Please give me ideas! I used to get so many, but now I only get like one review per chapter. Ew! Anyways, please enjoy!

Graystripe paced back and forth in his den. GrayxSilver was silently typing as he usually did and the many kits continued to wander the grounds. Graystripe was nervous about something, and no one knew what. Not even any of his sex partners.

As he paced, Millie creeper around the corner. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just feel so... so..."


"No, that's not it..."

"Hmm... Well-endowed?"


Millie blushed. "Sorry, those are the only two I can really think of. Try asking Brackenfur. He's probably off somewhere fucking Sorreltail. Or Lionblaze..."


With that, Graystripe walked off to the lake, following the scent of chocolate, catnip, and sperm.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

As soon as he spoke, he heard the erotic moans of Brackenfur and his two favorite fuck-buddies. "Yes! Fuck me! Right there!"

Graystripe had to fight the urge to join in.

"Sorry to bother you three."

The moans continued.

"I just need to ask you what you think of me."

Then, all of a sudden, the moans stopped.

"Oh, that's easy!" It was Brackenfur, who had emerged from a tree trunk along with Sorreltail and Lionblaze. "You're... Well-endowed!"

Sorreltail and Lionblaze both nodded in agreement.

Graystripe rolled his eyes, though flattered with the praise. "Belive it or not, I mean something other than my dick size."


The trio had to think for a moment. Then suddenly, Lionblaze perked up.

"Oh, I know! Flexible! Remember last night when you accidentally shoved the catnip up your ass and you asked my to fuck you in weird positions?"


Graystripe was sort of taken aback by this.

This provided a full for GrayxSilver to pop in, as usual.

"Graystripe, why don't you come up to my cloud?"

Suddenly, there was a loud pop and Graystripe appeared beside the invisible master known as GrayxSilver.

"You know what I think of you?" He asked, surprising Graystripe.

"What do you think?"

GrayxSilver thought for a moment. Then he searched something on his laptop.

"You know, I think what you need is a bit of memories."

Graystripe grinned, not knowing atall what was going on. Of course, that didn't stop him from smiling. Soon, GrayxSilver would bring back to life the idea of the original pairing of 'GrayxSilver'.

The past few chapters have been incredibly dumb, but at least they're updates. Hopefully, ill get back into the swing of cracking jokes and throwing catnip parties. It'll be a while before I get used to writing this again. Anyways, see you guys next time! Please review! Please! Please! PLEASE! R&R!