I own nothing because unfortunately I'm not JK Rowling
Chapter One
Rose's POV
Ever since I was born my family and the various family friends that are always around have told me how great Hogwarts is. The first day is especially brilliant, I remember my grandfather telling me excitedly, because no one knows each other and everyone is great friends by the time the train arrives in Hogsmede station.
It'll be different for me, I know it. Because everyone already knows my name. Rose Weasley. Daughter of the famous Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and niece of the great Harry Potter. Not that I don't like my family- I love them dearly. But sometimes I wish I could just be Rose.
On the day of 1st September I wake early and lay in bed staring at my celling for a long while. I'm not quite sure what I feel, excited, sad, terrified. I doubt there's an emotion I don't feel at the moment.
At seven o clock I hear my parents moving around the house. There's a knock on my door and it's pushed open.
I look up at my mum standing in the doorway, 'Yeah?'
She smiles at me, 'Nervous?'
I grin back, 'Petrified.'
'Don't worry, you'll be absolutely brilliant.'
Ah, another thing to worry about- being as clever as Hermione 'Twelve OWLS eight NEWTS' Granger. Oh, and making the Gryffindor Quidditch team. No pressure then Rose.
Thanks to my overly organised nature, all my stuff is packed, including my new tawny owl that is perched in her cage ready to go. I giggle for a moment, imagining the chaos at Al's house as they run around searching for robes and quills and stuff. James is going into his second year and Al his first like me. Neither of them is famed for being organised.
I quickly change into Muggle clothing, not wanting to change into my robes until I'm on the train. Not like Lucy, I just know she'll arrive fully dressed, hat on and everything. Not that anyone would expect anything less than that of Percy Weasley, Minister of Magic's daughter. Randomly I'm suddenly cheered by the thought of having so many of my cousins around me. Al, Roxanne and I are all starting today. Lucy, James and Fred are in their second year and Dominique, Louis and Molly are there as well.
There's another knock on my door and this time my dad's standing there. Smiling sadly.
'Hey, Rosie, looking forward to Hogwarts?'
I shrug and grin, 'Sort of, but I'm scared.'
He laughs, 'So was I before I went, I thought I'd be sitting on my own for the whole way there!'
'Did you?'
'Nah, for some mad reason I chose to sit in the same compartment as your Uncle Harry and you know what happened from then on.'
My dad picked up my trunk for me then wandered downstairs with it, leaving me alone with my thoughts. But not for long.
'Hiya, Rose!'
My God, how many people live in this house?
'Alright, Hugo?'
'I'm so jealous!' whines my nine year old brother, 'Why do you get to go and I don't?'
'Because you're still a midget!'
'No! I'm a giant!' he stands on his tip-toes to try and prove his point.
The quicker I escape this mad house, the better.
At the station, I stand nervously with my parents and Hugo, attracting a few looks from people who obviously recognise my dad, who is deputy head of the Auror Office, or my mum, who is head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Where is Al? I've already seen Lucy and Molly prancing around. To be fair, Molly isn't too bad but Lucy is awful. My dad she's like Percy.
'Oh, there's Lily!' shouts Hugo happily.
I look up quickly and thankfully see Al, walking alongside James and looking slightly sick.
'Hiya,' I mutter to him.
'Hey.' he grins nervously back.
We're like brother and sister; we always know how the other's feeling.
My dad starts talking loudly about Gryffindor. My stomach drops unpleasantly; if I don't get sorted into Gryffindor I've no idea what'll do. Maybe Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad, but Hufflepuff would just be embarrassing and Slytherin is too horrific to think about.
I hug my parents tightly, and then Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry and I hurry to get on the train with Al.
I look at him and grin.
'This is it,' he says, 'we're going to Hogwarts.'
Scorpius' POV
I've never been so excited in my life. End of subject.
I've been dreaming off Hogwarts ever since I was old enough to know what it was, and now I'm going. Unlike most of the other children, I'm not overcome at the thought of leaving my parents. Yes, I love them and yes they love me but I can't wait for some space. For my whole life I've been Scorpius Malfoy, the son of a Death Eater, and now I get to be whoever I want to be, away from my parents' watchful eyes.
My father has worked tirelessly to rebuild the family's reputation and he's been reasonably successful. He has a brilliant job at the Ministry and a wide social circle, yet I've noticed that there's always been something unsaid, hidden secrets, a buried past. I don't know the full extent of my family's crimes- I don't want to know- but I know that my father has never forgotten them. I get on fairly well with him but we have our issues. For some reason I've managed to grow up believing the opposite of the pure-blood mania he still clings to and that's driven a wedge between us.
So as I sit here now, alone in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, I know that what I'm going to will be better than what I've just left.
Suddenly the door of my compartment is slid open and two first years come in. One is a boy of average height, with shocking green eyes and a mass of unruly dark hair. The other is a girl who's so pretty I feel a bit odd, with wavy brown hair and deep blue eyes. My father pointed them out on the platform- Albus Potter and Rose Weasley. So people have come to laugh at me already then?
'Hello,' she says politely, 'Can we sit in here, there's not much room anywhere else.'
'Yes,' I mutter, they're only here to make fun of who my father is, I know it.
Rose raises her eyebrows, 'Wow, that was rude considering you don't appear to know anyone yet.'
I shrug.
Albus who has remained silent until now throws himself into a seat and says to his cousin, 'Oh, leave him alone, Rose.'
She glares at him and sits down opposite. But a moment later she's turned to me again.
'So, you're Scorpius Malfoy?'
'My father told me to beat you in every test.'
I can't help laughing, 'My father told me something similar.'
'Ah, so you understand overbearing parents as well?'
'Oh yeah. I'm dead if I'm not in Slytherin.'
Albus turns an odd greenish colour.
'Don't', he says, 'I just know I'm going to end up in Slytherin and everyone will think I'm so weird. Harry Potter's son in the Death Eater's house.'
'Well I hope I'm in Gryffindor,' interjects Rose- clearly she likes to talk- 'And I'm sure you will be as well Al.'
'I hope I am', I say quietly.
'Really?' she looks at me curiously.
I shrug, 'Maybe break my family's tradition.'
'Okay, let's stop talking about houses!' moans Al suddenly.
Rose and I laugh and I realise with a jolt that I may have just made two friends.
It turns out Al's worries were unfounded because as soon as the sorting hat touches his head it screams 'Gryffindor' just as it does for Rose. When it's my turn I hear whispers as I stumble up to the cracked stool and lift the surprisingly heavy hat onto my head. I sit there for what feels like an eternity, wondering how bad my Slytherin classmates will be, knowing how pleased my family will be. I look in the direction of the table so I'm ready to head towards it, when the brim of the hat opens and it bellows to a silent and stunned hall, 'Gryffindor!'
Well I hope you liked the first chapter :) Please please please review