SOOOOOOO sorry. But I cant seem to get my chapters together for my stories. So the only way to satisfy my arges is by... you guessed it, more stories. Hope you wont be too mad.


Spencer was never one to believe in the supernatural. But we one sees facts there is no point in denying. He remembered it like it was yesterday because one does not forget the day their life was changed for the better.

Yes thats right. Who would've known that meeting a vampire would be so exciting? But Spencer didnt always see it this way. He wasnt always so happy, so carefree.

His hurt and sadness was when he had met Toby. He had met the man while walking in the park one day. Spencer was reading while he sat on a bench, and Toby ran past him. Spencer didnt notice the man, but he noticed Spencer. Toby was that kind of man, his nose always sniffed out the weak and broken. So he ran back and made his move.

He sat down on the bench, stretching and groaning at the pain in his legs. Spencer knew the man was faking. He was barley sweating. They got to talking that day and Toby was quick because what the hell he needed someone to warm his bed.

But Spencer of course didnt know this. He wasnt a mind reader after all. So when Toby asked Spencer to dinner, Spencer happily excepted. Now Spencer was always smart, but at the time, he had just gotten kicked out by his father.

And what was a 17 year old to do on the streets?

Toby was smart. He knew that a child wouldnt stay out in the cold. So he invited Spencer home.

(Four months later after the meeting)

Toby stared in the mirror as he brushed his fingers through his ear lenth, dark and straight hair then turned. Spencer was sitting between the bed and the dresser sniffling and breathing heavy. His legs brought up to his chest covering his body.

"This happens everytime, and you dont learn." Toby said low. "You should know better already then to lie to me." He took a small breath then turned towards the door. "Dont wait up." Were the last words said before the door slammed closed.

Spencer blinked and one last tear fell down his cheek before he got to his feet. He whinced when he felt the pain and he slowly and painfully lifted his t-shirt over his head. He gulped then, no matter how much he knew he didnt want to, he raised his head and looked in the mirror.

A sound escaped his mouth. He wasnt sure if it was a open mouth sniffle or a gasp at sight of the huge bruises layered over his body. He wiped his finger over the dried blood on his nose. One more sniff and he forced himself into the bathroom then into the shower then straight to bed.

When he was awaken by the sound of a door opening he looked up at the clock near the bed and saw it read 3:30am. He quickly shut his eyes when he felt the bed sag near his feet.

The touch of a hand gently squeezing his waist made him tremble.


He didnt open his eyes.

"Spencer please forgive me? I'm sorry I got so angry. I just... I dont like when other men look at you. The way that man touched you... it sickend me."
Spencer slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "Just because he kissed my hand doesnt mean I was going to sleep with him." He said low, his voice trembling.

Toby exhaled a breath. "I know. But you were hurt once before I dont want you hurt again."

Spencer shot up in bed. "Thats what you're doing!" He snapped.

Toby stared, his dark eyes seemed to be digging in Spencers soul.

Spencer gulped and shook his head. "Look at me. Look at me and tell me that you havent hurt me."

Toby turned the other way.

"I cant do this anymore." Spencer whispered. "I came to you because I wanted freedom. But I'm still trapped. The only way out-"

"You wanna leave!" Toby snapped. He stood on his feet and quickly walked over to the closet. Then pulled out a suitcase and flung it towards the bed.

Spencer barley had time to dodge it and rolled off the bed. He stood, staring as Toby pulled all his clothes out of the closet. Spencer again dodge everything that was thrown at him.

"Toby!" He dodged a shoe. "Toby stop!"

Toby turned and looked at Spencer. Spencers eyes widen. After the he didnt bother staying in the room when he saw Tobys eyes red.

Toby looked in the mirror and his brows narrowed. "Shit!" He went after Spencer.

Spencer ran down the stairs and out of the house. He didnt know what the hell Toby was but he didnt want to stay around and find out. He swung the outside door opened and ran down the stairs then out the driveway, in his thin pajama pants and t-shirt, with bare feet.

Review Please :)