What I "Really" Think About You

Shira's P.O.V.

"Love you softie".

"Love you to kitty". And we fell asleep, him holding me with his front legs.

I woke up with a cold chill down my neck. I notice Diego was at the foot of are cave. He was deep in thought. I wanted to to go up to him, but something told me to wait, so I did. But he just stood there, thinking.

"I don't diserve any of this". He started thinking out loud. "I mean, I'v done some bad things in my past. Some things Manny and Sid don't even know about. Yet here I am, with loving friends, a herd to be exact, , a posable a family of my own soon, and the greatest mate in the world. I mean, I would do any thing for you, Shira. I if you died, I would go to the depths of hell to bring you back. Not that you would go there, you look more like an angle to me, and yet, I would dify the hevans to keep you here with me. Skerw it, I would try to kill death him-self to keep you by my side. I never want to lose you Shira. Just the thought of life without you, just rips a whole in my heart. Shira, I love you".

"Do you really mean all that". He spends around wide-eyed, but then but then smiles. I'v heard enough tears were already rolling down my checks.

"Every sentance. Every word. Every letter".

"I-I don't know what to say Diego".

"Then don't say anything". And he kisses me. I swair the kiss felt like hours, but it was only seconds. He finily pulled pack. We headed pack to are spot in the cave. I laid down, and this time he laid his full body on me. I felt so close to him. It was complete blis the rest of the night. I felt complete.