The group was on a train heading through a large valley. Back home was where they were headed. Juriie looked out the window at the passing grassland. 'It's been a long two weeks since we've made it out of the desert. We aren't out of the woods yet, we still need to get this shark to the Hotel Gourmet. My worst fear was this trip ending, and now I suppose I am forced to face the reality that this couldn't last forever. These are friendships that will last me a lifetime, and I will cherish them forever.'

Before her eyes, crossed open water. It was the beach. Her eyes widened as she looked out at it. The small queen hopped out of her seat, "Stop the train!" The train pulled over and Luckiie ran to her partner, "Why have we stopped? What's wrong?" Juriie looked to the brunette, "I'll be right back. Just give me five minutes."

She ran as fast as she could to the sand and into the water. "Where is it?" The sand ran through her fingers as she tossed it around. "There!" She picked up the small, heavy piece of metal and let it sit in her hand a moment. She looked up at the sky, "Thanks mommy...Acacia...You guys have had my back this far. Thank you...for never giving up on me, even when I did." The one eyed brunette yelled to her friend, "Hey Juriie, get over here! We're gonna leave you!" The girl nodded, "Alright, let's deliver that shark!"

The girl hopped back on the train and reclaimed her window seat. 'Medallion, check. Livebearer-dono, pending.' Luckiie sat on the other side of the booth with the woman, "How you feeling honey?" Before she could answer, Sweetiie entered and sat by her sister. Juriie smiled and moved the hair from her forehead. A shiny piece of gold was placed on her forehead, her medallion. Her partners gasped, and the blonde touched the metal, "Whoa. I can't believe you're actually wearing that. Princess, that's amazing." She put her hair back, "Oh please, I'm not a princess anymore...especially with all those people from the Black Desert on board." Luckiie looked out the window, "Speaking of which, their stop should be coming up soon. They'll have a better life in the Human World." The blonde nodded, "Yeah, and you buying them homes is beyond compassionate." Juriie put her hands over her face, and an overwhelming look of distress consumed her. The one eyed woman put a hand over the girls, "What's wrong sweetheart?" Juriie shook her head, "Just wake me up when we get there. I just have a lot on my mind." She held her stomach as she stumbled down the hall of the train. "I'll be fine...just let me be."

The woman felt a hand touch her arm...actually, it wasn't just touching, it was shaking. A low voice filled her ears, "We're here." Her duel colored eyes glanced upon the person speaking to her. "Luckiie? It felt like I was sleeping for only twenty minutes." The brunette shrugged, "Actually it was ten, but who's counting?" She pointed out the window, "There they are, the last of our people. I thought you'd not want to miss seeing them off." The small woman lifted her head, "It's the Sleepy Forest..." Sweetiie stood by the women and nodded, "Yep, our home." Juriie turned toward her partners, "Are we going back?" Luckiie shrugged, "Well, we promised we would come back. A paid visit is necessary...but not right now, We still have to get the shark to the Hotel Gourmet!" Juriie rubbed her head, "Ugh, I can't even sleep anymore. I'm going to get ready for the gathering. I'll be in the bathroom."

She looked at herself in the mirror. The woman pulled her bangs back and smiled, "It's all over, everything. I can't believe it. There's still one more confrontation I need to have before I feel complete." She felt the train stopping as she sat on the toilet seat. Everything was happening so fast. She stepped out of the bathroom with a long white dress, and white high heels. It was the first time since the Gourmet Carriage that she dressed up. Toriko walked past the girl and gave her a light pat on the back, "Looking good Juriie. You ready to eat the Shark?" She nodded with a fictitious smile, "You know it." Exiting the train and entering the Hotel Gourmet seemed to be the longest steps in life.

"Rue! Looks like you finally made it out of the desert." Arms wrapped around the woman, and she found her vision blocked by the red hair that was Haruna's. The tiny woman pushed away her sister and raised a forceful hand. There it was, five fingers right to the face. She gave Haruna a slap that could be heard throughout the entire hotel. Juriie was the only person ever in existence to raise her hand to the woman and not find their spinal cord being pulled from their throat. Everyone watched silently and confused. Sweetiie gave a nervous chuckle, "We should probably let them settle this." Luckiie nodded, "Yeah, you're right. C'mon guys, let's get this shark to the restaurant."

From there she wrapped her arms back around her sister. "Both of those were for killing Akira. Haruna I did a lot of thinking and I don't agree with your decisions, but I accept them. My curse is not gone, but the shark has momentarily put it on hold. Only Akira could have helped me. I love you Haruna, but you're an idiot. Next time you want to make rash decisions, run it by me. You may be blind, but I know you can see the effect of your doing." Haruna squeezed her sister tighter, "I'm sorry Juriie, I am. But back then, killing Akira was the only way I knew how to handle my anger. Mommy knew she was going to die. She hid her past from me, and I couldn't read her or Akira. When Akira finally let his guard down, I read his past and I snapped. I read far more than anyone even knows. There are things I wish I could unsee." She handed Juriie a key, "Listen, in five months, that's when a beanstalk will sprout. I want it to be just you and me. We can bask in mommy's glory one last time." Juriie looked at the silver key in her hand, "Bask in mommy's glory? What is this?"

"Come, let's go up. We have a celebration to attend." She put the key inside her dress pocket and continued on up the elevator. Although everyone knew about the confrontation, she still thought it was best to put on a smile and act as if nothing happened. The elevator doors opened and Juriie ran out, "Let's eat that shark yeah!? This isn't just a celebration of food; it's a celebration of the final ingredient to Luckiie's full course menu! So let's dig in!"

In walked the green haired man, Teppei, "Leave some shark for me." He smiled at the group, "Haruna, did you tell them?" The ginger shook her head, "No, there were too many celebrations going on at once, I didn't want to sway the limelight." Juriie looked to her sister, "What were you supposed to tell me. Lay it out on the table Haruna." She shook her head, "I'll tell you later. Right now let's celebrate your coming of age." The girl puffed out her cheeks, "Coming of age? I'll have you know I'm at the ripe age of 22 now. I came of age a long time ago." She lifted her fork, "Let's eat guys!"

Some time passed and they all stared at the empty plates they all scarfed down. Only the queens and Komatsu were full. The kings weren't full, but very satisfied. Juriie was the only one left with food on her plate. Luckiie spoke, "Something wrong?" The tiny woman looked down. "It's just, this is our last meal together. There are no more debts or ingredients that bind us together anymore. We are no longer obligated to be in each other's company...My people are free, and I can be Rue again." Toriko put a hand on her shoulder, "Do you feel like Rue?" She shook her head, "Juriie has gotten me this far...but I will never escape being a Munroe name." The small woman scooted out her chair and bowed before group, "I'm sorry. Excuse me for a moment." The train to her dress dragged on the floor as she took the elevator to the roof.

She walked to the edge of the Hotel Gourmet and looked up at the stars. She heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs to the roof. Juriie smiled, "So this is how it ends huh?" "With the Kings, yes," Sweetiie said with a sad undertone. The small raven haired girl sat down with her feet dangling off the side of the building. "No way, that journey has just begun. We are friends for life, but who knows when we'll team up again." Luckiie walked a bit closer, "Where should we go in the meantime?" Juriie ran a hand through her short hair, "Hey, don't you have a restaurant to manage?" The brunette shook her head, "How'd you know about that?..anyway, I couldn't have an establishment if I wanted...I'm a few million yen short." The small queen removed the medallion from her forehead, "Take this, it should set you straight." Luckiie placed the strangely heavy piece of gold in her hand. "Juriie, why?" Her duel colored eyes looked into those of both Sweetiie and Luckiie. "You two have such great potential. Please explore it...Lilith and Skai Ryan of the black desert, I hereby relinquish you of your duty." The twins couldn't help but confusingly smile. "You heard me, YOU'RE FIRED!" The trio hugged, and tears streamed down their cheeks. Juriie smiled, "Next time I'm in Gourmet Town I'll be sure to stop by Luckiie's Lounge."

The brunette moved the hair from her face, "I'm thinking more of Lilith's Lounge...things in the desert are settled...I have nothing to hide anymore...I can't wait to get my restaurant started, thank you. What about you Sweetiie?" "It's Skai...and I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll finish that Gourmet Cruise. Maybe I'll finish my full course menu. I don't know. I have my whole life ahead of me." Juriie smiled, "Or maybe you and Coco can finally go on a date...a proper date." The blonde woman put a hand over her mouth, "Juriie I'm so did yo-" "A woman's heart is deep...and when a love is found, you can't hide it...Skai I may be young and naive...but I'm not stupid." Sweetiie grit her teeth as she hesitated to reply, "I'm really sorry, J." The tiny woman shook her head, "Don't be. Clearly what I thought was between us...wasn't there. Don't apologize for having something I didn't...but if you ever do that to me again..." She pantomimed a gun and pointed it to the blonde, "Bang!" Sweetiie raised her hands defensively, "I promise you, I won't." She lowered her hands and sighed in relief, "Alright I'm gonna head back down, you two coming?" Luckiie followed her sister, "Coming Juriie?" She shook her head, "Nah, I just want to enjoy the view."

Almost immediately after the duo left, tears began to pour down the woman's small woman ran both hands through her hair, stopping in the middle. "Dammit Juriie...Pull yourself together." She stood up and crossed her arms as she looked up at the stars. Her body language was content, but the tears streamed down her cheeks. "Ororo," she heard another voice with her, and there was only one person to ever call her by that name. The woman turned to him, her eyes were puffy from crying and her heart was beating at an abnormally fast rate. Before he could speak, she put her hands over her watery eyes, "I hate this." "What the hell are you bitching about now?" She sniffled as she replied "Didn't you hear? I'm a hopeless romantic." Zebra grunted, "Coco. I'll fuckin kill him." She pulled her hands away and shook her head, "No, don't. It was me who acted the fool. I was naive...I tried to tell myself it wasn't true...but now I'm forced to face the cruel reality. Some people aren't meant to have happy endings, ya know?" He yelled out to the city, "Well fuck em both!" In a way it made her feel better. But there was still someone on her mind...someone that would always be second to none in her heart. She sucked it up and looked at the city, "I know what I must do to complete my full course menu."

The man stood beside her as he looked down at the city of Gourmet. "Sounds like a job for tomorrow, but what about tonight?" She raised her brows, "What do you mean?" He looked her in the eyes this time, "Suck it up. Go downstairs and have a drink. Shit didn't work out for you but you need to move on...or else you'll end up like me." He stepped down from the ledge as he went to walk back inside, but her soft hand stopped him. She moved the hand from his fingers to his arm. "If that's my destiny then I'm not worried. You aren't all bad, Zebra. Living with Food Misfortune is a fate worse than death...anything that follows is nothing. I just need time, okay?" She removed her hand and he continued to walk away. The large man reached into his pocket and tossed the queen her old locket. She gasped as the metal touched her fingers, "But why? I thought you said..." "I know what I said. My price lowered."

She puffed out her cheeks. "Give me a hug dumbass! One final goodbye hug." The large king growled as he looked to her, but before any words were spoken, he felt arms wrap around him. She stood on the ledge as she did. Not quite eye level, but she was happy with it. Silence filled the least in her mind. She heard nothing but the sound of herself breathing. She looked up at him, "What, you've never given a hug or something? WRAP YOUR ARMS AROUND ME DAMMIT! THIS COULD BE THE LAST TIME WE SEE EACH OTHER!" She thought about the words she just spoke, and the moment finally hit her. "...This could be the last time we see each other..." She looked away from him as tears streamed down her face once again. The one thing that bothered him more than her cockiness was her sadness. For just a small moment the man cracked his intimidating exterior and gave the woman a tight embrace. He didn't release until she did. She smiled, "See, that wasn't so bad now was it?"

She turned to look at the city as she placed the locket around her neck. "Even though my life had just fallen apart, I feel like it's finally coming together. I can't wait to look for you Livebearer-dono, my combo partner!"

Back inside, an eye patchless Luckiie looked into the eyes of Sunny. She extended her arm, "It's been...nice." He didn't speak words but looked deeply into her eyes. She smiled, "It's unfortunate that my eye is running on a quick fix." "The fact that I am the only one who can fix it...the only one who can see them makes the exclusivity beautiful." She put her eye patch back on and removed the sensors from her eye. "Keep in touch pretty boy." She waved to the man as she walked away. "Visit me in Gourmet Town sometime. I'll contact you all when the business is ready."

Sweetiie looked into the eyes of Coco. "Though the journey was long, it seemed quite short. Please keep in contact Coco. What we had...have...that wasn't something that happens when two people are forced to be in one another's presence, that was very much real. It would be selfish for me to ask for your patience, but there is a lot that is now on my plate. I have a menu to complete and so do you." Her peach pink lips kissed the man one final time, "Don't forget about me."

Juriie finally came back down from the roof and grabbed a glass of champagne. "Excuse me, there is one last thing I'd like to say. I thank you all for helping me beyond what you can even imagine.. the loyalty, trust, and honor have been enough to last me a lifetime. Thank you guys for all helping me through the darkest time in my life..but I promise you, the next time you see Juriie Munroe, it'll be bright with good times. Congratulations Luckiie on finding your final dish, and congratulation Haruna." The ginger looked confused as she held up her glass. "I don't know exactly what I am congratulating you on, but I'm sure we'll find out soon, even if I have to squeeze it out of Teppei. Cheers!"