(Amy POV)

I finallly finished putting all of my things into a moving van. I hadn't seen Shadow since I told him I was moving out. I think I hurt his feelings. Oh well. Suddenly he appeared, speeding dow the lane on his mothercycle.

"You're sure I can't convince you to stay?" Shadow asked with sad eyes.

"I'm sure." I looked down at my feet.

"Where are you gonna go?"

"Well, um..." I looked to the driver of thye truck. Sonic hopped out and smiled. Shadow's jaw fell.

"Shadow, please." I held him back when he attempted to attack him. He turned to me for an explaination. "I love him. I always have. I'm stronger now. It'll be okay."

Without a word he sprinted inside. That was the last time I ever saw my real hero, Shadow the Hedgehog.


(3rd party POV)

Amy sat alone at the table, reading the news on her laptop. One article in particular caught her eye.


Last night the body of Shadow the Hedgehog was found hanging from the rafters of his home. He left a suicide note, approved to be printed here:

I won't regret this. It'll be better with me out of the picture. If someone is reading this, and I'm sure at one point they will, I hope they show this to her. I want to tell her I love her. I love her and I'm sorry. This had to be done, because I know I would have killed him. I had to kill someone, and if not myself I would always have been him. My dearest, loveliest Amy, at least this way I'm not hurting anyone but myself.

The ebony hedgehog was ...

Amy couldn't read anymore. "You're wrong, Shadow." A silent tear rolled down her cheek. "You aren't hurting just yourself. You're hurting me."

Sonic came home that night so find Amy lying on the couch crying.

"What's wrong?"

Amy sat up and looked into his eyes. "This wouldn't have happened if he's just let you kill me like you would have anyways."

"...Amy?" Sonic tried to reach for her.

"No!" She had purple streak all down her eyes. "I have to fix this." She ran to the kitchen and dug bleach out of the cupboard beneath the sink.

"Amy, please don't-"

Before Sonic could futher object she drank it, all of it, and started to vomit. Before Sonic could reister anything she was dead, and he sank to his knees. In the end, Sonic had nothing left.