I really like some reviews for it. It helps me keep writing.

I am sitting next to Katniss on the bed holding her hand when she stirs. She turns her eyes on me with confusion clear in them. As our eyes meet, I try to smile but she doesn't respond. Instead her pupils begin twitching and slowly hatred begins take over the confusion.

"You are still here?" it is just a question, but the way her brows furrow, I can feel it is a warning. It is wise to leave her alone right now, instead I sit there holding her hand, smiling. Haymitch and rest of the camera crew are gone long ago, possibly Beetee has gotten the footage ready to air by now. Haymitch offered me to go with them but I insist.

"I can't leave her." I said to him. Haymitch gave me a wide eyed gaze. Even in his half drunken state he understood that I was determined in my words.

"You are a goner, boy." He shook his head, clearly disappointed "You really are."

So now I'm staying with a mad girl in a closed room completely unarmed, unprotected, and alone.

"Are you here to finish me off, Peeta?" she is repeating my words to me but there is sadness in her voice and it breaks my heart. She is much calmer than before, even she doesn't show any intention to attack me but the haunted look in her eyes tears me inside.

"No, I can't do that."

"But you are supposed to kill me, don't you? It is the game. Only one can win."

Yes. It is. We are still in game. A weird game actually. The game Capitol is playing with us, our lives , repetitively. And only one can win. But sure not with the cost of Katniss's life.

"I better die before I kill you." I try to be strong, but inside my heart is breaking and tears strings my eyes. I grab her hand that I was holding "I can never do that."

Katniss is afraid to look at my eyes. Confusion mars her and she doesn't try to hide that "But they said, you killed my child so that you can make me weak and kill me easily. And you can win the game. They show me the tapes- you are hunting me down with the carriers."

Her words slice me like a knife. They had twisted her memories about me, about us in such a way that make them almost real.

"That's not real. And if I ever have to kill you, I'll happy kill myself before that so I don't have to see your lifeless face." I take her another hand and clasp my fingers around it, so that our hands are intertwined.

This causes her to look at me with shock, tears gather at the corner of her eyes, almost threatened to fall. Slowly she pulls herself in the bed, so that she is now sitting face to face with me. She gazes into my eyes doubtfully but she doesn't try to free herself from me.

"The way you speak, that makes me to believe your words are real."

"They are real." I move closer to her. She doesn't flinch away this time. She keeps looking at me suspiciously but she doesn't stop me from doing that.

"I know what happen to you. I know how much you suffered." I whisper leaning closer "I know how you feel when you have nightmares."

Shock reads clearly in her bright eyes "You know about my nightmares?"

"Yes, I used to hold you in the trains."

"The trains…" Her eyes become distant "I thought they are just dreams."

"No, they are real."

"And the murder of my child?"

"Not real."

Tears fall freely from her eyes; she doesn't try to wipe them away. She shakes her head and gazes into my eyes "Did I've a life before the games?"

"You did." Hesitantly I raise my thumb to wipe her tears away, she doesn't stop me.

"But I…I…" She stops speaking for a moment and is trying to breathe. "I can't remember that."

I breathe slow and steady placing her hands against my heart and take slow deep breaths to try and regulate her breathing. "I'll help you to remember."

For the first time since her return I see her smiling. She looks more and more beautiful than before. She looks at my face and our gazes lock for a while. "Then tell me."

So we play a strange game called "real or not real". It is the weirdest kind of game I've ever played. Katniss asks me a question and I have to tell her if they are real or not. Mostly she asks about her life, sometimes about the games. I become astonished when I find out that Capitol has carefully wiped away all the good memories of her past and somehow replaced them with some twisted shiny thoughts. Her memory begins with the games where Mrs. Everdreen and Prim are nothing but two mutt wolves, or Gale who is a mutt hunter who hunts her down. Surely she knows about the rebellion but somehow they make her to think completely different.

"Here all of you join to burn out the districts when Capitol tries to protect them." She says at last "You killed my baby so that you can be the next Mockingjay. You envy me."

"No." I press my finger against her lips "Trust me Katniss, all of us here to save the innocent people from Capitol's deadly games. And I never want to be the next Mockingjay."

She set her big grey eyes upon me- half believing my words "You never envied me. Real or not real?"

"Not real." I reply immediately without second thought "You are our Mockingjay always."

"Can I trust you?" Her eyes are locked on mine.

"Always." I reach my hand up and brush her hair back from her eyes and lightly trace her face with both hands. She doesn't objects, even doesn't finches away. I feel her body tensing when I move to her arms and gently trace them as well. But she remains still, observing with both confusion and desire. Her look is like a curious lioness who weighs her wanna be companion with doubt and desire. "Sometimes…sometimes… I think you can't kill my baby. " she confesses. "Sometimes I think it is just a nightmare." Her confession makes her look down and I bring her chin gently back up as I stare into her beautiful eyes.

"It is a nightmare." We are now so close that I can see every freckles of her chin, the way her nose flares with each breath, the way her eyes tries to make out the real out of the haziness. I can't resist myself from touching her. And she relaxes in my touch. Her every breath leaves Goosebumps on my skin wherever it touches. I find her watching me too. I tilt her face and bring her lips nearer…she doesn't object….rather she looks curious…


The door opens and we quickly break apart to see Haymitch staring at us open mouthed. I quickly take Katniss's hand so that she doesn't attack him without any warning. But the way her body tenses, I can feel that she is waiting for the new intruder turning into another mutt or something like that.

"Aha, It seems you are well, sweetheart?" it's Haymitch who first breaks the ice "It's nice to see you two back in old form again." He gives us a lopsided smile.

But Katniss doesn't reply. Her hunter eyes are still observing him. So Haymitch decides to move his attention to me. "So boy, your propos has aired tonight. And do you know what happened- the districts up roared again, the rebels are…"

"Are you human?" Katniss's question cut Haymitch off. He gives a wide eyed look to me and then takes a step closer to her "Sure kid. You can check yourself."

I try to smile nervously when Katniss moves closer to the drunk man. Panic rushed through me when she walks closer to him but Haymitch stops me from holding her back.

"And all the people wants to see their Mocklingjay now. " He continues while Katniss's eyes train him "Plutarch says he'll make propos with her but Coin insists that you better do that."

"Why?" I know I shouldn't talk with the Mockingjay issue in front of Katniss especially when she thinks I'm the part of the conspiracy against her to take her position but I can't resist my curiosity.

"Because she has already declared you as the Mockingjay officially. But we've planned to take Katniss to the studio secretly and Plutarch will get her ready for the propos. You must help us Peeta."

"Of course, I'm in." I shake my head "All you've planned with her."

"So it's true!" Suddenly Katniss stops at her pace and moves her eyes from Haymitch to me "You are really planning against me. You are planning to make me to join in your murderous team who kill innocent people."

I feel panic overtake me. All the work, all the closeness we had shared was ripped away from me. She thought I was betraying her.

"No, Katniss. We're not murdering people. We're trying to save them from Capitol." It is Haymitch who speaks this time "Peeta is also with us. He rescued the people of district 4."

"Rebels arranged that bombing, I've seen that tape." But Katniss's looks remains unchanged. "So Capitol send me to kill Peeta there. He is a murderer. And you work with him too." She hisses taking another step closer to the old man "You helped him to kill my child. It's your entire plan."

Her eyes are clouded again. They are reflecting the dim light of the room, her muscles begin twitching and I know she is entering into another flashback episode.

"I'm actually here to take you out for the propos." Haymitch tries to reason her "Kid, you're the real Mockingjay."

"You're a mutt." Katniss hisses. And with her words all the colors drains from Haymitch's face. I know he is hurt when he loves her like his own daughter. But it's not the perfect time to deal with emotions. "Haymitch." I try to warm him. but before the words leave my mouth Katniss launches over the old man, throwing him on the floor. The liquor bottle crushes and shutters into millions of pieces.

"Sweetheart, I…" Haymitch's eyes are still soft, he can't be real angry with his favorite girl. But Katniss sits on his chest, pinning him to the floor, hissing "Mutt. You Mutt… I'll never work for you, mutt."

"Katniss, no…" I rush behind her and wrap my arms around her. But she keeps squirming. In her hand she is still holding a broken piece of glass, pointing it straight to Haymitch's throat.

Slowly I drag her away from Haymitch who still looks shocked and of course sad.

"Katniss, I…" Haymitch tries to say.

"Get out." She cries again. "You mutt. You liar."

She keeps struggling, but I hold her tight so that she can't attack Haymitch again. She squirms in my embrace. I see that her eyes are wild and she keeps looking between us carefully. I see the betrayal in her eyes. I understand how she can feel that way. The Capitol seems to have found other ways to destroy us all. I try to calm her, reassure her.

"Katniss, sweetheart, Haymitch was trying to protect both of us in the arena. He is the one who saved me and would have saved you too if the Capitol hadn't picked you up first. He is trying to save all the innocent people. He can't be the mutt."

"He is mutt." Katniss is becoming unreasonable once again. She is still shaking. I know she is in the premonitory stage of the flashback. If we can't get any medical help right now, she will be more violent.

Haymitch understood that before me because he has already called the doctor. The doctor arrives and as soon as he pulls out the needle she starts screaming. "No, stop this. No more memories." I hold her trying to calm her down. Tears courses down to my cheeks, I can't stop them. But standing at a distance I see Haymitch's eyes shining too. He keeps shaking his head saying "I'm sorry, Katniss."

He really loves the girl.

As she keeps thrashing in my arms while the doctor pushes the medicine in her veins, I keep brushing the stray hair from her eyes.

"I really wanted to trust you Peeta." She turns to look at me. "But now I understand Capitol showed me your real face. And it is so ugly." and I see hatred in the same eyes that were clouded with trust for me five minutes ago.

As she becomes unconscious a sigh rips my throat. I gather her in my arms and get up from the floor, ready to lay her out for the propos. even in the sleep she looks so haunted. Capitol destroyed her, my Katniss.

I want to cry now. But there is no time for crying.

"Peeta." It's Haymitch who moves closer and places his arm on my shoulder comfortingly "We've to get her ready for becoming Mockingjay propos before Coin knows. Will you help us?"

"I will." I say.

It's truly poor quality writing. But I'm so busy. Next chapter will be more twisted, possibly with more love-hate conflict between Peeta and Katniss and Mockingjay Propo. Can Peeta make her to shoot for the propos before Coin knows the whole plan?

Until then stay tuned.