HELLO, Readers!

I am back for this story. Sorry it has taken so long. I've been busy with classes starting at Black Hawk College, movie from one end of town and back again. I've been thinking about some of my stories and I have decided to give some up for adoption. Not sure which ones yet but if you PM me I'm willing to work it out with you.

Thank you,


Chapter three:

Severus looked at Harry and sighed.

"Harry, I don't think now is the time to see her. The healer in change of her case just got her out of her coma as of last night. The last thing she remembers is the Dark Lord trying to kill you. You were just a baby when this happened. The headmaster is with her right now. She isn't saying much but we don't think it's a good idea for her to see you know. I'm sorry but I agree with him."

"I wanna see her though!" Harry protested.

"I know."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Severus sighed once more before standing up and heading to the hallway.

"Change into your robes. Then come out to the Living room."

"Yes, Sir." Came Harry's quiet reply.

Severus went to answer the door. Minerva and Remus were standing there in casual dress robes instead of there dress robes. Minerva looked at what Severus was wearing.

"You're not seriously wearing your teaching robes on our outing are you?" Minerva asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, Mother, I was just talking with Harry." Severus said as Harry came running into the room and came to a sliding stop in front of Minerva.

"Harrison Severus, no running in the house." Severus scolded.

"Sorry." Harry said looking at his head of house rather than his father.

"It's alright. Just be careful. I don't think your father wants to pick up off the floor after you've run into a table or the wall." Minerva said.

Harry nodded.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go change. Behave, Harry." Severus said.

Harry just nodded and went to sit on the couch. Minerva and Remus followed. They sat on either side of him.

"Why are you both here anyways?"

"We are taking you to Hogsmeade and muggle London." Remus said.

"But first we are going to have a little talk." Minerva answered.

"I want to see my mum. I know that she's in Saint Mungo's Hospital with Neville's parents." Harry said.

"I see Severus already told you part of it." Minerva said.

"What else did your father tell you?" Remus asked.

"Well, he told me that the Healer in charge of her case was able to revive her from her coma and that the Headmaster was with her and he doesn't think it's a good idea for Mum to see me right now." Harry said as Severus came into the room in black and green robes with a silver lining.

"And there are many reasons why, Harry. Lily needs to get up to speed with everything around her. She's been in a coma for thirteen years. The headmaster will let me know when she's ready to meet you again."

"Neville sees his parent's every day." Harry said.

"I know. But we need to take this one day at a time. Can you

Thank you once again for your time and patience on my stories. I hope to have at least a few updates on all my stories before the end of June. Please if you have any ideas for me let me knew. I am always open to new ideas as I write my stories.

There is a poll up for this story on what I should do with Sirius Black. Please let me know what you would be interested in.

As always, Read and Review.
