The first thing she knew when she woke up was, that she felt great.
She hadn´t slept likes this in a long time. Her pillow was warm and mad made relaxing sounds.
"Just like a heart" she thought not opening her eyes. The rhythm did make her sleepy again. She was about to fall asleep again, but
then she heard another sound. A warm voice that silently called her name.
It all came back. The last evening. Kiba, Hinata and...
"Sakura-chan I love you" the voice of her pillow mumbled.
She opened her eyes. There he was, a blonde boy with three whisker marks on each cheek lying on his back, just in his shirt and his boxers. She could feel his chest going up and down while he was breathing and felt his hands around her waiste. He had held her the whole night long.
He was still asleep but even in his dreams he seemed to have nothing else on his mind than her. Sakura loved his relaxed face, especially with the smile he had on it now. He really loved her and she felt save lying next to him with his arm around her waist. Even if his hand was under her top.
Normally she would've hit him for doing that even if it was his bed they shared, but now she liked it. It made her feel like she belonged to him.
"Oh boy" She thought. "He will have a heart attack when he wakes up and sees my lying here just in my panties and this lousy top. And he will have fantasies about me if i don't hit him." The last part seemed to be more like wish than what she really expected him to do.
."But then again it would be great to know that im the only thing in his mind." she thought blushing while she imagined what these fantasies would be about. In his dreams he seemed to have only on thing he liked.
"RAAAMMMEEENN, oh thanks Sakura.-chan!" he said still lost in his dreams.
"Maybe not only one thing" she shook her head and smiled at him, lifting herself from his chest.
When she thought about it, it was no surprise that he was still asleep. After what he had drunk yesterday she was more surprised that he didn't got poisoned by the alcohol, but Naruto could always take more than normal people.
"Baka" she said in a quiet voice. "you should think a bit more about yourself. There are some people who need you."
She shook her head again, then she sneaked out of his grip around her waist and left the bed, walking into the kitchen.
Narutos apartment was always warm and comfortable, thought a bit messy, but she liked it that way. It did fit to Narutos personality. She knew this rooms better than her own ones. Whenever something bad happened she had fled into this place.
"How many times have I been here to cry and being cheered up by him?" Sakura asked herself, remembering how Naruto had been always here for her.
"It was just like he did wait for me to come and bother him with my problems" she thought. Then she started to make a breakfast.
The Idiot would need something to eat to get over the hangover he would have after that night.
"Hmmm Eggs and bacon would be great. And coffee too." she thought. surprisingly Naruto had a lot of food in his Kitchen.
Sakura had expected that tea and Ramen were the only things Naruto would have. And she knew that he only had tea there for the times, when she came to visit him.
Even when she had been here a lot more than in her own apartment she never had to do anything. Naruto always made her tea and sometimes he cooked for her, saying that he had to cook anyway just to make sure she felt good.
"Im such an idiot. I shouldve said yes to a date with him a long time ago." she thought remembering how he always treated her like a godness. She could still feel where his warm Arm had been.
She continued making breakfast for the two of them. She even made some ramen. It wasnt healthy to eat ramen this early, but she just wanted him to be as happy, as she was when he was there for her. And Ramen did always do the trick.
Also she liked that taste of ramen he had when she had kissed him and so there was no point to tell him not to eat ramen. But she would make sure, that it wasnt the only food he got.
When she had finished she brought the food to the table in the livingroom, because it was the only one in the apartment. She arranged everything to look really nice. This was a present for her idiot after all and he just had to be stunned from looking at it.
She could tell that Naruto was still asleep from the silent snoring that came out of his bedroom. Also she could hear him talking in his dreams. And the things he said made her cheeks feel very warm.
"I wonder if he will get up soon?" she thought when she heard a loud knock on the door. No that was no knocking, someone tried to break down the door.
"NARUTO! Open up! Now! I'm going to beat the hell out of you!" she heard a woman scream.
Sakura ran to the door to tell that stupid person to shut up and leave HER Naruto sleep. How could someone else than her even think about scolding or threatening him. Only Sakura was allowed to do so. She would teach that person a lesson!

But as she opened the door she didn't say a word, too surprised who stood there.
"Sakura?" Tsunade asked surprised as well. "What are you doing here?"
"Uhhhmm" Oh this was embarrassing. Why hadn't she least put her pants back on before opening the door?
"And why are you just in your panties and a top?" Oh snap, how should Sakura explain that?
"You know Naruto was really sad yesterday and I..."
"You didn't do THAT with him, did you? Tsunade asked suddenly grinning at her. The curious look in the eyes of her master made Sakura´s head got red in no time.
"HELL NO! I'm not a whore." Sakura scolded her. How could Tsuande think that she was this easy to get? Even if it was Naruto, she wouldn't do "THAT" on the first night.
" But he needed some comfort and I thought it would be good for him having his girlfriend by his side."
"That explains alot." Tsunade said before realising something "Wait did you just say HIS GIRLFRIEND? Really?" The curious look transformed into a loving one.
Sakuras face was bright red when she replied: "Yes."
"Wow, that's great. You finally made up your feelings." Tsunade smiled at her. "I'm sure he is the best choice."
"Thanks. But why are you here anyways ,master? Sakura asked changing the subject.
"Well to beat the hell out of that punk for stealing my Sake."
"So thats where he got it from. I already wondered how he could get so much of it." Sakura finally understood. Naruto didn't just went to Tsunade to get a few free days yesterday.
"Did he really drink it all?" Tsunades face was shocked. "What got into him?"
"He was very depressive." Sakura answered. "But I took care of him." A proud smile appeared on Sakuras face.
"It can't be helped I guess." Tsunade said and turned around. "I´ll leave it to you to punish him to be such an Idiot."
"Thanks. I´ll try. See you, master" Sakura said and closed the door. Than she took a deep breath. God, why did Tsunade have to show up. She was like Narutos mother after all. But than again she seemed to be happy with Sakura as Narutos girlfriend.
A sight escaped her moth when Sakura went to the bedroom again. It was time for Naruto to get up
He was still asleep as if he hadn't heard Tsunade nearly destroying his frontdoor..He mumbled something about Sakura again. She didn't really understood everything, but the last words she did understand, "looks sexy on you"
Then she had an idea how to teach him a lesson. So he had naughty dreams about her? Than she would use that for his punishment.
She laid herself next to him and snuggled her head into his chest. She made sure that he would wake up from it and then pretended to be asleep.

When Naruto opened his eyes he let out a loud yawn. His dreams of Sakura being his girlfriend did drift in the right direction, but then had stopped right at the good part.
luckily she didnt know about his dreams, or else he would never have a chance to dream again.
He looked at his bed when he felt a warm body snuggling against his own and was shocked. There she was, Sakura just in a red top with pink panties, sleeping on his chest.
"What the..." he thought. Was he still dreaming?
His head really did hurt and he couldn't remember anything. At least he could not really tell if what he could remember was part of a dream or reality.
"Oh got she is so gonna kill me if she wakes up" he thought knowing, that Sakura would blame him, no matter what brought her in his bed. In his mind he started to prepare himself for the pain, that would make his headache look like a soft touch.
And he was pretty sure, that whatever she was going to do to him was way worse than training with Lee for 3 weeks. He loved her for being that strong and all, but he also didn't need to be the target of her wrath. He had learned that a long time ago: NEVER mess with Sakura.
"I have to remember fast or else im in big trouble." he thought. "No im in big trouble anyway but I have to remember before she wakes up." Trying his best not to wake her up, he thought about an good explanation for this.
Fuck? Why was he just in his shirt and his boxers? She would get the wrong ideas and think of him as a pervert.
But then he saw that she already WAS awake. Her eyes opened and she looked at him lifting her head from his chest.
"I am dead. Not even Tsunade or anyone else can save me now." He thought still not remembering the event of last night.
"Morning, big boy" Sakura said to him in a sultry tone. "Last night was great"
"It was?" asked Naruto still not knowing anything but blushing to Sakuras voice. What did happen last night? And what was with the" big boy?"
"God yes. I never thought that you could be THIS good." she said continuing her game to tease him and licked her lips. The confused look on his face made it hard not to laugh. He didn't remember anything.
"You took me just right and boy I never came like this before. It was unbelievable."

Now his face was bright red. Did she really say what he had heard? And how the fuck did this happen anyway? Sakura doing "THAT" with him?
" UhHh eh really" Naruto replied, cursing himself for not remembering. But he felt her warm body press against his one more, as she snuggled closer to him. His head was now as red as a tomato and he was sure that he would die if there would go any more blood into it.
"Yeah, I still cant believe it." Sakura said with an evil smile. Her hand slowly wandering from his chest to his stomach. She could see how he shivered by her touch. She licked her lips again. Now it was time for his punishment.
"You know it's really sad that I have to beat the hell out of you, for not holding yourself back." She looked at him with a look that could scare death himself. It was hard for her to glare at him, when his panicked face was about to make her laugh burst out.
"I told you that i didnt want to do that before, remember? I just needed a place to stay and you used that! Even thought I really enjoyed it." She took her her hand a little bit deeper than his stomach. He flinched from her actions.
His face was suddenly pale and in pure shock! He didn't remember anything. NOTHING! And now she would beat the shit out of him and he didn't even had ONE single memory of what he had ever dreamed about.
But then he heard her laugh.
"You shouldve seen your face Naruto! God what a great look." She couldn't hold herself. " You really believed me" He sighed in relief. Maybe he would live a bit longer. Then he realized
"So that was all a joke? Than why are here just in this clothes" He got red again as he looked at her perfect body.
She looked at him. "Baka! Of course it was a joke! I don't do that at the first night." An sexy smile appeared on her face. "But maybe later"
"Huh? You serious? But why? I thought..."
"Because I love you. Come on. Remember at least a bit of yesterday." She interrupted him and pouted.
"Sorry my head just hurts" He said with an apologizing look.
"Thats what you deserve for stealing Tsunades sake and getting drunk." She scolded "But right now just let me say that im your girlfriend now." That did it. He couldn't be awake. She said she was his Girlfriend. It had to be a dream.
"This is a dream right? Im still asleep?" He asked unsure and bright red again. Then he felt her lips on his and tasted cherrys.
She kissed him and he kissed back. Even if this was a dream, he would not let go of a chance to kiss her. Never in his life.
"Does it feel like a dream? She asked taking her hands to his face, looking into his blue eyes and giving him a bright smile.
" Way better than that! " he replied. "But why now? " The question had just popped up in his mind.
"Come" Sakura said grabbing his hand and taking him out of bed into the living room. "I made breakfast. You eat and i´ll explain."
"Ok" he said still not really aware of what was happening to him, but he was sure it would be ok. He was with her and that was all he needed to know.

When Sakura had finished explaining what had been last night she smiled at Naruto. He was so happy to know she cared for him that he could do nothing but smile.
"So, do you have any questions left?" She asked and was ready to anser a thousand of questions from him.
"Uhhm...yeah but I don't know..." he said and looked at the table. She could see the tense in his body and she didn't need to be a Ninja to read his body language. He was afraid of asking her.
"Just ask Naruto. I wont change anything now." she said giving him a comforting smile.
Whatever he would ask, she would say nothing but the truth to him without getting angry. He deserved that much.
"You know Sakura, I was just wondering about...uhmm" Naruto began, still being afraid of what would may happen if he asked that one question circling in his mind.
"Spit it out! I wont hit you for asking and I wont leave you either. Trust me Naruto." she said trying to destroy that fears of him.
"O..okay so sorry to ask but what about your feelings for Sasuke?" He looked at his feet not able to meet her eyes.
"Oh shit! Why? Why the fuck do I have to ask her that?" he thought after the words had left his he just be happy with her being with him?...
NO he had to know and as he thought that he turned his face to her again.
She didn't say anything to him. Just looking in his nervous face. She knew why he asked. It had always been Sasuke she had talked about and he couldn't believe that she really loved hom.
Naruto looked at her face not able to read her emotions from it. Now she would hit him, even if she had said she wouldn't. Naruto had crossed a line and knew it.
"Sorry i shouldn´t have asked you." he said cursing himself for messing up with her.
"Why are you sorry?" she asked. "I can understand that you ask." Suddenly Sakuras face was full of concern for Naruto. Their eyes met. He seemed to be surprised.
"You can?"
"Sure. It's not like I don't understand you. You fear being just a replacement for him, don't you?" He flinched at what she had said.
She could see it. Even with all his love he didn't understand it. He wanted to but it wasnt that easy for him.
"It's okay Naruto. There is nothing wrong with it. You don't want to be hurt." she said, with a sad smile.
"It's sad that you think I would do something like this but I do understand. I've always been mean to you and turned you down when Sasuke was around, didn't I?"
A small tear fell from her face when she turned her face to the table, like he did before as she remembered all she had done to him in these years.
"Sa-Sakura! I'm Sorry!" Naruto was about to stand up and take her in his arms when she stopped him by meeting looking in his eyes again.
He had to see the love in her eyes, that was the only way to convince him. She had to meet his eyes and explain. There was no other way to convince him.
"Dont be! Its true. I've been a real bitch to you in the past. And it's also true that I had a crush on Sasuke when we were younger. Theres no way to get around that."
Sakura gave him her sweetest look. He was stunned, because of all he could read in her face now. Love, sadness and most of all guilt.
"Its was always "Sasuke here" and "Sasuke there" but never about you, wasnt it?"
He just nodded to her question. It was all he could do.
"He was so cool back then. And you, the "stupid punk" never came close to him in the eyes of us girls." she giggled remembering the old Naruto and his behavior. It made her happy to remember how he cared for even in the old days.
" Maybe I really loved him then. I don't know anymore. I only know that when I confessed to him he didn't care a damn and left me on bench in the cold." She shook her head once more this morning.
She was about to cry and Naruto regretted his question a lot more than before. He just wanted to hold her and say how sorry he was for asking this stupid question. How he wished he had just believed in her words some minutes ago.
"Sakura please don't cry. You don't have to continue." He said looking at his beloved cherry blossom.
"Yes I have. You deserve to know. Dont worry Naruto the good part of the story starts in a moment." Now she wanted to explain everything to him. She wanted him to understand her like no other.
"He left and broke my heart. The cool guy had just turned me down in the worst way ever. But then you came and promised everything would be fine and you would bring him back.
You loved me and wanted me to be happy even if that meant to give up on me. Thought I did not realize it."
She took her hand and put it on his, just loving how soft it felt. Warm and soft but also strong. Like every part of Naruto.
"After you did come back really bad hurt and without him, you still promised me to do everything to bring him back and short after that you went to train with that pervert."
Naruto did not know whether the good part had started yet, but she wasnt as sad as before and that made him happy. She smiled at him and he knew he would kill to see her smile like this again.
"In these three years I had time to get over Sasuke, thought I still wanted him to be back as my friend and teammate and then you showed up in my life again. And you had changed a lot.
You were a lot more handsome, stronger and matured than ever before, but still you just wanted to see me happy. That was the first time i saw how wrong my foolish twelve-year-old me had been."
"How you were wrong?" He asked surprised. "About what?"
"About you." she now smiled at him "You werent that stupid punk that screamed for everyone's attention. You were my hero, that was always there for me." His eyes grew wide, Sakura said he was a hero? No way.
"But why did you turn me down all the times?" The question just slipped through his lips.
"Because I was to blind too see how much you loved me and too afrait that you just turn me down like Sasuke did. And so I started to tell myself that I didn't love you." she explained still looking in his blue eyes.
"But you do?" he asked his face filled with hope.
"More than anything else!" she said and leaned over the table to kiss him. Sometimes a kiss says more than anything else and she knew that.
Naruto´s heart stopped for a second before he started to kiss back. She loved him, she wanted to be with him, she was kissing him. He couldn't ask for more.
"Sakura" he said after the kiss. "I love you too and ill keep my promise to you. I´ll bring him back."
"I know you will and I´ll be right by your side Naruto. He is our friend and we have to save him from his dark ways."
"Yeah." He said. "you're right."

"So sweety, what you wanna do now, that you know that ive answered your questions and told you that I love you?" she asked while she went to his side of the table and sat down on his lap.
"Oh I could imagine one or two things" he replied with a grin before he kissed her. He wasnt like his master, but that didn't mean he hadn't assumed some qualitys of Jiraiya.
She just deepened their kiss and entered his mouth with her tongue.
After they broke apart to cath their breath Sakura smiled at him again. She had a blush on her face just like he had.
"We shouldve done that long ago!" she said licking her lips drowning in the taste of his.
"It wasnt my fault that we didn't" he said slyly grinning at her. All worries vanished from his thoughts.
"oh oh So its my fault than?" she asked him as she got into his game.
"Maybe" He said giving her a light kiss on the forehead.
"HHmmm than I have to make it up to you." she said kissing him on his cheek.
He chuckled at her actions. Taking his hands around her and rubbing her back.
"mmhhmm Naruto that feels really good." she moaned in his ear as his warm hands went up and down her spine.
"Does it?" he asked blushing from her moan. He liked this sound and wanted to hear more of it.
"Oh yes." Sakura continued moaning silent in his ears. She didnt wanted it to end, but it had to. They could continue later.
Then she broke free from his arms and went into the bedroom. Giving him another smile. She would smile a lot from now on.
"Come on Baka, get dressed. We need to go to my house to get some fresh clothes for me. And after that I want you to go shopping with me. I need some sexy outfits for my boyfriend."
He could hear her sweet voice and the message in it. She knew exactly how much he hated to go shopping. Oh she was "troublesome" like Shikamaru would say, but god, Sakura was worth everything he had to do to be with her.
"Oh I think this time im going to enjoy the shopping." he thought. "as long as she is around me." Then he got up to follow her and do whatever she wanted him to.