"Why isn't my baby crying, Thor?!" Tony felt his eyes begin to sting with unshed tears.
"Please, child. We need you to breathe now…" Thor said as he tried to encourage the newly-born baby while rubbing her tummy with a warm towel. He then put his mouth of the baby's nose and mouth and blew a couple of gentle breaths into the baby's lungs.
"St-Steve do something! Anything please!" Tony finally let his tears loose and he hid his face in his husband's chest as he sobbed. Jan left Tony's side to run and hug Hank. She was crying too.
"Come on young one, you have a whole life that awaits you…!" Thor continued his attempts to revive the non-breathing baby. Silence continued to fill the room…the baby still hadn't breathed its first breath. Thor stopped trying to get the babe to breathe and wrapped her in a fresh towel. He then handed her to Steve. "I…I'm ever so sorry, I tried…" Steve held his still daughter in his arms. He stroked her black hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.
"Give her to me." Steve was snapped out of his thoughts by Tony who had his arms out, obviously waiting to hold his daughter. Steve gently placed the babe into his husband's arms and Tony just sat there, looking at his baby's face. "Why…? Is it because I got cross with you while being pregnant with you? I never meant anything I said…I love you…and always will…Amane…" Suddenly the baby jerked and then…

"Sh-SHE'S ALIVE! OH MY BABY! STEVE LOOK!" Tony was still crying, however they were tears of joy as he held his crying, breathing daughter. Steve kissed his husband's forehead and then tickled his daughter's nose. Thor nearly collapsed with relief. He walked up to the proud parents and smiled.
"A new legacy has been born! I know that this baby shall one day, turn into one Earth's most trusted and powerful protectors!" Jan escaped Hanks grasp and ran up to kiss Thor on the cheek. Hank then opened the door to let Hulk and Clint in.
"C'mon in guys! Come meet the newest member of the family!" Clint and Hulk walked up to the bed in Tony and Amane were lying in.
"Er sorry about me passing out, Tony…"Clint blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Tony laughed.
"Its okay, Clint. Trust me, if I hadn't been the one trying to push something the size of a melon out of a hole smaller than an eyeball, I probably would have done the same thing."
"WHAT IS IT? A BOY. OR A GIRL?" Hulk asked rather loudly. At that point, Amane began to cry and Hulk stepped back. "SORRY…I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE IT…" Hulk said as he tried to lower his voice and looked at the floor like a sad puppy.
Steve walked up to Thor and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Its fine, Hulk, you just scared her, that's all…"
"Yes…mine and Tony's daughter Amane Stark Rogers…"