Zelda's Journey

My first fanfic since… I can't remember when! Anyway before I begin, I'd like to point out a few "retcons" to the cannon and aftermath of Skyward Sword. Don't get mad at the little things I change, after all this is fanfic! ^_^ First off, this story is set post-Skyward Sword, about like a year or so after the ending of the game. My first big change is that Link and Zelda travel between Skyloft and the Surface freely, as opposed to the epilogue of the game, which implies that they both stayed on the surface for good. Also at the end of the game, Fi is sealed away in the Master Sword to enter a "sleep without end", but in my little tale here, that did not happen and Link still uses the Master Sword, because I think Fi is awesome . Finally though the game leaves this one open to theory, it could be assumed that Ghirahim was destroyed when Demise was, but no one knows for sure, so he's going to the be the main antagonist of this story because he is FABULOUS and one of the funniest Zelda villains evah! Other than that not much has changed, oh and by the way, there's going to be some adorable Zelda/Link shipping in this, one of the cutest pairings in any video game :D. So now that my overly-long exposition is over, let's dive into it!

A slight warm breeze whipped through the lush grass and trees of the forest. The sun cast a golden glow over the area as it began its descent across the magnificent blue sky. Two figures made their way through these picturesque woods, a young man and a young woman, both around the same age.

The couple had known each other since they were very young, and had been the best of friends since before they could even remember. However the two of them where far from ordinary people, as they had both had great destinies thrust upon them. Born and raised in the land of Skyloft, a floating isle hanging high above the clouds, they had both lived simple lives until the fateful day that density called to both of them.

It began with the young woman, named Zelda, being tossed from the safety of the sky that she had always known, to the wild unknown of the surface world below. The young man, Link, immediately answered the call to search for his close friend, and using an ancient sword left on Skyloft by the goddess Hylia, descended to the surface to find her.

After much fighting and searching, the heroic young man managed to locate Zelda. She then revealed both of their destinies bestowed upon them by the goddess. Zelda was in fact, the mortal reincarnation of Hylia, who had sealed away a great evil known as Demise, ages before Link and Zelda were born. However the seal had been weakening, and so to keep Demise sealed, Zelda sealed herself in a deep sleep, tasking Link with finding the Triforce, a golden relic of unparalleled power created by the gods of old, and use it to defeat Demise once and for all.

Link successfully managed to eradicate Demise and Zelda awoke from her slumber. Since peace had returned to the surface, the two of them decided to watch over the land and the Triforce. However, every night as the sun sank over the hills of the land, the two of them would return to their home in the sky for the night, and make their way back to the surface for more exploring in the mornings.

And so Link and Zelda walked through the forest known as Faron Woods looking for a Bird Statue to ascend to the sky with as the sun already hung low in the sky. This routine suited them well as it allowed them to spend their days in the quiet serenity of the land that had been untouched by human hands for generations, spending time with one another and would have them back in the safety of Skyloft with their friends and family by sunset each night. By the time they found a bird statue and arrived in the sky once more, the sun was already gone from the sky, replaced by the mixed colors of dusk. Luckily there was still enough light for both them and their companions birds known as Loftwings to find their way back to Skyloft's main island for the night.

As they were gliding on the backs of their birds through the warm evening sky, Zelda called out to Link in the rushing wind. "Hey Link!" She said, a smile crossing her face. "You remember what tomorrow is… right?"

A comical smile came across Link's face as he responded, "Hm, let me think…" After a second or two he shrugged. "I can't seem to think of anything important happening tomorrow."

Zelda rolled her eyes and laughed, sensing that he was joking. Leaping gracefully from their Loftwings, the two landed in Skyloft's main plaza, just as the nightly torches were being lit. "Don't play dumb," she said, giving him a good natured punch on the arm. "Tomorrow's my birthday silly!"

"Oh right!" Link said, though he already knew. "Well then it's a good thing I got you an amazing present."

"Really?" Zelda's eyes lit up. "What is it?!"

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see," he said as he began to walk back to Skyloft's prestigious knight academy, where the two of them stayed at night. On the day the Zelda had been swept down to the surface, Link became an official knight of Skyloft, receiving a traditional knight's uniform and moving onto the senior class at the academy. However neither one of them had really attended any classes since the incident, as their days were preoccupied with exploring the surface world. This was pardoned though, considering that Zelda's father, Gaepora was the headmaster of the academy.

Zelda followed right behind him along the path leading to the academy. "Well I bet it's just wonderful," she said, flashing him a quick wink. "By the way Link, I was wondering if we could maybe spend the day here in Skyloft instead of going to the surface. My father said he actually wants me to be around on my birthday and you and I could spend the afternoon flying. What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me, Zelda," Link said.

"Perfect!" Zelda smiled. "Now come on! We're going to be late for dinner again if you don't hurry it up!"

After a filling dinner and chatting with friends, it soon was time for the residents of the academy to retire to bed, including Link and Zelda. As with every night, Link would escort Zelda to her room on the second floor of the academy like a gentleman.

"See in the morning Link," Zelda said as she opened her door.

"See you in the morning," Link said. "Oh, and happy early birthday!"

Zelda giggled. "Thanks. Good night." With one last smile, she closed the door behind her.

However the second that Zelda's door closed, Link's relaxed smile quickly turned to a frown as he went down stairs to his own room. Placing his trusted blade that he used to defeat Demise with, the Master Sword, by his desk the young man sat on his bed, taking in a deep sigh.

Just then, the hilt of the Master Sword began to glow a light blue color, not a rare occasion, but simply a sign that the spirit that dwelled within the sword, Fi, was stirring. Fi was an emotionless, calculating being, created with one task and one task alone: to aid the goddess' chosen hero. Fi would refer to Link as "Master", and with her vast knowledge of the world, had proved to be an invaluable ally in Link's search for Zelda. Even after that great journey was over, Fi often granted Link advice as he and Zelda excavated the surface realm.

The spirit of the sword emerged from her vessel, as she often did when she had something of importance to report to Link. "Greetings Master Link," she spoke in her robotic tone.

"Oh, Hi Fi," Link said. "Hey can I ask you something?"

"You may ask me anything Master," Fi replied respectfully.

"Well tomorrow is Zelda's birthday," Link began. "And I forgot to get her a birthday present. What's worse is that I told her I had gotten her something amazing. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Master I apologize for my little knowledge of your human customs and celebrations," Fi stated. "However, I believe that my sensors have indicated an interesting phenomenon currently occurring on the surface that may apply to your current situation."

"Really?" Link sat up. "What is it?"

"My sensors indicate that a rare precious stone known as goddess diamond has appeared in the Eldin region a few hours ago," Fi reported. "According to legend, it only appears once every hundred years. It is luminescent, highly valuable and extremely rare. It is considered a priceless treasure among many surface dwellers."

"Of course!" Link proclaimed standing. "If I can get some of that, it will make and amazing gift for Zelda! How long is it going to be there, Fi?"

"There is a 70% chance that the goddess diamonds will vanish with the rising of the sun," Fi deduced.

"Well then we have to go to Eldin right away!" Link said, gathering his gear.

"Master I would not advise flying at night," Fi warned. "Your Loftwing is not equipped to fly in the dark. Also there is a high probability that the dangers of the surface increase dramatically at night."

"But Fi," Link said, his impulse getting the better of him. "I have to get Zelda something! She's my-" He stopped suddenly but then continued, clearly wanting to say something other than: "my… best friend… Anyway, we'll be back before anyone even notices that we're gone! Now come on Fi! We're running out of time."

Fi paused for a moment before replying. "Very well Master Link. Let us leave at your leisure."

Link nodded as Fi returned to the sword. After gathering the last of his gear, Link slipped out of the academy unnoticed silently promising to making it back before the first rays of the sun appeared in Skyloft's vast skies with the perfect present for Zelda.

Sorry for all the exposition! I'm trying to do as little of that as possible with this story, unlike some of my other ones :) So anyway I'll try to update on a regular basis! :D