Six months later
The couple was reminiscent in the pale moonlight, elbows grazing elbows, forearms resting on the cool metal of the toll bridge. They had come here one day some six months ago on a date, which struck a nostalgic conversation between them. Regina's laugh echoed with the breeze, her hair brushing past her blushing cheeks as if it was their first date all over again. It was so calming. They learned to savor their calming and peaceful moments for there was still much repair to do in Storybrooke and relationships with the people contained within it.
After stopping the trigger from destroying the town, Regina was greeted by a large hug from her son that lasted far too long for comfort, but it was worth it. She even received a hug from Ruby, an apologetic one at that for she hugged Regina so close she knocked the wind out of her, eliciting a, "oh, I'm sorry!" which was the start of something great. Regina even liked to call them friends.
David, days after the near fall of Storybrooke, went to look for Snow, since she had not been seen for sometime. He eventually found her at the cemetery, sitting rigidly on the steps of the Mills' mausoleum. He opened his mouth to apologize formally, wanting their conversation to be one of a calm stature, but Snow cut him off with her own apology.
She apologized for the further pain she had caused, and how she was sorry that her own love for him blinded her of her own family, for she risked their lives as well when trying to destroy Regina. Snow wanted it all to end, and David was glad to hear it. He couldn't wait to tell Regina what Snow told him next; how she wanted to end the constant battle between her and Regina, that, despite her now being with David, she at least wanted to become acquaintances, even friends, if she was up for it. And David, too, because she did not want to have tension between she and her (ex)husband when they still had a family beneath their wings to support.
David never told Regina this. He planned to, the next night, but when he arrived home from the station, the two were already talking it out at Regina's dining room table. He smiled, and closed the door quietly, letting them have their time that was well needed.
They were at a respectable level now, six months later, and for some reason, when David first placed his hands publicly on Regina's small baby bump at Granny's diner last week, the last thread of tension was replaced with laughter and smiles.
On the toll bridge, David stood behind Regina, his arms wrapped protectively around her, with one occupying the small bump of her stomach.
"Remember when Rumple nearly walked in on us on our picnic?" Regina recollected with a deep, exuberant laugh. David hummed a chuckle, burying his face in the crook of her neck and hugged her closer. "To be honest, he looked genuinely scared."
Regina laughed again and leaned her head back against his and let out a sigh, "I can't believe he wanted us together, after all this time."
David nodded, "you can never know what's going on in that imp's head. One day he'll want to cut your throat, the next, analyzing your true love."
Regina rolled her eyes at the thought of Rumple's fascination with her and David's true love. He let it go now, ever since Storybrooke nearly fell to pieces, because the future fragmented with love that he predicted came true, only it was much more powerful. He never questioned her actions anymore, just kept to himself and Belle. It was almost funny to say that there was peace between the puppet master and his little toy. It was a good feeling.
Regina melted into David's touch as he rubbed her belly, looking off into the glistening water. She let out a laugh a moment later, causing David to cock his head to the side, "what?"
"You're practically obsessed with my belly, dear."
"I just can't wait to see our baby."
She placed a hand over his on her stomach, "me too." They looked back off into the night sky, the faint sound of crickets bringing a melancholy feel to the atmosphere. "Do you think we'll ever go back, to our real home?" David asked.
"I think fate will decide for us," Regina said, shocked at the own words that came out of her mouth before she was even able to register what she was saying. "But I do know, right now, this feels like home."
David absorbed her words, letting them sink in and touch every string of his heart. Then, David pulled out a blindfold, one that they had used many days ago on their first date, and wrapped it around Regina's eyes.
She gasped at the touch and grabbed his wrists, "not again."
David chuckled as he tied a knot at the back of her head, "yes, again."
"You're wicked."
David bit his lip and spun her around abruptly, kissing her nose and then her lips firmly. Regina pulled back the blindfold and pushed him away from her slightly, looking deeply into his eyes. David rolled his eyes and pulled down the blindfold back over her eyes. "Hey!"
David laughed and silenced her with a kiss. She parted her lips for him to enter, moaning deeply into his mouth. She gasped when something cold slid around her finger.
"Marry me."