Eep! (ducks down) Don't throw anything at me! At least you know I didn't disappear off the face of the earth. I'm so sorry it's been like five months! And I've barely typed anything at all. I've been uber busy. October through December are my busiest months, there are so many birthdays and a lot of work for school an such. So I deeply apologize. I'm being a better student this year, because last year I was really lazy, but not this year! Muahaha I am a bad ass JR. Ok I will stop ranting, and get to the story, which I can't really think of anything for, so it probably won't be that long. I was even thinking about not continuing it at all until a bunch of people were like FINISH IT! So I will not disappoint you I hope! Here are the answers to the reviews! Thanks everyone who has reviewed for the story and has favorite and followed it!

JaclynKaileigh- I'm glad you enjoyed the recital! I was worried that I didn't explain it well enough. Thank you for the review!

Bigby the big bad wolf- If this wasn't an AU I would have had Roy toast his ass and then Ed slice him up with his auto mail :D Thank you for the reviews!

Neusuada- Oh my and sparkly Edward Elric? Hmmm that would be an interesting sight! Haha thank you for the reviews!

Keiko Fujiwara- I'm sorry It took me so long! I'm glad you like this AU! If you like this one, if you have time go check out my new Prince Charming :D thank you for the review!

DarkForestWolf- THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT! Haha thank you for the review!

WARNING: Nothing but Ed and Winry fluffiness!

Chapter 5: A new beginning

One year later (The couple has been dating for a year and a couple of months)

Winry gazed around the brand new room of her apartment. She clutched Ed's hand tightly before letting go and inspecting every corner.

"It's like nothing happened." She whispered looking back over at her boyfriend. He just rolled his eyes playfully.

"Of course not Winry, that's how it's supposed to be. How about we start bringing your stuff up?" Ed asked. Winry bit her lip. 'Now or never.'

"Ed, me and Kaede talked about some things, and he decided to go move in with Katie, leaving the apartment in my hands." She paused, wringing her fingers, a light blush painting across her cheeks.

"Would you like to move in?" She whispered, avoiding his fierce golden eyes. She felt her heart stop when he started to laugh loudly. His body was bent over, arms around his waist, body rippling with peals of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" She mumbled. He stood up straight and wiped his eyes walking over to her.

"Are we switching roles Winry? Or can you read my mind?" He asked tilting her chin upwards. He wiped away the sparkling tears in her eyes and smiled.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to move in with me, Al was going to move in with his friend that's a couple of buildings over so that we could have our space." He stated with a small smile.

"Really?!" I asked, my eyes wide. He nodded. "We will stay here until you graduate from college, and then hopefully move to New York for your job." He said wrapping his arms around her. Her heart skipped a beat.

"You mean, you really want to stay with me?" She asked, hope sparkling in her eyes.

"Of course Winry, I-" He paused and frowned. She tilted her head to the side in curiosity. "What's wrong?" She asked. He shook his head. "Nothing, this is just the first time I'll be ever saying this to a girl." He said, a small blush forming over his nose. Winry smiled and grasped his hands.

"Take your time Ed. She said staring into his golden eyes. He took a deep shaky breath and kissed her on the lips gently. Before he pulled all the way back, he whispered three words to her, "I love you." He muttered. Winry couldn't hold in her excitement any longer. She jumped into his arms and placed a sloppy kiss onto his lips. He chuckled and returned the kiss with the same amount of energy. She pulled away, her lips swollen and cheeks flushed. He brushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"I love you to Edward." She whispered back. He kissed her forehead, down to her nose and then her lips. They stood there hugging and kissing for a couple of minutes.

"I can't believe we are moving in with each other." Winry said looking into his life filled eyes. He smiled at her and nodded. "Ed?" She asked, her fingers twiddling together. He could tell she was nervous because of the way her posture suddenly slumped and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What is it Win?" He asked taking hold of her hands. She avoided his gaze and stared at their shoes.

"Since we're moving in together, does this mean we are sharing a room? Or are we living in separate rooms?" She asked so quietly he barely heard her. A blush rushed across his cheeks at the thought.

"Well I have no idea that depends if you would like to share a room." He said drawing circles with his thumb on her hand. She peeked up at him, curious to see his reaction to her answer.

"I would like that." She said hesitantly. Ed just nodded slowly and took a couple of deep breaths. "Are you ok Ed? Are we moving too fast? Was my question out of line? Was-" He placed his finger on her lips. "Winry you need to learn to be quiet." He said with an amused smile upon his lips. She glared at him, but it then melted back to concern.

"I'm fine, I think our pace is perfect, I'm just a tad nervous because this is my first relationship, and I really don't want to screw it up." He said. She nodded taking a relieved sigh once he set her lips free.

"Let's get back home." He said grasping her hand firmly in his and pulling her down the stairs to apartment one. Once the door was closed, Ed gently pushed her against the wall.

"I love you so much Winry." He mumbled kissing her lips and trailing down her neck and suckling the skin. She moaned quietly, grasping his jacket tightly.
"Stop teasing me!" She said with a small giggle as he nibbled on her ear. He chuckled quietly and pulled away with one last peck on the cheek.

"I'm going to go practice a little before bed." He said starting to walk away before Winry grasped his forearm.

"Edward wait." She said causing him to look at her. She stepped forward and started up a heated make out session. Tongues were battling; hands were running over skin and through hair. She pulled away from him panting heavily, her cheeks flushed and brilliant red.

"What was that for?" He asked running his fingers through her hair. She kissed him again on the lips gently and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Ed, will you make love to me?" She whispered. His entire body froze and he pulled her away from him to look at her.

"Are you serious Winry? Are you sure you're ready for that? I thought you wanted to wait until you were married?" He asked. She smiled sadly.

"I am serious, I love you Ed and I'm pretty sure you're the one I want in my life. And I hate to say this but I wanted to wait, but I don't really have a reason to wait anymore because I'm not a virgin, and because I love you." She said. He was taken by surprise by her bold statement. Today was apparently the day for new things to happen to the couple. Not only were they moving in with each other, but they were taking probably the biggest step next to marriage, sex. He knew he loved her and definitely wanted to marry her no matter what, but he didn't want to hurt her and wanted to make sure she completely trusted him before doing this.

"What if you get pregnant Winry? You won't be able to start your career if you do." He said kissing her hands.

"There is something called protection smart one," She said with a shake of her head. He glared at her. "And also I've been on the pill ever since Kyle. And if it does happen, then my career will have to wait." She said. That was the answer to his question. She was definitely sure about this.

"Are you absolutely positive about this?" He asked looking deep into her blue eyes. She nodded after a couple of seconds.

"More than anything Ed." With that being said he gently pulled her to his room and closed the door. He laid her down on the bed and got on top of her.

"Let me know if you want me to stop." He said before kissing her passionately. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling out the band that was holding his pony tail in place. She trailed down his back and started to tug at his jacket. He pulled away for a second and slipped it off and tossing it to the side.

"Take off my shirt." She mumbled against his neck. He did as she was told and admired the beautiful woman under him. He kissed her newly exposed stomach and tickled her side causing her to giggle.

"Edward you're so mean!" She squealed bucking up her hips trying to squirm away from his fingers. He just chuckled and pulled off his shirt next. She ran her cold fingers over his chest and down his stomach. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

"I love you Win." He whispered.

Morning came almost too quickly for the couple. Edward was the first to stir awake. He stared lovingly at the girl next to him that was curled under the covers, patches of skin peaking out. He could definitely get used to waking up to her every morning. Even though he didn't sleep well because his brain wouldn't stop thinking about Winry, and that he felt a head ache pressing through from lack of sleep, seeing Winry made all of that vanish. He ran his hand down the length of her hair and trailed down her back, and over her butt and then back up. He continued this pattern ever so gently until she finally stirred awake, squinting her eyes at the bright light pouring in through the window. She glanced up at Ed and smiled.

"Good morning." She said twirling around to lie on her back. He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her gently.

"How do you feel?" He asked burying his nose in her wonderful smelling hair. She sighed in content and placed her hands over his arms that were wrapped around her bare stomach.

"I feel wonderful, a little sore, but definitely not regretting a thing." She said leaning her head on his chest. He hummed in approval and just held her tighter.

"I'm glad you suggested that." He said kissing her cheek. She giggled and looked up at him. "Me too, probably the best night of my life." She said. He smirked. "Well I'm glad I was that good for you." He said teasingly. She slapped his chest and giggled along with him.

"So what do we do now?" He asked starting to trace circles around her bellybutton. She shrugged.

"I keep loving you while you keep loving me, nothing new about that." She said. The room grew quiet, the couple enjoying the company of each other.

"Well I think I'm going to go make some breakfast." Ed said starting to sit up but Winry tugged him back down.

"I don't think so mister. Let's just enjoy this." She said. He looked at her for a bit before finally agreeing.

"So where is your job in New York?" He asked. "Manhattan, I've been searching for some places they have there, and found some nice apartments. I really hate to ask you Ed, but would you be willing to help me pay for most of it? I don't have much money left in the will my parents left, and I've been using it very carefully in the past couple of years. College took a huge chunk out of it though so I've barely been able to pass by because I haven't gotten a job and-"Winry calm down, of course I will help you. My money is your money. Don't ever be afraid to ask me for help financially anymore, we are in this together now." He said. She nodded slowly and thanked him. Hohenheims words suddenly came to his mind. 'You are in your twenties; you should be looking for a wife.' He glanced down at Winry who was quietly humming a song and rocking her head back and forth with the rhythm. He knew for sure that she was going to be his wife, but for now, marriage can wait. He was comfortable where they were and didn't mind keeping it that way for another year or two. He kissed her head causing her to look up at him with a radiant smile.

"What should we do today?" She asked. He smiled right back at her. "I don't know why don't we wait and find out?" He said causing her to look at him in confusion, but then shrugged. "Ok whatever you say." She replied happily.


Ok I know it was short, but it was time for this story to be wrapped up. I know that a year is a long time for something to be rebuilt after a fire, but it does happen. There was a house down the street from mine that got burned in the front and it took them almost a year to finish rebuilding it. Anyways, I think there was so much cheese in this chapter, you will have enough for a year. But what is a love story without cheese? And extra fluffiness? I hope this was to your liking and hope you review because it always makes my day no matter what :D Thank you for sticking with this story even though it took me so freaking long to get this chapter out! I still apologize for that! Please go check out my newest EdXWin story Prince Charming if you have time! :D Thank you again everyone!