12 years. They've been with each other for 12 long years. They have been each other's everything. Best friend, co-worker, confidant, family and all possible relationships you could think of except for one that they came so close to but chose to stay away from. Fear is what stopped them from being together. Even though they've been insanely in love with each other all this time their friendship seemed so much more important than any other feelings they have. They wanted that security to have each other and nothing would hinder that. They agreed to stay friends because they would rather have each other than bet everything on something uncertain. They both felt like there was no going back from that point if they continued to be something more.
Harvey Specter is not your typical lawyer. What made him so different from the others is the fact that he has Donna. She's one of the best things that ever happened to him. She sets him straight whenever she can and she's the only one who can call him out on his crap. Harvey was lost without her. He can't function properly without her. There's no Harvey if there's no Donna. After all, it was only her who can see the real him beneath the tough exterior.
The past couple of weeks have been rough. Donna was accused of tampering with evidence. She was fired later on. Harvey was a mess. He didn't know what to do but as usual Harvey Specter found a way to bring Donna back. Now that he has a second chance he has to make her feel even more important and he promised himself never to let her go again without putting up a fight.
Harvey was sitting in his office in a state of confusion. Yes, the great Harvey Specter is actually confused. Ever since Donna's been back it was different between them. He's been feeling a little more protective of her like she means 100 times much more now. He looked at the girl outside of his office and thought of how lucky he was for having her. How lucky he was that she sticks by him even if he has failed her a lot of times. He stood up from his chair and walked towards Donna's cubicle.
Donna goes to Harvey. It never was Harvey going to Donna. So now that he took the initiative to approach her he must really need something. Donna was typing reports like lightning when Harvey propped his elbows on top of her cubicle. He stared at her for quite some time waiting for her to look up and meet his gaze. Donna went on with what she's doing, not missing a beat of whatever it is she's typing. After q few minutes she realized Harvey wasn't going to stop unless she talks to him so she stopped typing and looked up. "What do you want?" she said with an irritated tone in her voice. As soon as that question left her lips she continued typing.
"I.. uhmm… " Harvey swallowed a lump on his throat "was wondering..if.." For the first time in his entire existence, Harvey Specter wasn't coherent and he was practically speechless. Donna abruptly stopped typing and looked at Harvey with shock on her face. "The Great Harvey Specter, speechless. Wow. I thought I'd never see the day. Whatever you're going to say to me must be really important." She laughed as she teased him in a very Donna way. Harvey rolled his eyes like it was the most natural thing he would do in a situation like this.
"Hey! I'm trying to be serious here. Listen to me." Harvey used his "boss" voice in trying to order Donna to pay attention. "How am I supposed to take you seriously when all you say is "i.. Uhm.."" she mocked the way he was stuttering amusing herself in the process. Harvey's expression turned from annoyed to very blank. "I never apologized for what happened. I'm sorry." The way Harvey delivered it stopped Donna dead on her tracks. He was sincere and real. A side of Harvey people rarely sees. She looked at him and saw the guilt and care in his eyes. After mere seconds of silence, Harvey turned around and walked towards the elevator. Donna was in a state of shock because of three things. First Harvey never admits he's wrong. Second, he never apologizes and third, he never walks out on anything or anyone. This has left Donna confused.
She went home that night to her empty apartment still wondering of what she should do with the Harvey situation. She never meant to seem so unforgiving or mean. She was just having fun plus the fact that she never thought Harvey would be so serious that day.