Hello! I am PhilAndKimiFTW, and this is my first Fanfic. This fic will contain a lot of Phil/Kimi, Tommy/Lil and Chuckie/Angelica. I'm sorry if you don't like my pairings, but...Oh well! Just don't read it, then. I really hope you enjoy my fic! Please review.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own RUGRATS/All Grown Up or the characters.

Angelica, Susie: 17 (Seniors)

Chuckie: 16 (Junior)

Tommy, Phil, Lil, Kimi: 15 (Sophomores)

Dil: 14 (Freshman)

Phil's P.O.V.

And we might have started singing just a little soon

We're throwing stones in a glass room

Woah, we're so miserable and stunning

Woah, love songs so genuinely cunning, woah

I quickly slam my hand against my alarm clock, causing the music to stop from blasting.

I drag myself out of bed, and walk into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower's done, I begin to dress myself with a black Sex Pistols shirt, and a white longsleeved tee shirt underneath. I also put on a pair of faded blue jeans, and sport a pair of dark blue Converse. I begin to fix my hair, from as messy as possible, to just messy enough. I look at myself in the mirror, and smirk. Yeah. I'm hot.

I go downstairs, to find Lil, and mum and dad. I see my parents wave me over to eat.

Lil's wearing a short pink skirt, which matchs the streak that she has in her hair, which is down, straightened, and reaches her chest. She also has on a pair of white high heels, and a white tank top. She's wearing a lot of pink and gold jewlery, from necklaces, to bracelets. She's extremely girly, but next to where she's sitting, I can see her bag, which holds her cleats, jersey, shorts, and new soccer ball.

Dad stops eating to ask Lil and I with a smile, "Are you two excited about your first day of being sophmores?"

Lil and I exchange a quick glance, and turn back to face our dad.

"Yeah, thrilled." I exclaim, sarcastically.

Lil's phone starts to vibrate. She checks her phone.

She lookes back at me, and says, "Phil, Chuckie's here to drive us."

"Ok." I mumble under my breath.

We say our goodbyes to our parents, grab our books, and run out the door. We then saw Chuckie leaning next to a new, silver Mazda 3.

"Woah! When did you get that, Chuck?" Lil says through her amazment.

Chuckie smiles, and says, "Yesterday. It was a present from my parents for the new school year, not to mention my perfect attendance last year."

I roll my eyes, and hop in the car. Chuckie's driving, and Tommy's sitting in the passanger's seat.

"Where's Kimi?" I ask Chuckie.

"At home. She needed extra time to get ready. She said that she had to look "perfect" for today." Chuckie answers, while rolling his eyes. "We have to go pick her up now."

Chuckie pulls into his driveway and speaks. "I'll be right back with Kimi. I have to pee."

"Too much information!" Lil and I exclaim in unison. Chuckie just shrugs, and walks into his house.

"So...you guys excited?" Tommy asks nervously.

Lil answers, "Excited? No. Nervous? Yes."

"Same here. What about you Phil?"

I don't even hear him.

"Umm.. Phil?" Tommy tries to get my attention, again. Nothing.

I'm staring at Chuckie's front door, where Kimi is standing. She's wearing a ruffled black skirt, that reaches the middle of her thigh, and a pair of black pumps, with big red bows on each side. On top, she's wearing a red crop top, where the sleeves only meet her elbow, and a black tank top underneath. Her purple hair, that normally reaches right above her belly button, is fixed in a big, messy bun, with her side bangs covering her left eye. In her hair bun, are two red chopsticks. She accessorizes her outfit with a red and black chunky bracelet. She looks stunning.

"Hellooo? Phil?" Tommy continues. Finally, he gets fed up with me, and honks Chuckie's horn, which startles me, Chuckie and Kimi, causing her to drop her purse.

"What the hell was that?!" Chuckie and I yell in unison.

Tommy shrugs, and continues by saying, "Phil, what were you staring at?"

"Nothing." I leave it at that, and look back towards Chuckie's front door. Kimi isn't there. Then, I hear a knock on my window.

"Hey!" Kimi sings with a huge smile.

"Uh, hi." I say nervously, with a half-smile.

Kimi then looks at Chuckie, and with a slightly annoyed tone, says, "Thanks for honking your horn, douchebag! I spilt my purse!"

"It wasn't me, Kimi! It was Tommy!" He whins in his defense. Kimi looks at Tommy.

"I have no idea what he's talking about." Tommy says, and then looks out his window.

When we get to school, we all begin exchanging schedules, excluding Chuckie.

"Phil! We have Science, Maths, World History, Art, and lunch together!" Kimi squels, with a smile even bigger then before.

I respond with, "Awesome! And Tommy, you have lunch with us, and workshop with me."

Tommy gives me a worried look. "Oh great. I get to have workshop with you? That doesn't sound like a good plan."

Lil and Kimi giggle, while I roll my eyes.

Lil and Kimi end up having homeroom and gym together, and lunch with Tommy and I.

Okay, so that was chapter one! Please review, and all critism is taken into consideration. If there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, please tell me, because that's annoying.

Also, the song used, which was playing on Phil's alarm clock, was The Carpal Tunnel Of Love by Fall Out Boy. Great song, great band. Check it out.