*Disclaimer: I disclaim ownership of anything from Mass Effect or Dark Souls which is property of their respective owners

AN: this is my first fanfic so it would me much appreciated if any criticism remained constructive

Many thanks to theluckyshot for being willing to work with a newbie like me and it him you should thank for this chapter being grammatically acceptable

That's all i have to say hope you enjoy the story

(Lilith pov)

The Great lord of Cinder the destroyer of dragons and creator of kingdoms, the commander of the black Knights and unarguably the most powerful of the gods; Lord Gwyn, fell to his knees in the dark shadows of the kiln of the first flame, a beautifully curved blade impaling his heart halting its desperate attempts to keep the god alive and at the hilt of the blade a small woman stood battered, burnt, and bleeding but still alive if only by the barest of margins.

'Over' the tired undead woman thought as she dragged herself toward the blade standing in the middle of the first kiln leaving her beautiful blade within the kneeling body of the great lord

'it will finally be over' she thought even as her bright red eyes threatenedto close by their own devices she dragged her tired body to the sacred blade that stood ready in the center of the first kiln, the blade that was promised to end the madness, promised to free the undead from their never ending fate.

The woman with that promise in her heart lifted her leaden hand and forced her energy into the blade causing a fire to sprout about the blade and for an instant, a perfectly peaceful moment as the woman felt the warm essence of fire flow though her making her whole again sealing her wounds and rejuvenating her body, and as it did she dared believed 'it's finally over' the thought made tears come unbidden to her eyes her fight was finally over she could finally have peace.

But before she could fully comprehend the enormity of that thought, she felt fire poor into her veins she let out a startled yelp before turning to see the source of her pain

Her eyes widened as the found her hand encompassed in flames and not the flames of chaos that the undead woman wielded with such ease no these flames were born of the power of a undead soul, her undead soul

"No," whispered Lilith as she realized her folly she had allowed her desperate hope to blind her and now she would die for it.

She had been betrayed, tricked into using herself as fuel for the age of fire and the power of the gods. The realization hurt even more than the fire crawled along her skin, the king seeker had betrayed her; the gods had used her as a pawn.

And worst of all she would not be able to save them, all of the people she had come to know and care about would not be saved.

"NO!" said the woman in a stronger voice now; she had slain gods, demons, and dragons she would not die a meaningless death as a pawn for a withered old serpent.

She grit her teeth and clamped her right hand onto its flaming opposite and willed the flames to obey, willed them to extinguish, the flames however grew unabated soon coating her entire arm and crawling across her chest and back.

The woman had seen death more times than any creature alive or otherwise should have and in this flame she could see in it her own death; she could see that this was her end after all her battles, struggles, victory's, and defeats it was going to end.

As fire consumed her body she threwher head back and yelled her defiance and anger refusing to go silently into the end as her world was burned into nothingness.

But before the darkness overtook her she heard a soft kind voice saying "worry not my Lilith, my chosen undead there is still much for you to do, but rest now there are more battles to be fought and more blood to be spilled o chosen undead." Then the tormented woman knew no more.

OWO (scene change pov Shepard) OWO

A small lonely child crawled through a cold, dark air vent trying to stifle the sobs that threatenedto choke him and trying to be deaf to the pleas of help that echoed through the air vents.

As He crawled defending himself to the desperate cries of the colonists he wished with hope so strong it could only belong to a child that it would somehow be ok, that the alliance would swoopin and save the day and that he could go back to a time before his mother had shoved him in the vent and blocked it with her own body.

But somewhere inside of him a part whichhad been forced to grow up in the span of 10 minutes knew he would never see her again or his father.

It was then that it struck him, he would truly never see his mother or father again he would never see her again he would never feel her touch again and never hear her voice or her tinkling laugh or the deep good natured grumbles of his father or their gentle teasing. That thought, that single traitorous thought was nearly enough to break the young boy's will almost sending him into uncontrollable tears, but he forced himself forward clinging to one glimmer of hope; his sister, his young and kind sister who he had promised every day since she was born to take care of. He couldn't fail now if he did his sister would be all alone. The boy seized this thought and held it with all of his might as he forced himself to be deaf to the broken screams of the colonists and continue to crawl though the vents.

The boy desperately clinging to his purpose crawled deeper into the darknessuntil finally after what seemed like an eternity he saw light, finally after all this time he had crawled through the vents he could see literally and figuratively the light at the end of the tunnel. The boy crawled with renewed vigor as he final saw the soft twilight that promised safety and an escape from the heart wrenching cries that surrounded him.

The boy collided with the prefabricated vent cover and burst through it raising an unholy racket as he tumbled to the ground, the boy gave no heed to the racket it created instead he started running, he had no direction or destination he just wanted to be as far away from this place as his young legs could carry him.

Fate however would not give the boy any such chance because even as the boy began to run a lone Batarian stood aiming his arm at the boy waiting for the capture nets software to lock onto the fleeing child.

The boy however did not realize his mistake even as the electrified net closed around him and his world filled with pain, the boy screamed as paralyzing amounts of electricity flowed throughout his entire body.

The boy fell to the cold hard dirt, darkness already encroached on his mind, as he lay there he saw his capture and to be tormentor was laughing as if the torment of a child was nothing but good sport. But something else caught his eye, a spark floating in the middle of the air next to the Batarianwhom was apparently ignorant of the spark even as it grew, and grow it did. In moments the spark had become a ball of fire, floating in mid-air in defiance of physics and common sense.

The boy found himself unable to pry his eyes off of the ball of fire especially after it began to change shape; the flames at first a indistinct blob of fury soon transformed into a distinctly female form which seemed to be held lovingly by the hottest of infernos with a fiery parody of wings sprouting from its back. The boy, the young tired boy decided it must be an angel and as he watched a faint glimmer broke off from the flaming angel and fell within the boys reach the boy closed his hand on the burning hot glimmer before finally losing the battle for consciousness.

o-o (Shepard prologue end scene change) o-o

(In limbo)

Lilith better known as the Chosen Undead was now firmly under the impression that she was dead as she looked around where she was, surrounding her on all sides was a warm cocoon of darkness that with every passing moment threatened to draw her into sleep.

Lilith felt the exhaustion of her battle settle into her bones and she felt the urge to simply curl up and not wake up for a very long time, but before Lilith could do any such thing a voice boomed through her warm cocoon. The woman attempted to curl up into a ball to ignore the voice.

"Chosen undead," the voice full of ancient power called insistently causing the small woman to snap away any thought of sleep and instead to reaching forthe blade on her hip ready to face whatever being dared disturb her.

The woman's hand closed onto the curved blades hilt, only for her hand to find nothing blinking in surprise Lilith looked dumbly at the empty sheath that was attached to her hip.

She began to panic as memories began to flythrough her mind now knowing that her blade still laid in the heart of the burntout being that had once been the lord of cinder so instead Lilith reached behind her back to where Pricilla's dagger was sheathed but was cut short as the voice continued.

"BE STILL," the voice called forcefully causing the woman to stop her attempt to arm herself and peer into the darkness surrounding her.

"Chosen undead there is much you must know and our time is short" the voice said, "I am Gwynevere, the true daughter of Gwyn not the imitation that lies in Anor Londo" The woman gave a start at this remembering the giant of a woman that she had seen in the princesses chamber. But before she could contemplate this fact information began to pour into her mind images of places the scale of which Lilith could barely contemplate knowledge that refuted whatever the chosen undead had ever known, flashes of the vastness of a galaxy and many different races and knowledge of humanity living on a scale which she could never imagine. Lilith screamed as the knowledge continued to pour into her mind until finally the pain the images stopped leaving Lilith holding her head whimpering softly but the voice continued either ignorant or uncaring of her condition.

"You are to protect the lynch pin of this universe if you fail they will all be lost, none will survive," the voice paused for a moment before saying, "You have been given the knowledge you need to survive, use it well and complete your mission"

Lilith still reeling from the knowledge poured into her mind now saw an image appear inside her consciousness a young happy boy on a grassy plain "this is your charge" explained the gods voice

Lilith pondered this picture for a moment thinking of how young the boy seemed and how happy he was and how he could ever be someone who decided the fate of the galaxy.

The voice then said, "You cannot protect the boy from what fate wills of him but you must strengthen him so he does not fail, become one of this worlds warriors, become the boys strong right arm and he will not fail." As the voice spoke these words she felt pain echo through her mind as knowledge of the warriors she must become a part of came to the forefront of her mind.

Lilith however did not take kindly to the command. The memory of her betrayal at the hands of beings she had chosen to trust was still fresh in her mind, "I will not be your pawn," whispered Lilith.

"Be silent," boomed the voice, "You would be no pawn, you would be a warrior of my cause if you succeed you will be rewarded and if you fail you will die; nothing more nothing less."

The voice concluded its booming commands leaving no room for Lilith to interrupt by saying, "Our time here is done, go now, and fulfill your mission o chosen undead"

Lilith began to stutter a response along the lines of, "How will I survive without the bonfires." From her knowledge of the universe she was going to it had no bonfires and without the Estus that bonfires created. She would hollow and turn into a soul hungry shriveled up husk of herself.

The voice paused as if she had said something utterly ridiculous before saying "I would not send you on a task without a way for you to succeed, I give you my husband's mark chosen undead it will draw Estus from the world around you into your body," even as the voice was in the process of saying this she felt a burning sensation on her hip where her Darksign had long burned marking her eternally as one of the accursed undead.

She felt a warming flow of Estusbegin to diffuse from her Darksign as the Estusstrengthened her body. She saw that the warm darkness that surrounded her began to muddle into different colors and shapes.

As the light began to diffuse around her and she felt gravity take hold pulling her to places unknown. Lilith knew what she had to do, she would become one of these N7's as they called themselves and would protect the boy and afterwards she would find the peace she had long strived for and may all beings above and below have mercy on the gods if they crossed her, for she would have none.

Lilith pulled herself from her dark thoughts as her surroundings began to resolve into greater detail she noticed three things the first of which was that she was appearing on a grassy hill that was now badly singed by something, likely her appearance, secondly that the boy that she had come here seeking lay not far from her location but the final and most important thing she noticed was that her armor, a fine creation of steel and titanite was still in the process of melting from the first flame meaning the rivets of molten metal where running down her skin causing her abhorrent amounts of agony.

Even before her feet fully touched the ground Lilith began tearing at her armor removing first her chest pieceeven before her feet hit the ground, it crashed into the ground with a thump only to be quickly followed by her gauntlets, greaves, helmet, and finally her boots.

With the burning hot armor off of Lilith's body leaving her in a simple pair of underclothes made of something that Lilith herself would rather not know about.

Lilith stood baneful blood red eyes sweeping her surroundings she stood on a slightly singed hill that was a good sixty yards from a large containing wall seemingly for defensive purposes. 'A prefabricated building, probably a colony,' the voice in her mind whispered running over the knowledge she had been given, and by her feet lay a corpse burnt beyond any recognition, but much more importantly to Lilith was the still form of a young boy laying on the grass not far from the dead body.

She made her way over to the boy, carefulto avoidstepping on her still hot armor with her bare feet, her mind pegged the boy as Jack Shepard her charge in this place, Lilith ran a critical eye over him in a search for any injuries, finding none she knelt next to the boy and gathered him in her arms.

The moment her skin made contact with his, she felt a sensation that almost made her trip and fall over, her humanity the small black sprites that resided in her chest began to flutter about in a most unusual but no unpleasant way but Lilith had other things to worry about such as her charge possibly being in mortal danger. Ignoring the sensation she began to run while carrying the young boy, she ran toward the colony, there was much she had to do before the alliance arrived she would do as the god willed but at the first hint of treachery and she would be gone.

AN: what you guys think good, bad, or ugly
please drop a review and tell me