A female macaw entered the crate-made club with a picnic blanket serving as a roof for the first. Her parents had always said that she was too young to come to club such as these. They always warned her of the male birds just trying to subdue her to get, as her father put it, some action. A year ago, that all changed. She had isolated herself for a week after she found that both her parents had hit a high-electrical wire two miles out from where they lived. They died instantly, smelling like brunt feathers.

Jewel was a Spix's Macaw, one of the rarest birds in Rio. They were brilliant blue birds. Like her mother, her feathers were a sky blue color that reflected brilliantly under the sun. Her glistering eyes matched her feathers. Her beak was smaller than a male's beak and had a charcoal black color to it. The comparison between her and a male Spix's Macaw was just comparing her to her father. That was the only male she knew of, before he died. She was an only child. Her parents always said that they named her Jewel because she was as precious as a Jewel and rare to find.

They were right. She hadn't met any other male that she knew of. Several times, she thought she did, but it turned out to be a Lear's Macaw or a Hyacinth Macaw. She had always thought that her parents were kidding about why they named her Jewel, but when she was three years old, she figured out why.

Now, with her parents gone, she was the only one. She felt that she owed it to her parents to meet someone new and special. Her mother had always said that finding a special male would be hard, but it would be worth it at the end. Probably finding one in a club wasn't the best idea, but her options were slim. Finding someone of her own kind was hard. Finding someone of her own kind that would be special to her would be impossible.

Luckily, she wasn't alone.

"Hi, Jewel."

Jewel turned her head around and smiled.

"Hi, Celina."

During her confusion of birds looking like Spix's Macaws, Jewel meet a lot of female birds and befriended the ones she liked. Celina was a Lear Macaw with green eyes. Yellow feathers surrounded her eyes and lower part of the beak, which was usual for Lear's Macaws. Her dark ocean blue feathers were brushed smoothly, and the feathers on the top of her head were curled down, looking like a blue outline of a hair bun. She had only one relationship in her life. It was childish and lasted only for one week. She never found another relationship after that. It had been a year since her breakup, but tonight would be different. She would find someone, and if he was close enough to what she was looking for, it was good enough for her. Celina looked towards the dance floor.

"There're a lot of handsome males in the dance floor."

Jewel looked at the dance floor, which was in front of the stage that was located on the other side of the large bird-size room. She faced Celina, who was looking back at her with a smile.

"What?" asked Jewel in curiosity.

There was a short pause, and after Celina realized Jewel still didn't get it, she sighed.

"Jewel, since when have you seen a Spix's Macaw?"

Jewel shook her head.

"I know what you're saying, but-"

"Listen Jewel. You're the only Spix's Macaw I know of. If I knew of others, especially males, I would've have told you."

"Are you saying I should find another type of bird?"

Celina sighed,

"Don't take it the wrong way, but I just want you to find someone that makes you happy."

Jewel stared at Celina, processing what she said. Jewel smiled.

"Thank you, Celina."

Celina put a wing around Jewel's shoulder.

"C'mon, girl. Let's have some fun."

"Excuse me."

The two girls turned away from each other and faced a male macaw standing in front of him. He appeared very masculine; not only in appearance but also in the way he talked. He had navy blue feathers and light brown eyes. He had a different shade of yellow feathers that contrasted with the light brown color of his eyes, meaning he was a Lear's Macaw. Celina smiled.


The male grinned at her.

"Miss, can I ask what's your name?"

"Oh," blushed Celina. "It's Celina."

"Celina. You know where that name comes from. It means rose. It's a very nice name for a beautiful bird."

Celina's blush deepened.

"Th-thank you…um…"

"Oh, yeah, my name. It's Ramon."

"Oh. Hi, Ramon."

"So, Celina, would you like to dance with me?"

"Well, I-" she started, looking back at Jewel.

"It's okay, Celina," said Jewel. "You go have fun."

Celina smiled at Jewel.

"Thanks Jewel."

She faced Ramon.

"Alright. Let's go, Ramon."

The two birds left Jewel standing near the entrance. Jewel watched as Celina and the other bird disappeared into the dance floor. She wasn't worried about Celina. Jewel knew how to defend for herself when she was attacked, and Celina was the one who showed her how to defend in a fight. Jewel was highly confident Celina could define for herself.

Jewel looked around and noticed some tables. They were wooden, miniature tables made for dolls. The chairs, which were made of wood, were actually small stools since a chair with a back rest would curl-in birds' tails. She walked over to the nearest open one and sat on one of the stools. She looked at the dance floor and then looked around her, noticing she was the only one sitting down.

"I sit out like a long, yellow banana in a tree of small, green bananas."

Jewel looked back at the dance floor and then looked down at the ground.

"What am I doing?" she mumbled to herself. "I won't find a mate here. I'll just call it a night."

"Hello," someone said in an accent.

Jewel flinched at the voice and looked up. A blue bird stood indirectly beside her.

"Oh, you scared me."

"I'm…sorry, I guess. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," breathed Jewel.

Jewel was able to quickly sum up the bird's appearance. The bird was the opposite sex she was. He had dark ocean blue feathers and light yellow-orangey eyes that almost looked transparent, like November's gemstone. His feathers along his neck were not thoroughly combed, and he had a large, black beak, which was darker than her beak. She curiously looked at him. The male got nervous.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

Jewel blushed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just... What kind of bird are you?"

"I'm a Spix's Macaw last time I checked."

Jewel's eyes widened.

"A male Spix's Macaw?"

"Ye-yeah," the male answered confusedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry again. I just have never seen one before, besides my father."

"Oh. I'm new here. I come from the States."

"You're from America?" wondered Jewel.

The male nodded.

"I've lived there for some of my life. All I remember from my childhood was taken by poachers and then to a truck driver. I don't know how, but my cage fell of the truck, and the person who took care of me found me. I was lucky she helped me out, because I would've died."

Jewel narrowed her eyes.

"A human helped you out," she said dully.

The male flinched.

"Yo-you don't like them?"

Jewel shook her head.

"Not very. Because of their wires that they used to get power, my parents are dead."

The male looked down, thinking. He then looked back up to Jewel.

"Oh, I'm sorry I brought it up."

After seeing complete sorrow in his eyes, Jewel lightened her expression.

"Oh, I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm just-"

"It's okay."

Jewel smiled.

"By the way, my name is Jewel."

"Jewel? Nice to meet you. I'm B-"

"FIRE!" echoed a voice in the club.

The two Spix's Macaws looked towards the stage to see that indeed fire had appeared, and it was spreading fast. A massive crowd of birds made their way towards the exit, which was the same way they entered into the club. The male looked at Jewel in panic.

"C'mon. We need to get out of here."

Jewel shook her head.

"I can't leave. I'm here with a friend. She went dancing with some guy. I have to find her."

"Trust me, Jewel. She'll be fine. We need to-"

The blue bird was interrupted by a snapping sound from above them. He glanced up to see a piece of burning wood tearing through the thin picnic blanket. He quickly pushed Jewel aside as he jumped in the opposite direction from where he pushed her. The burning wood fell onto where they previously stood. Jewel coughed as a black cloud slowly engulfed the room. She then felt the presence of someone behind her and looked up. Celina was towering over her.

"What are you doing, Jewel?" she said in a panic tone. "We need to go."

Celina offered a wing to help Jewel off the floor. Jewel took it and quickly got to her feet. She then looked around.

"Where's the bird you were with?" asked Jewel.

"That asshole took off. Now, c'mon. Follow me."

Celina took off towards the exit. Jewel followed her, but soon her cough got the best of her. She slowed down, trying to not cough. She was only inches away from the exit, around ten to be exact. Unaware to her, a weight of burnt materials was about to go through the fabric above her. She soon heard a tear above her and looked up to see the weight of burning composites falling towards. They weren't big, but they were still deadly. Jewel knew this would be it for her, but a figure soon pushed her out of the way and out of the building.

Once safely outside, Jewel looked up to see who saved her life. The figure stood behind her, smiling down at her.

"I'm glad you're safe."

Jewel recognized her savior. It was the Spix's Macaw she met. She smiled weakly.

"Thank you..."

The smoke had really gotten to her. The male Spix's Macaw was the last thing she saw before closing her eyes and fainting.