Fraternizing with the Past

A/N: Hey people. This is my very first fanfiction so please go easy on me(if anyone even reads this crap). This first chapter is more of a prologue rather than a chapter(that's why it's so short) sorry about that. I have the 2nd chapter almost finished(it's way longer by the way) and I'll post it if I get any feedback whatsoever, be it an alert, favorite, or review.













If you have any suggestions or want a pairing changed or something, let me know.

I hope it's ok...


Chapter 1

"Sulu! Let's go home!" Kirk yelled form the captain's chair as the gravitational pull warning flashed across the screen.

"Yes, sir!" Sulu managed to turn the ship around but she wasn't going anywhere the crew wanted her to go.

"Why aren't we a warp?!" Kirk demanded.

"Ve are, sir!" Chekov yelled, his fingers flying over the screen in front of him frantically.

"Kirk to engineering. Get us outta here, Scotty!" Jim yelled through the comm.

"You bet yer ass, Captain!" Scotty yelled as he ran to the nearest console to assess the situation and think of a solution to get them out of there ASAP. "Captain, we're trapped in the gravitational well! It's got us!" Scotty yelled from his place at the console.

"Go to maximum warp! Push it!" Kirk ordered, trying not to let his fear show in his voice or expression.

"I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain!" he yelled, resuming his previous running around the bowels of the ship.

"Well, all she's got isn't good enough! What else d'you got?!"

Scotty stopped running for a moment and closed his eyes in an attempt to concentrate on thinking. Hands flying towards his temples, he said, "If we eject the core and detonate, the blast should be enough to push us away! But I can't promise anything!" He opened his eyes but allowed his hands to remain in the air around chest-level.

Before the captain could say anything, the Enterprise and her crew were sucked into the black hole that would surely be the death of them all…