Hi Guys, just a story I had in my mind for a while; it's not directly linked to the story and it's not perfect but I'd thought I'd write it for Easter ^_^ Enjoy
I did this quickly so I've only proofed it once
Please also read A/N at the end regarding Constellation.
A surprise guest came to the Tragic Marker stage today, causing a fuss especially among the group especially the girls. Everyone wanted to see her however, a certain pair kept themselves distant from the commotion, the crowd to there disliking. Though they would have liked to met her, it was not something they as the Heels should have made effort for when there was a crowd.
"Did you want to have a look?" Cain asked Setsu as he caught her staring at the crowd again; she looked up at him with curious eyes.
"Its okay," she replied in a sad tone, knowing it wouldn't be in character if she said yes.
Ren could see that she was a little upset and petted her head gently, "maybe another time then, come on lets get some lunch," he tried to comfort her as they walked away to their dressing room.
A little while later
Cain was returning to his dressing room with Kyoko's favourite Flower Tea which he had purchased down the road in an attempt to cheer her up, when he heard voices coming from inside his room.
"How about a pink one Setsuka?" Nic voice was heard inside.
Nic? He must have stopped by... a pink what? Cain thought to himself as he was about to open the door.
"I think white would be nicer, it'd match the bunny ears," Setsu spoke.
Kyoko? What bunny ears? Cain stopped himself and eavesdropped some more as an image of Kyoko wearing bunny ears came to mind. He smiled at how cute she'd be.
"How about this one which stop above the thigh oh and maybe we can get a bunny tail for the outfit too," Setsu spoke with enthusiasm. Ren choked slightly as his image became more detailed, with Kyoko wearing something like a white one piece swim suit with matching bunny ears and fluffy tail.
"Wouldn't wearing a two piece be easier then if it's already that short?" Nic replied questionably, as Ren collapsed outside the door as his mind mentally erased the middle part of imaginary Kyoko's outfit making her wear a bikini outfit.
What on Earth are they going on about?! Ren cursed to himself wanting and not wanting to know the full detail of the conversation just behind the door.
"Ehhh? Wouldn't it just be like wearing underwear then?" Ren's heart nearly jumped out of his body at her words.
Torturous... Ren thought to himself as he recalled having her once sprawled beneath him in just her underwear; the idea of her in white and bunny ears added to her innocence making him want to devour her. Ah but she was objecting to the idea, Ren tried to shake the image from his mind.
"Nah I'm sure it'll be alright it has some frills, it'll be cute like this see."
"Ah hey, what are you doing?" Kyoko voice hitched as she spoke alarming Ren, "w-wait no... ah where are you touching; Nic!"
Touching! Ren got back on his feet and grabbed the door handle; had he let his guard done on who he thought was a friend.
"Ah stay still," Nic spoke coarsely as Cain swung open the door to see Nic hands by Kyoko's chest; the pair turned to the door, Kyoko's face flushed while she wore a pair of bunny ears.
"What are you doing," he hissed as he walked towards the pair, ready to hit someone when someone unexpected came into view. A small little bundle was in Kyoko/Setsu arm clawing at her top and hair and beside her were a few baby clothes.
"Ah Cain hey we came to visit," Nic spoke calmly as he slowly pried the baby's hand open to release her hold on Setsu's hair and top, throwing her hair behind her shoulder as she readjusted her top, "sorry she must be getting hungry; Setsuka leave big sis hair and clothes alone okay mommy will be back soon," Nic cooed to his baby but she began hicupping and scrunching her face wanting to cry in the confusion.
"Aww no don't cry," Setsu spoke as she bounced her gentle in her arms, making her cries lessen as she looked up at the one holding her. Cain moved closer to Kyoko catching the babies attention who seemed in awe at the strange giant who was peering down at her. Baby Setsuka babbled to him and sniffled as she looked up at him as he brought his hand closer to her; his gloves hanging loosely on his fingers he let her grab onto the material. The baby grabbed onto the material, pulling it then shaking it.
"It's fun right," Cain spoke softly as he wriggled his fingers playfully, making the baby chuckle.
"She's so cute isn't she, did you know that Nic-san gave his daughter the same name as mine," Setsu smiled as she bounced the baby in her arm making her giggle more with the added motion.
"Ah yeah I guess it slipped my mind for a bit," he replied; Ah stupid me, they were talking about the babies clothes, this Setsuka's clothes geez I've got a perverted mind; he continued to keep eye contact with the baby, an uncharacteristic smile gracing Cain Heels lips; she's so adorable... both of them are..
"You two look good together," Nic spoke out catching the Heel's attention, "with a baby I mean." Kyoko wasn't sure how to respond to his comment or why it suddenly came up but Cain turned to his face away from Kyoko and coughed lightly, personally liking the idea.
"Ah no," Setsu spoke, sinking Ren's heart thinking she objected to the idea when he turned to see the baby clawing at her top again, pulling it down and showing him a good view of her chest; the word playboy crossed his mind. "She's doing it again," Setsu whined as Nic's wife who had just returned from the bathroom came to the rescue.
"Setsuka-chan what are doing you naughty girl," she spoke as the girls passed the baby back; "mwahh," his wife went as she playfully kissed the baby.
"This is my wife Yuuna, Yuuna this is Cain," Nic introduced the pair who exchanged greetings. "I think the baby is hungry," Nic informed his wife as Setsuka seemed restless in his wife arm.
"Yes I guess she is, you hungry right," Yuuna cooed as she bounced her babysome more.
"I guess we should be leaving then, I'm sure we well exceeded or break already," Cain spoke as he got up from the seat to offer them some privacy, "you two can use this room if you like." Nic quietly thanked him as the Heel's moved to the door.
"Honey can I help you feed her," Nic whispered to his wife with an ulterior motive.
"Ah... you really want to stay with Setsuka while she's fed," Yuuna asked, pulling at her shirt enticing her husband.
"Yes," Nic replied in a deep voice as his eyes wandered to his wife's chest. His wife smiled at him and quickly turned and passed the baby to him.
"The bottles in the bag with the hot water, remember to check its not too hot before you feed it to her," Yuuna informed him quickly as she grabbed her own purse.
"Huh wa-wait where are you going?" Nic asked surprised as he found himself now holding the baby. Cain and Setsu who were just outside the door watched in curiosity at what was happening.
"It's Easter our first one as a family, I want to buy Setsuka a bunny onesie, I'll be back soon" his wife smiled as she ran out the door and passed Heels.
"You got tricked," Cain called back to Nic who only sighed.
"Yeah, it's alright though, she could have a break, guess it just be you and daddy now honey," Nic spoke as he raised her up by her underarms; he paused as a certain smell hit his nose, "oh," Nic went as Setsuka face told him what he needed to change, "what timing."
"Good luck," Cain replied understanding Nic's reaction as he turned back to Setsu and stiffened at her.
"Hmm what's wrong?" Setsu asked as he coughed again.
"Nothing," he replied as he took off the bunny ears she was still wearing, and placed it in her, "nothing at all," he repeated as he cursed the bunny which riled up his imagination.
() ()
(^x^) Happy Easter 2014
A/N: With regards to the story of Constellation, I plan to redo it again from ch5. I've redone it a few times but I'm still not happy with it so I'll probably (not sure yet) move all the chapters I'm happy with to a new Constellation and just title the current one with Incomplete.
Why I'm not happy with the current story?
1) Too much is happening; I got greedy so I need to focus. The story was focusing on too many relationships and personal problems and not really getting anywhere. I plan to cut this down and if necessary, cheat and just explain what is happening in the author notes.
2) Not much story progress; the story isn't getting anywhere. I hope shortening it will get to the important parts which I had planned, at the moment I spend alot of time brainstorming on how to reach these points in the story.
3) Senri. He is important in this story but building him up to an acceptable level of fame is taking too much effort and also his relationship with Kyoko and Ren.
4) Aria. I might cut her out completely since she's only important at the end but it will really add to the ending emotions. Will see... might just change her to a mention?
5) Closure. I tried to let Kyoko get closure for seeing Ren in the shower and wasted like 2 chapters. I'm going to pb get rid of this closure and just have Ren use it against her occasionally :P
Anyways I will see how the story goes and give a link to the new Story if I recreate it instead of replace the chapter.
Thanks for supporting me for so long guys
Love Reika ^_^