Chapter 1

Robin's P.O.V.

It has been years since I've seen my brother. Danny and I are twins and were inseparable that is until we were adopted by different families. I went to Bruce and Danny went to the Fenton's. Now I am fulfilling my promise to him. I entered the common room of Titan's Tower with a folder and began to shift through it. There I found it, the family my twin went to. I smiled put the folder into my back pack and got up to leave. Before I did though the others walked in from the movies.

"Where are you going Robin?" Cyborg asked. "Just something I promised someone a long time ago. Don't follow me." I said. "Alright, how long will you be gone for?" Raven asked. "I'm not sure, but Cyborg is in charge until I get back." I said. "But dude!" Beast Boy said. "Beast Boy, that's enough I need to do this. I made this promise long before I became Robin, now I need to go find him." I said. I walked out the door and started heading towards Amity Park. It took a couple of days to get there on the R-cycle.

When I got there all I could see was a lot of debris and my brother in front of a ruined building. "Danny!" I yelled. He turned and looked at me and tears were streaming down his face. "Dick?" he asked. "Yeah, it's me." I said. Danny threw his arms around me and started to cry.

"I couldn't save them, just like mom and dad. Dick, I couldn't save them." Danny said. "It's okay little brother. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." I said. "God, my girlfriend and best friend were in there, I couldn't get to them in time." Danny said. "It's alright, I'll get you out of here. You can come and stay with me." I offered. "What about your family Dick?" he asked. "Danny, at the moment I live with four other teenagers and they are probably wondering why I left in such a rush." I said. Danny nodded into my shoulder and we left. He didn't even want to go and get his stuff from his house.

"Dude, where did you get the motor cycle?" Danny asked. "You would be surprised. Danny, I'm Robin from the Teen Titans, the rest don't know my name so please don't call me Dick in front of them." I said. "Alright." he said. The next couple of days we were back in Jump City and at Titan's Tower.

"Alright Danny, I want you just to walk in with me and we will surprise them together." I said. "Alright, this is going to be fun. Maybe one time we can wear each other's clothes like we used to and creep them out." Danny said. "Sounds fun, but only when we don't have any missions alright." I said. Danny nodded and we walked into the living room.

Raven's P.O.V.

The door opened up behind us and we all turned and stared seeing two Robin's. One was dressed in civilian clothes but the resemblance was uncanny. "Guys, come over here for a minute." Robin said. We gathered around the two and Beast Boy was the first to speak.

"Dude, since when did you have a clone?" BB asked. "First, I'm not a clone. I'm his twin brother." the boy said. "Chill little brother." Robin said. "You not that much older than me!" the boy said. "I am by five minutes." Robin said. "Fine, or I could just tell them the biggest secret." the boy said. "Danny, you wouldn't." Robin said. "I would, come on. I haven't seen you in seven years. I have a lot of pranks to make up for." Danny said.

"Anyway guys, this is Danny. Danny this is Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg." Robin said. "Hello Danny, please I must know. Where did you live? How did you get here? What is your favorite color? And will you be my friend?" Star asked rather quickly. "Holy, you talk fast. Let's see if I got all of that, Amity Park, Robin's motorcycle, blue and why not." Danny said. Star picked up Danny and started to hug him.

"Star, put my brother down. He can't breathe." Robin. "Sorry friend Danny." Star said putting Danny down. "She's a lot stronger than I thought." Danny said gasping. When he looked at me I felt waves of sadness roll off of him. "Don't worry you will get used to it." I said.

"So Danny, since you have blue eyes, does that mean that Robin has blue eyes?" Beast Boy asked. "Um, do I have to answer that Di- I mean Rob?" Danny asked. "Considering we are identical twins it's kind of a given wouldn't you think?" Robin asked. "So have you guys ever taken each other's place?" Beast Boy asked. "What makes you think that we haven't done that now?" Danny asked. "You haven't have you?" Beast Boy asked.

"No Beast Boy we haven't, he's just pulling your leg." Robin said. "Are you sure?" he asked. "If we did, you wouldn't know." Robin said. "Although, it would have been useful when I facing the bullies at school. I lost count how many times I got beat up or forced into a locker." Danny said. "Who did what now?" Robin asked. "No need to go all overprotective on me now bro. They are all back in Amity Park. Unless you want to go back there dressed like me and kick the living shit out of them then be my guest." Danny said.

"So how long will friend Danny be staying with us, Robin?" Star asked. "As long as he wants." Robin said. "So why were you guys separated and why is he only showing up now?" Cyborg asked. "It's something we don't want to talk about." Danny said.

"So were you guys busy while I was gone?" Robin asked. "Well just Control Freak but other than him, no." Cyborg said. "So, we have some catching up to do bro. So what do you say we go and do something?" Danny asked. "Why not, but if anything happens stay back and try not to get in the way." Robin said. "Party pooper." Danny said. "So let's go out for pizza." Robin said.

Danny's P.O.V.

We were sitting at a table at a pizza place and Beast Boy and Cyborg were arguing about what type of pizza to get. "I'm telling you veggie pizza!" Beast Boy yelled. "No, meat all the way." Cyborg said. I suddenly was reminded of Sam and Tucker. When the waiter came by I suddenly took charge of ordering.

"Are you guys ready to order?" she asked. "NO!" BB and Cyborg said. "Wait, how about a large pizza with soy cheese, half of it with veggies and the other half with meat. And another large with regular cheese and pepperoni." I said. She nodded and walked off.

"Where did you learn to order like that?" Raven asked. "My girlfriend was a vegetarian and my best friend was a meat lover. They argued worse than Cyborg and Beast Boy. Besides, the soy cheese isn't bad you might actually like it." I said. "You had a girlfriend?" Beast Boy asked. "Yeah, she kind of reminds me of Raven." I said. Tears started to come into my eyes and Dick pulled me in for a hug.

"Do you want me to tell them?" he asked. I nodded into his shoulder. "Mind you this happened moments before I found Danny. There was an explosion, his adopted family, his best friend and girlfriend were all killed in the explosion." Dick said. "Oh new friend Danny, I am so sorry for your loss." Star said. "It wasn't your fault, it was mine, I wasn't fast enough to get to them." I said.

"Dude, you really are Robin's brother. He's always blaming himself for things that weren't his fault." Beast Boy said. "Yeah Danny, I'm sure they understood that you tried your best." Raven said. "You really remind me of Sam. You both have violet eyes." I said. Raven gave me a shy smile and then behind us there was a loud explosion.

"Danny, stay here. Come on team let's go take care of the disturbance." Dick said. "But, I can help." I said. But by then they were already gone. "Well, so much for catching up." I said. Just then my ghost sense went off and I looked over to see Skulker going after my brother and the team. The waitress came by with the pizzas. "Can you take them back and keep them warm?" I asked. She nodded and I went after them. I ran after them to see them standing off with Skulker.

"Yo Skulker! Leave them alone. It's just about you and me." I yelled. "Danny, I told you to stay out of this!" Dick yelled. "Ah, ghost child. I wondered where you disappeared too." Skulker said. "You know him Danny?" Dick asked. "More than I want to. He wants my pelt as a rug or whatever." I said.

Robin's P.O.V.

"Give up now ghost child. For I, Skulker will finally have my prize after 2 years!" Skulker said. Now I was confused, why did this creep want Danny dead? Why is he calling him a ghost child? Danny isn't dead, is he? Then all of a sudden Danny looks changed drastically.

His black hair changed to white and his blue eyes changed to a glowing green. His clothes changed to a black and white suit whit the initials DP on the front. I was shocked and then he took off flying and shooting these green bolts at Skulker. What really surprised me was that his legs became a wisp exactly like a ghost.

"Dude, I didn't know that your brother could do that." Beast Boy said. "Neither did I." I said. "I'm sure he would have told you eventually." Raven said. Soon it was over and Danny landed in front of us.

"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" he asked. "Yes you do bro." I said. "The pizzas are being kept warm so we could swing by get them and go back to the Tower." Danny suggested. I nodded and we did just that and an hour later we were all sitting around the living room staring at my brother.