Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

A/N: ok so hi everyone. i hope you like. this will be updated daily, i promise. if i get a few reviews a day. Yay, i'm so excited. it's been a while since i've writen a newsie-fan fic. Well yes...enjoy.

"Serina, get your lazy butt up!" Carli banged on the door. I lazily and angrily stepped out of my bed, and opened the door.

"What now, Carli?" I replied irritated.

"So there's a big party tonight, you up for it?" She replied thrilled out of her mind.

"I…I don't think so." I replied not really able to think of an excuse on the spot.

"Why? You never go out." She pouted.

"Look you can go, no one's stopping you. It's just I'm not exactly what you'd call sociable." I replied as I plumped myself on the couch.

"Look all you need is a make-over, a little lipstick a little priming, and if you lose the glasses, you'll be gorgeous." She replied as she teased my hair.

"I don't want a make-over, I'm fine just being me." I replied grabbing my hair back.

"Fine…fine, but you have to go out to dinner with me at least." I looked at her hesitantly. "I'm paying." She pleaded.

"Fine, but just dinner."

"Great, well I got to go, I'll pick you up at six." She instructed me as she bounded out the door.

"Bye," I replied cheerfully as I closed the door behind her.

Since I had the day off, I spent it curled up with a book. There was something about the power a book holds that just catapults you to a new and exciting place. I thought about the party Carli had invited me to, and I laughed. Me at a sociable event? Not likely, I wasn't pretty I wasn't talkative. I walked over to my vanity and took a good hard look at myself. I had crimpy jet-black hair, which I always wore up in a bun, and an awkward nose. The only thing I could remotely find attractive about myself were my eyes. They were green like my mother's, but mine were covered by horrible glasses.
Six o'clock soon rolled around, and Carli banged on the door impertinently, like always. I wore my casual dark green skirt, with a button-up blouse with a high collar that stretched up on my neck.
"Geez, you look like my mother." Carli replied teasingly.
"Thanks, and you look like a slut," I replied just as teasingly.
"Good just the look I was going for." She laughed. We soon approached a small café and we ate. It was about eight thirty by the time we were done eating.
"Come on Siren," Which was her pet name for me. I had a secret passion for singing, and when we were growing up I had a love for the ocean, and I use to take late night swims in the quarry, and ponds. Back then Carli was obsessed with Greek Mythology, and there were these creatures called 'sirens' who lived in the sea and lured sailors to their deaths using their gorgeous voices, and she said that's what I reminded her of. "Come with me to the party, I don't want to go alone." She pleaded.
"No, nothing you can say can drag me to that party, so don't even try it," I warned her.

Well an hour later we reached the Brooklyn Lodging House where the party was supposedly to be held.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." I replied as we walked in. I would have continued scolding her but I was speechless. When we entered the place was filled with gambling, and yelling and laughter. I soon noticed what most of the girls were wearing, and I felt completely out of place.
"Carli, I can't do this, I'm going home," I chickened out.
"Wait, look just stay for an hour, and then I promise we'll go." She pleaded. She really wasn't going to let me go, and I knew if I left she would leave with me, and I knew she was looking forward to this party. So I spent most of my time against the wall trying not to be seen, and listening in on other people's conversation, not on purpose of course. What was funny about this was that in all the conversations I had over heard them mention a certain person named 'Spot Conlon' and someone in the conversation would always ask where he was, and the other would be unable to answer. I wondered who he was and why did everyone care.
I kept starring down at my pocket watch hoping it was almost time to go. I had fifteen minutes left. I walked casually over to the punch bowl, and decided to get a drink. I looked around the place in search of Carli. Carli of course was flirting with some gentleman. I smiled vaguely as I sipped the punch. My eyes soon caught onto three ladies who seemed to be starring at me. I quickly diverted my eyes, not wanting to give them the impression I was looking at them. One of them soon approached me. I was about to make my way back to the wall, but I accidentaly walked into the girl who was approaching me.
"Watch where you're going!" A blonde beautiful girl snickered.
"Sorry," I replied a little irritated with her tone of voice.
"Nice dress." She said sarcastically as the rest of her friends encircled me.
"Thanks." I said just as sarcastically, "Excuse me," I replied as I was about to go get Carli, but of course I was now surrounded by all three of them. "What?" I asked a little ticked off.
"You know you should really watch where you're going." She smiled sweetly yet minupulatively.
"Like I said I'm sorry," I replied. I tried once more to get through them, but I couldn't.
"Fine, let her through," She instructed the rest of her friends. I was about to walk around the punch bowl table, when I felt someone's foot trip me. I went crashing into the punch bowl. My arm ached and I was covered in punch. But that was nothing compared to the pain I was about to face. I soon realized everyone was laughing at me. The three girls were now hovering over me, and I didn't know how to react.
"I told you to watch where you're going." They smiled victoriously. The laughter just grew louder, and a sadness and anger grew inside of me. I didn't know what to do, so I ran out of the place. I ran and I ran, I could hear Carli yelling my name, but I didn't answer. I ran, my mind fueled with hatred and humiliation I had never felt before. I soon crossed the bridge, and I slopped down and sat against the railing. I threw off my glasses, and wept. This was the worst night of my life. The moonlight above me was glowing brighter than ever.

" 'Ey 're youse alright?" I looked up to see this blonde haired boy.
"Just leave me alone." I whimpered.
"Youse soaked, 're youse su'e youse alright?" I looked up at him.
"Does it look like I'm alright?" I asked furiously. I wasn't mad at him, but he was the only person there that I could take my anger out on.
"Euhhh…" He stuttered as he rummaged through his pockets. " 'Ere," He replied as he handed me a hankie.
"Thanks." I murmured as I gratefully took it.
"By the way I'se Spot Conlon," He introduced himself.
"Oh, the Spot Conlon's from Brooklyn?" I replied remembering the conversations I heard.
"Yeah, so I'se see youse heard of me." He replied arrogently.
" Actually everyone at the Lodging House has been asking where you are." I corrected him, as I stopped my crying. "By the way my names Sirena, but everyone calls me Siren."
"It's a creature in Greek Mythology." I explained. "Well I think I've had enough humiliation for one day, well it was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Conlon," I replied as I started on my way.
"Do youse mind me's askin' wat happened ta you?" He asked still a little curious as to why I was soaked.
"Oh, you'll most likely hear about it by the time you get home." I reassured him. He nodded and I went on my way.