Well, it seems none of the stories I've followed are being updated anytime soon... So why don't I write a little something more. Here's what this fiction was originally supposed to be.
One Question though
Pinkie Pie bounced up and down as she followed a dirt path. She was one a mission and refused to go back to her friends. The road she hopped upon lead to a familiar cloud abode just on the outskirts of Ponyville. Of course, she was going to go see her good friend Rainbow Dash, no one else in Ponyville actually lived in a cloud house.
The fact that the rainbow mare lived in a cloud house was one of the many things that made her stand out. Honestly, how could anypony forget a pony that wasn't Celestia with rainbow hued hair. Then there was the fact that she was the best young flier, best flier in Ponyville, and arguably the best in Equestria. What else was there about her? Oh yeah, her past was unknown and assumed as pretty rough, shaping her into the mare she is today. However, no matter all the things that made her stand out, the whole rainbow thing was huge.
So many things were assumed out of her whole rainbow brite, so many things. For one thing, there were rumors that Rainbow Dash dipped her head into pools of rainbows everyday to dye to hair. There were even silly rumors about her being a decedent of a different species that specialized in rainbows... or something. Then, of course, since no one truly knew of her past, rumors of her being a child of Celestia went around as well. However, despite all these crazy rumors, there was always one rumor that connected her sexual orientation with the colors of her hair.
Now it was Pinkie Pie's job to put an end to all these rumors. She finally reached the bundle of clouds that formed a beautiful mansion.
"Oh Dashie!" Pinkie called from underneath. At that moment, the cyan pegasus in question poked her head out her little window.
"Hey, what's up Pinks," Rainbow Dash greeted.
"Can you come down here for a second," Pinkie cheerily sang.
"Sure," Dash answered as she slowly descended to ground level. "So what is it that you wanted?"
"Well I just had one teeny tiny little question to ask you," Pinkie said, using her hooves to exaggerate herself.
"Alright, shoot."
"Are you a lesbian?" Pinkie asked without fear. Rainbow Dash started for a while, then blinked, once.
"I..." she began, "don't know. I've never really had a crush or anything yet," Rainbow explained.
"Oh, well in that case," Pinkie said before placing a kiss upon Dash's lips. With that, she hopped off, leaving Dash in her wake staring. Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened, then she smirked.
Well, like I said(er, typed) before, this was originally supposed to be a little dabble. Anyway, this is what it was supposed to be like, but then I decided to add some more comedy because I'm just hilarious like that :)
I also only put this up because I got bored of watching the same crap on Disney channel o.o
Enjoy if you can :)