Hello all. Long time, no talk! How are you guys? I hope you're good. Because I feel terrible.
Okay, so I pulled a pretty stupid move-I didn't mention to you guys that I posted the sequel. It's called Nothing Left to Say and I already have the fourth chapter in the works.
I completely forgot to mention it on here. I should've known. I'm an idiot. And I apologize.
Why don't I reply to that last review to make up to you guys, huh?
staaacielou - Thanks so much! I'm very proud of this first story. I never thought I'd do so well. I don't like to admit this, but I was once-pleasedon'tkillme-a TWI-HARD. And I wrote terrible fanfiction about those gay-ass, sparkly fairies weird people call vampires. So I doubted myself, considering how awful my stuff was. Thank God I deleted that account. ANYWHO! I do indeed read for grammatical errors, but it's just something I don't really care about. I really just want you guys to picture what's happening in your heads. And have I mentioned that I would LOVE IT if you guys would share what you were picturing in your heads as you read, if you picture anything at all? See, I REALLY want to be a screen write. I'd love to work with Jon Favreau and Joss Whedon on some comic-come-to-life one day. And I aspire to one day write a movie that Jensen Ackles directs, and Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, and Tom Hiddlestion all star in. I'm just saying, that would make on hell of a team. I'm also very proud of how Ellie has been turning out so far, and I actually based her off of what I wanted my relationship with my dad to be like. I'm very much a Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock and Avengers fan. I've been thinking about maybe doing a crossover with all four of these fandoms.
And here is my one and only question at the moment, guys: are you willing to read my sequel, a re-write of that God-awful Iron Man 2, in the hopes that I'll make a crossover in the end?
I know. Iron Man 2. Everyone hated it. But I loved it. SO much. And I don't care what anyone says-that shit DID help with the events leading up to The Avengers. Now you can either never read anything about Ellie ever again, or you can read the sequel and carry on my wayward sons.
Now are you going to yell allons-y or geronimo, and read the sequel?
Or are you going to have a great, Reichenbach fall?
Your choice.