Many apologies for the long wait. I've been on a sort of break-thingy. I have no other excuse then my laziness, and that isn't much of an excuse. But it's a rainy day over here (Not that that is exactly out of the ordinary) and I've nowhere to be, so maybe it's time to continue this story.

This story has sort of unintentionally drifted into Martha's POV

Martha watched sympathetically as boiling tears ran down the boy's cheeks, only to evaporate almost instantly. The boy's eyes gave off less of a glare now, settling into golden pools of shimmering sunlight. Martha couldn't think of a way to reassure him that his parents wouldn't have given up on him. For all she knew they might be very cold people (no pun intended), who couldn't care less where their eldest son had gone.

So, she did what any decent person would do in that situation, she put her arms around Xealion and held him close, rubbing his back rhythmically. He was uncomfortably hot, if it hadn't been for the dirty, old, tartan pyjamas he was wearing and the blanket wrapped around his shoulders he might have been too hot to hold, but Martha didn't care about that.

Xealion initially tensed at her touch, but then relaxed into her arms. Giving up his pride and entrusting himself to a human he had known only minutes.

"It'll be alright, I'll look after you. We'll look after you." She said softly, rocking back and forth a little. Martha began to feel very protectively of the small, bony, hot child in her arms.

She felt a feeling of comforting warmth spread through her mind, like a telepathic embrace. "Thank you, Martha Jones." Xealion's voice rippled through her thoughts.

The sound of the Tardis began to echo through the room. Martha and Xealion looked up.

"That was fast,"

"What is that noise?" Xealion murmed, his shining eyes wide.

"The Tardis," Martha smiled, "we're getting you out of here."

"A Tardis, they're Galifreyan, the transport of Time Lord's," Xealion frowned, "they are the stuff of legends. How did you get one?"

"I borrowed it from my people. I'm a Time Lord." The Doctor's eyes flickered to meet Xealion's.

"Impossible. Time Lord's aren't real. They're just an old story, derived from poems written at the beginning of time."

"So are the Liberatus," The Doctor sent him a crooked smile, "yet here we are."

The blue box fully materialised. The door swung open and River emerged, "So, what did I miss?"

"Who's that?" Xealion asked. He shuffled away from River a bit and into Martha, curling up protectively.

"Her name's River Song, it's okay, she's with us." Martha gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Well," The Doctor started, "I think I've worked out what these machines are for. Hold on." The Doctor picked up a large, metal cylinder with wires sticking out either end and sniffed it, a curious look on his face. He held it up to his ear and shook it.

"What is it Doc?" Jack asked, taking a step toward him, hands in his trouser pockets. The flaps of his long, military style coat swishing around his legs.

"Humm," The Doctor didn't look up. He stopped turning over the cylinder in his hands, lifting it up to his face dubiously. Then ran his tongue along the side of it; Martha scrunched up her nose in disgust and confusion. River rolled her eyes.

"Yep, they're transformers. Energy transformers." The Doctor said slowly, licking his lips.

"You could tell that from licking it. No offence, but I always imagined Time Lord's as ... well, more distinguished and wise." Xealion raised his eyebrows.

"I can be, when I want to." The Doctor said, taking another sniff of the transformer before putting it down.

"Energy transformers. Oh, of course," River gasped, taking a few steps toward her husband, "The Liberati can channel huge amounts of energy."

"And, if you could harness that energy you could use it to, say ... run all the TV's in the world, maybe even" The Doctor frowned, his mouth hanging open slightly, he moistened his lips, "... power an entire country." He added, wringing his hands slowly.

River shared a look with The Doctor, "Are you ... no, Britain's being powered by draining the energy off a Liberatus child."

"Ha! River, you are brilliant." The Doctor ran over to her and pressed his lips to her cheek. She smiled.

Then she continued, "An alien child, a child full of enough energy to power the country but not experienced or powerful enough to fight back. That's even worse than," She stopped "That's ..."

"Brilliant but evil." Jack cut in and summarised, "Who comes up with something like that?"

"I don't know, but I intend to find out." The Doctor clenched his jaw. He hated to see ancient species mistreated. He hated to see any species mistreated.

"Doctor," Martha's voice broke through into his thoughts, "Can we get Xealion out of here. I want to get him back to Torchwood so we can check him over."

"Sure. Xealion, nice name, very traditional name," The Doctor rambled, "I met a Xealion the incandescent once. A hundred or more years ago, he was a nice guy."

Xealion's ears pricked up, "That was my grandfather, King Xealion the fifty-sixth."

"Ah, you're a prince," The Doctor grimaced, "That makes things more complicated."

"Why? Martha said.

"Knowing the Liberatus, there'll be posters up all over the universe, reward attached to his safe return. They'll be others looking for Xealion."

"Aliens living in the sun who put up posters," Jack muttered under his breath.

"But that's good, isn't it," Martha stood up, pulling Xealion up with her, "Xealion's parents are looking for him."

"No," River said, a forlorn light in her blue eyes, "It means there are bounty hunters looking for him."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Hello, Sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Back at Torchwood:

While Martha examined Xealion in the med bay a heated discussion was taking place.

"So, we just get Xealion back to his parents as quick as possible. What's the problem?" Gwen suggested.

"Yes, we get him home quick," The Doctor agreed, pacing from in front of the computer, "But then what? Do we confront the government; find out why he was under the Prime Minister's house in the first place. You know, they are going to realise he's gone sooner or later. Where's Britain going to get its power from now?"

"Calm down, Sweetie. Looking at the energy transference rate of the transformers that were attached to Xealion I'd say they've got enough energy stored away to last at least a year. As for the government, Torchwood can deal with them."

"We can?" Ianto said.

"Yes," Jack placed a hand on Ianto's shoulder, "We can."


Hey, if any of you guys are on Tumblr, which you totally should be, then look for me: immortalriveroftime

The Doctor is my avatar.

I'm pretty new to it but I've posted stuff and people have reblogged it … which is always good. It's most River/11, Sherlock and funny gifs.