Two Months Later:

Anakin and Padme anxiously stood outside of the birth room alongside Han, Leia and Chewie as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their first grandchild. Anakin looked down at Shmi who was sleeping in his right arm as he wrapped his free arm around Padme.

At that moment, he felt another Force presence in the room ahead of him as he spoke, "She's here."

"I can sense her too," Leia stated.

Luke eagerly took his infant daughter in his arms as he stared down at her.

"Look at her Mara, she looks just like you."

Mara looked towards the small baby and found herself looking into two green eyes as she spoke, "And it looks like she's got some red hair."

Luke merely smiled at his wife in response as he kissed her forehead.

He then looked towards the midwife as he spoke, "Please let my family inside."


Luke turned to Mara as she spoke, "What should we name her?"

"What are you thinking?" Luke asked.

"I was thinking of your Mother."

"Naming her after my Mother?" Luke asked.

"She's the only Grandmother that she will ever know."

Luke nodded as he looked down at his baby, "Very well, Padme Amidala Skywalker it is."

Mara looked at her daughter with a smile as Luke rested her in her tired arms.

Mara kissed her daughter's forehead as she spoke, "Welcome to the family, Padme."

Luke smiled as he saw the doors open to reveal his Parents.

His Mother eagerly rushed towards the as she looked down at the baby.

"Can I please hold her?"

Luke smiled as Mara passed Padme to him.

He then passed Padme to her namesake.

Padme looked down at her tiny granddaughter with a smile as Anakin, Han and Leia all took places around her.

"She has your eyes Mara, and she has your hair. I think that she's going to be a little clone of you."

"What did you name her?" Padme asked.

Luke looked at Mara as she spoke, "Luke, are we going to tell her?" Mara asked.

Luke looked his Mother in the eye as he spoke, "Padme Amidala Skywalker, is going to be her name."

Padme stared down at her precious granddaughter in disbelief as Anakin spoke, "You and I certainly have a habit for giving our daughters our Mother's names."

Luke smiled at his Father as he spoke, "I think it's perfect, we have another Shmi and now we have another Padme."

Anakin smiled at his Son as he noticed Padme's teary eyes.

Padme then passed her namesake to her husband's waiting arms as Leia took Shmi.

Luke watched the scene as Leia eagerly took her place next to his Father.

Anakin smiled, "May you be as great as your namesake."

"Anakin, I would rather teach her to be humble," Padme declared.

"I think that Luke and I can always use more humility," Anakin replied.

Padme nodded in agreement as Anakin and Leia traded babies.

"Aunt Leia is going to spend a lot of time with you. Grandma and I are going to spoil you," Leia declared.

Luke shook his head as Han took his place alongside Leia, "Don't forget Uncle Han."

Leia smiled as she passed the baby towards her husband.

Han looked down at the baby as Luke spoke, "You want kids more than Leia don't you?"

"You can say that Kid. We've been talking about it, but we just wanted to have maybe a year to ourselves."

"That's a good choice," Padme commented from her seat next to Mara.

"Just have them while you both are still young enough to keep up," Anakin stated.

Han nodded in agreement as Leia spoke, "I want a boy."

"And Han probably doesn't care," Anakin commented.

"You know me too well," Han stated.

"Hey, I don't think that I cared either way and Luke was the same way. Just be grateful for whatever the Force blesses you with weather you get two boys or two girls or one of each. Either way be thankful," Anakin stated.

Luke nodded in agreement as Han stepped forward. Luke then placed baby Padme in his arms.

At that moment, the door opened to reveal Ahsoka and Kyp.

Anakin noticed a bundle of flowers in Ahsoka's arms as she spoke, "Aunt Ahsoka had to make her appearance."

"Of course she did, she's family," Luke stated.

Ahsoka nodded as Anakin looked towards Kyp, "How's the progress on your lightsaber?"

"I'm almost ready to put the crystal in."

"How much longer?" Anakin asked.

"Just today or so," Kyp replied.

"Good, I will be there tomorrow if you're ready and we will do our usual training session."

"Yes Master," Kyp replied.

"I'm taking a Padawan this week," Ahsoka stated.

"Good," Anakin replied.

"Now that Leia has completed the trials, I have to take one too," Luke stated.

"Does Leia have to take one?" Han asked.

"Most likely, and Master Ti and Galen are teaching entire classes with Yoda. I'm thinking that Luke will be doing that so that we can expand the classes."

"I'm told that the Order is growing at an astounding rate, according to Mon anyways," Padme commented.

"Come check it out tomorrow," Luke replied.

"I could probably do that during lunch," Padme replied.

Two days later:

Padme Amidala walked through the Jedi Temple with Shmi in her arms, as a young Man of around twenty walked up to her.

"Can I help you Milady?"

"I'm just fine, I know my way around."

"I understand, your husband is in the Council room if you're looking for him."

"Of course, Jedi?"

"Horn, Corran Horn is my name, I was just recruited a few months ago by Master Skywalker and your Son."

"Pleased to meet you Mr Horn," Padme replied with a smile.

Anakin stood up from his Council seat as the meeting concluded with an eager smile on his face.

Luke at the same time reached out with the Force as he understood his Father's eagerness.

At that moment, the doors hissed open as Padme walked into the room.

Luke noticed Yoda smiling as he noticed the baby that was resting in her arms.

"The meeting is over right?" Padme asked as she noticed Master Ti and Galen talking to one another.

"It's over, it was a short one," Anakin replied.

Padme nodded as Anakin reached for Shmi, "How's my baby girl doing today?"

Anakin immediately pressed his lips to Shmi's forehead as he turned towards Yoda, "Do you think that she will cause as much trouble as her Father, Master?"

"Mmmm, Unlikely, sense more of her Mother in her, I do."

"The pranks that you used to pull were the worst," Master Ti stated as she joined the group.

"They weren't that bad," Anakin replied.

"I remember walking into that one training room and just having that entire pot of syrup pouring down my face."

Luke covered his mouth in amusement as he noticed Leia joining the group.

"My Father did that?" Leia asked in disbelief as she took her place next to her Father.

"It's a lie," Anakin stated.

"Join Master Yoda and I for meditation and we will tell you some more stories."

Anakin shook his head, "How about the time that I deactivated the lights while Master Windu was in the middle of a class, back in training room four?"

"And then you got stuck doing the dinner dishes with Tru after we caught you," Master Ti added.

Anakin sighed, "Tru, I haven't thought of him in so long. I saw his lightsaber the other day when we gathered those up from the storage room. I-I wish that he had made it."

Anakin then looked towards Leia with a sad smile, "Let's go start our training."

"Ok," Leia replied.

"I'm going to the hospital to pick up Mara and Padme, today is the check out day."

"Good, take them home, and take the day off with your little family," Anakin stated.

"Ok," Luke replied.

Luke then walked out of the Temple as he noticed Galen walking at his side, "Are you heading home as well?"

"Yes, my wife and the kids should be waiting for me. Enjoy the hard nights that are ahead of you with your little one because we are long past those."

"My Father has been losing quite a bit of sleep over Shmi."

"All because he doesn't cover up his head when she cries."

"I think that part of that has to do with the fact that he raised me alone. He didn't have a wife to help him when I was a baby."

"That's true, I'm just glad that your Mother gets to raise your Sister."

"She won't have any childcare or Nanny Droids, I don't think that she wants to miss a minute."

"After all that she went through, who can blame her? I mean, look at you compared to her. You and Leia are only five years younger than her and Solo is even older than her isn't he?"

"Yes," Luke replied.

Padme watched Anakin and Leia sparring against one another with a smile, her daughter had excelled since she had started her training and Anakin was certainly helping her improve even after completing the trials to Knighthood.

After a few minutes, Leia deactivated her lightsaber as Padme noticed Kyp entering the room.

"You and Leia will spar while I supervise you both."

"Ok," Kyp replied.

Anakin then took his place alongside Padme as he wrapped his arms around her.

He looked down at Shmi with a smile before looking back towards his Daughter and Padawan.

Luke led Mara and little Padme into their apartment as he eagerly kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Is she asleep?" Luke asked.

Mara nodded as Luke reached for his daughter.

"Why don't we just lay down in our bedroom with her and watch the holonet?" Mara asked.

"That sounds perfect," Luke replied with a smile on his face.

Luke eagerly led his new family into their bedroom as Mara spoke, "We certainly are complete aren't we?"

"We are indeed," Luke replied as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

He then gave Mara a passionate kiss on the lips as he spoke, "I'm so glad that I found you."

"All thanks to the fact that your Father freed me. Force knows where I would be had he not walked into that nasty bar."

Luke gave Mara another kiss as he spoke, "I'm glad that he killed that sick bastard that owned you because I would have killed him myself if he hadn't."

Mara laughed, "I never saw such a fearful man begging for his life."

"I can imagine so," Luke replied.

"This couch is going in the apartment too Pal? How much room does Leia think that we have?" Han asked in frustration as he stared at the purple couch that Leia had ordered.

Chewie roared, "She doesn't like the one that we have, she wants you to toss it."

"Just because it came with the apartment?"

"Don't ask me cub, I don't know what her issue is," Chewie roared back.

Han shook his head as he moved towards one end of the couch.

"Alright, you take the other end we will set her upright in the elevator and get her into the apartment."

"And toss the other one," Chewie roared.

"And toss the other one," Han replied.

Two Months Later:

"R2, I'm not trying to wake Master Ani and Mistress Padme, they both were awake the entire night because of the baby. There is no need to wake them," C-3PO declared.


"My clanking won't wake them at all and my talking won't wake them, it's your constant beeps that will wake them," 3PO yelled.


"How dare you call me a stupid mindless philosopher! I will not put up with such abuse!"

Anakin listened to the argument in frustration as he heard the sound of 3PO kicking R2.

At the same time, Shmi cried as he looked towards Padme who was opening her eyes.

He looked down at Shmi who was resting in the bed between himself and Padme.

Padme glanced at him in frustration as he spoke, "I sometimes just want to dismantle those two permanently."

"You're telling me, first Shmi, and now them, it never ends," Padme stated as Shmi continued to cry.

Anakin shook his head as Padme reached for their daughter, "She seems hungry."

"Just nurse her and close your eyes, let's fall back to sleep if we can," Anakin replied.

Padme smiled in response as Anakin wrapped his right arm around her.

Luke awoke to the sound of Padme wailing as he looked down at his exhausted wife who was sleeping at his side.

He silently wrapped his arms around Padme as he looked down at her with a smile, "Come along, let your Mom sleep, I'll hold you."

As Luke wrapped his arms around his daughter she continued to cry as an all too familiar voice spoke, "She knows who's capable of feeding her and who's not."

Luke turned towards Mara who was smiling at him as she sat up.

"I'll just fall to sleep once she's nursing."

"Ok, I'm sorry that I can't exactly help in that area."

Mara merely smiled at her husband in response as laid back down next to her.

"She certainly is exhausting."

"She is that, she's my punishment for keeping my Father up as a child."

Mara giggled in response as a sad look crossed her face.

"I wonder how bad I was for my parents. I-I will never know."

"I'm sorry," Luke replied.

"Hey, I didn't have anyone until I was thirteen and now I have a family because of marriage, at least I have that. Some don't even have that."

"You have a point," Luke replied as he laid down next to Mara.

Han and Leia Solo both climbed out of their speeder with Chewbacca directly behind them, as they walked towards the elevator that would take them to Anakin and Padme's living chambers.

"Are they home?"

"My Dad is, My Mom and Shmi are still at the Senate though."

"What about the Kid and his family?"

"They are close, they will be pulling up in a few minutes," Leia replied as she stepped into the elevator with her husband.

Anakin watched as his Daughter and Son in Law entered the room followed by Chewbacca.

"You're a little early for dinner," Anakin stated.

"We just didn't want to be late," Leia replied.

Anakin nodded as Han spoke, "You look tired, you've got some circles under your eyes."

"Shmi kept us up all night, and when we were finally sleeping, 3PO and R2 started arguing right outside of our room."

Han shook his head in amusement as Han spoke, "A few hours of sleep and I just got up from my nap."

"What about Mom?" Leia asked.

"She got more sleep than I did," Anakin replied.

"Probably because you were wondering what ever possessed you to build Goldenrod."

"Maybe so Han. Want to take him home?"

"No!" Chewie roared before Han could speak.

Anakin smiled at the Wookiee in response as he looked towards his Son in Law, "The races are going, shall we watch them?"

"Turn on the holonet," Han replied.

Padme had just deactivated her computer when she turned to the sight of Mon holding Shmi in her arms.

"She's ready to go home," Mon stated with a smile.

"What are your plans for the evening?" Padme asked.

"Oh, I'm going to be joining General Rieekan and General Dodonna for dinner."

"Well, tell them that I said hello."

"I certainly will," Mon replied with a smile as she passed Shmi to the younger woman.

Padme smiled as she looked down at her baby, "I hope that her presence here doesn't bother you."

"Not at all, after losing twenty two years with your first two, you have every right to raise this one yourself and I will be dammed if I stand in your way."

"Thank you Mon, you have always been a good friend."

Mon gave Padme a firm hug and smiled back at her.

Padme then turned and headed out of the office in silence.

Luke sat down on the couch between his Father and Han as Leia and Mara sat down side by side with little Padme. He eagerly started to focus on the races as Anakin spoke, "You look rather tired."

"She certainly keeps us up, her and the days at the Temple make life rather difficult," Luke stated.

Han chuckled as Anakin spoke, "Wait until you're a Father Solo."

"I honestly can't wait. I'm just hoping that Leia will be ready soon. She just keeps saying that she doesn't want to rush."

"I want to bond with my Niece and my Baby Sister first," Leia stated as she kissed Padme on the forehead.

Han smiled as Anakin spoke, "Do you have names yet? Might as well plan."

"Not yet, but I'm sure that we will come up with something," Han stated.

"Like Han Solo Jr?" Luke asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not funny and not allowed," Leia declared.

Anakin found himself laughing as Padme entered the room with Shmi in her arms.

She eagerly walked by Mara and Leia as she looked down at her Granddaughter and namesake who was sitting in Leia's arms., "After you're done holding her bring her to me."

"Can I please see Shmi?" Mara asked.

"Of course," Padme replied as she passed her daughter to Mara.

Mara smiled as Padme walked towards Anakin and gave him a kiss on the lips as he stood up and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Padme then turned and headed for the side of the large couch that her daughter and daughter in law were occupying with the two babies.

An hour later, the entire family was gathered around a large table that was within the dining room as Anakin spoke, "Nights like this are always enjoyable."

"We should try to have three nights like this a week," Leia stated.

"Two isn't enough?" Anakin asked.

"Maybe we should host the next night at our place," Luke commented as he took a bite of his stew.

"A night at 500 Republica sounds great, the last time that we had a dinner there was great," Han commented.

"It certainly was, it makes me think of a time when life was so much different," Anakin added.

Padme smiled as she spoke, "Any night like this is a night that I will enjoy."

As the dinner concluded, Padme, Leia and Mara headed off to do the dishes as Luke heard the sound of little Padme crying from Shmi's bedroom

He eagerly stood up and headed to Shmi's crib where he noticed Padme sleeping next to her Aunt.

He reached into the crib and picked the baby up as Anakin entered the room and picked up Shmi.

The two men then walked out of the room and towards the outdoor balcony that overlooked the brightly lit city of Coruscant.

Anakin stared out into the night sky as he thought of the drastic turn his life had taken in just eight years.

He looked at Luke as he spoke, "You knew what you were doing when you ran from me on Kashyyyk."

"One of us had to do the right thing and you never grew up," Luke stated.

"Neither did you, I think becoming a Father is what made you grow up."

"And Mom and Shmi coming into your life helped you, and I would also say that Mara helped you," Luke added.

Anakin nodded in agreement as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"The Darkness owned your soul for fifteen years and it owned mine for twenty two. Now, we are both free men and we have some hard time ahead of us. We have an entire Galaxy to fight for."

"I know Father," Luke replied.

"And these little ones will be a part of it," Anakin stated as he looked at his granddaughter before looking at his own daughter.

"It makes me a little bit scared because those creatures are nothing like what I have faced in the past."

"We have to prepare for it weather you like it or not."

Luke nodded in agreement as he looked his Father in the eye one last time before looking down at his own daughter.

He noticed his Father staring down at his sister as the two men both stared into the night sky one last time.

Alright, at a long last, this fic is over. I honestly had no idea that it was going to be this lengthy and for those of you that have taken the time to read and or review, thank you for reading and reviewing. So I will be taking a two week hiatus from , maybe three weeks. During that time I will start working on the sequel but at the end of my hiatus it won't be the sequel that you will see, it will probably be another story that has nothing to do with this story, but rest assured there will be a sequel sooner or later once I'm satisfied with the material. The questions that I wouldn't mind hearing from you are things like Ben Skywalker. Do you want to see him in the Yuuzhan Vong war since Luke and Mara are married earlier than in cannon? What about The Solo family? I wasn't a fan of how Anakin Solo was killed instead of Jacen. WOuld you like to see either or none of them eliminated with the Sequel. MY AU of the Vong War will be nothing like the cannon version aside from some small things but I will tell you that the war probably won't last as long as it did in Cannon. Anyway, a little bit of input is welcome. Thank you for your time.

-Fallen Jedi 79