Hello, readers! (If there is any at all, haha.)
Not much to say, apart from a few warnings.
This fanfiction may contain some extremely depressing scenarios/situations within it, as well as depressing feelings and emotional situations. I have not written it all yet, only the first chapter. I want to see if people like it so far. (Though I am not forcing any of you to review, so you don't have to review if you don't want to.) So I apologise in advance for any lack of updates. I do have school-work to do as well as writing fanfiction, although writing fanfiction is something I tend to do late at night.
Anyway, the rating is currently 'T', although later on it may change to 'M' due to violence, language and suicidal tendancies.
This fanfiction was inspired by the song "Adam's song" by Blink182. :)
That's all I have to say, I think... -skims over what has been written- Yup.
I hope you enjoy this chapter? I have tried to make it better than the origional draft, listening to AC/DC for motivation haha.
A woman once told me that your family is full of people who love, care and adore you; and that because of these emotions they feel toward you, they would do anything in their power to protect you. I do not remember who the woman was, only that she was kind and that I believed her. It could well of been my mother, Frigga, but as I stated before - I do not remember so it could of easily been someone else. A stranger, maybe, or one of my old school teachers. All that I know is that I have lost hope in what this woman had told me, because now I know that the woman was completely wrong. Not every family is happy. Not every family gets along. Not every family respects and cares for you the way that she mentioned. Sometimes these sayings do not apply to everyone and it just so happens that this saying does not apply to me nor my family.
My brother, Thor, is dissapointed in me for choosing mischief and knowledge over playing sport and being a manwhore. He dissaproves of me because of the fact that I am physically unable to build up the muscle that he is capable of having. He is tall, very muscular, very strong and very handsome. I am tall like he is, only about an inch shorter. However, I do not have the muscle that he does. I am extremely thin and am not capable of putting on weight, let alone muscle. Thor, being the idiot he is, cannot see this; instead, he chooses to see that I do not put in the effort to stay healthy and that because of this extremely incorrect reason, I am not building up any muscle or body fat. This is not the only reason he is dissapointed in me, however, he is ashamed that I am bi-sexual and that I play pranks upon people. (Mainly his friends, because they are extremely annoying.) As well as many other reasons.
I collected myself up from my bedroom floor, stumbling over to my door and shutting it, making sure it was locked before collapsing on to the floor in front of it.
My father, Odin, is the most dissapointed of me out of all of my family. He constantly compares me to Thor, pointing out where I am supposedly wrong - where I am not 'Thor' enough for him. He is always, ALWAYS telling me how much of a failure I am, how much he loves Thor better than me, how much he loathes for me to be like Thor. In fact, he had just beaten me for back-chatting him; for stating that I am not, in fact, Thor and that I should not BE Thor just because he is proud of him and not me. He had hit me several times across the face and when I fell on to the floor he continued on to kicking my abdomen. I am more than positive that these areas will bruise, which means extreme pain, (which is why I collapsed on to the floor, as well as the fact that I am extremely exhausted) but also extreme embarrassment, harrassment and interrogation at school.
The people at school do not care for my well-being, they merely care for the fact that there may be some drama involved. Oh yes, the pathetic students CRAVE drama, they virtually live off of it. As well as gossip, bullying and getting completely drunk out of their minds.
As I was lying on the floor, shutting my eyes and wincing, trying to block out the pain; I am sure I heard my mother arguing downstairs with my father. It would not be suprising - mother and father have been arguing every day without fail for the past four years. Whenever father hits me and my mother is there, she ensures that he does not do it again. She is the only person in the past four years who has continued to show her love and care toward me. She has not gave up on me, she never fails to be proud of me. Of course, whenever I am bad, she is dissapointed - but that is to be expected. I do love and care for my mother, too. If Odin, my 'father' EVER lays a finger on her and I am there to whitness it or know of it happening, I shall kill him. She honestly deserves better than this man. He may hit me as much as he likes, but if he so much as thinks about hitting her; he shall pay.
I breathed in slowly, curling up in to a defensive ball on the floor. Today has been too much for me, my eyes stung from exhaustion and lack of sleep. I honestly did not have the energy to crawl across the room in to my bed. My nice, warm, comfy, bed. Instead, I chose to sleeping on the floor. I could not care less, not right now. Not after I got hit by my own father, several times, of which is going to bruise. I could not care when I am going to have to lie to everyone I come in contact with who asks me of the bruises tomorrow.
As the darkness took over, putting me in to a hazy sleep, I vaguely dreamed of how it used to be. Before all of the violence; before all of the arguments, disagreements and hatred. Back to when my father treated me as his son, back when Thor still treated me as his brother. Back when I was happy and had an excuse to live.