Wohoo, first one shot, sooner then I expected.

Thought what better place to start than at the beginning. hope you enjoy

Nervously Steve tapped his heel up and down from his position on one of the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room.

He'd tried to relax, really, he knew after all that this could take a lot of time, but more then leaning against the back of the chair with crossed arms was just not possible at the moment, and they were already here about an hour.

He watched Howard pace relentlessly up und down the whole room they were thankfully alone in.

"It's too early." The genius muttered for probably the 20th time, and Steve couldn't help but feel a bit bad. Hadn't he been asked to come so his friend wouldn't have to wait here alone for the news of his family? To calm him down so he wouldn't drive himself crazy?

Problem was, he didn't know what to say to calm the other man. He could talk to Soldiers in dire situations, but this? This was out of his league.

To be honest, he hadn't even expected to be here for the big event. Tomorrow, he glanced at his watch, later today he was supposed to fly out to another mission and that's why he should have been far away when the new Stark family member would greet the world.

Yet, at around 2300 his phone had rung and Jarvis, the butler of the Starks, had asked him if he was able to spare the time to join Mr Stark at the hospital. So here he was.

Don't get him wrong, he was glad he could be here, really, as long as the baby was alright he was happy the it came now, but well, he hadn't expected it, is all.

"Don't worry Howard, it's not too much early. Probably just too impatient, just like the father, to wait any longer." He tried to lighten his friend up, and he even got a little smile.

"Yeah, we Starks were never known for our patience."

"Except when you are working."

"Yes," Howard actually laughed, "except then."

Right, now that the inventor stopped pacing, he tried to still his own twitchiness to portray calmness and asked him to at least sit down for a bit, which Howard did finally with a sigh.

"Think it will take much longer?"

Steve nodded, "Probably. Heard a birth can take a while." He knew Howard knew that. "Good things take time, right." He smiled.

"Right." Howard smiled fondly.

And so they kept waiting. Howard soon started to pace again, and Steve just sat. He prayed that the newborn would be healthy. Not sickly, like he had been. Before.

The Captain could understand Howard's anxiousness. It wasn't Steve's child to be born, not even really his family and yet he couldn't help but feel excited. He had never been around a baby before. Will it be a boy or a girl? He would be ok either way…well ok, he does have problems communicating with dames, but he was getting better! And it would be a little dame, so he will be ok. But what if he sucked with children in general?

Steve sighed, all those thoughts weren't really helping. He let his gaze travel around the room, searching for a distraction or a topic for a conversation. No such luck. To be frank, the room was pretty boring. Why hadn't he brought something to read? Or a game to pass the time with the soon-to-be father? Yeah, right, like either of them could concentrate on an idle game right now. If he felt way to nervous for something like that, then the scientist must be so much worse.

He hoped it wouldn't take too much longer, he was eager to see the new Stark. Steve wouldn't want to intrude to the family moment then, but a little glance would be ok, right? Howard had asked for him to come after all, so surely he wouldn't mind.

Or was it really only Jarvis who wanted him to come? No, Howard had looked a bit relieved when he came…at least he thought so. Yes, the genius was sometimes hard to read, but Steve was sure he regarded the Captain as a friend.

Steve didn't have many. Friends, that is. There was Bucky, his best friend, Peggy his…well still his friend, but maybe some time more? And there was Howard. The problem was he saw them so rarely. He was travelling around a lot, Peggy and Bucky, too, and Howard was working a lot. So there was never enough time. And it's not like he was lonely or something, but they were kind of all he has, his, little family maybe? Maybe the child would fit right in there somewhere.


Oh! Steve looked up to see Howard right in front of him, looking at him expectantly.

"Yeah? Sorry was lost in thoughts."

"Yes, I've noticed. Listen I wanted to ask you something. Uh, I wanted to know if…"

"Mr Stark?"

Both turned to the door at once when they heard the female voice interrupting them. There stood a Nurse with a smile that set them immediately at ease.

Howard went up to her when she continued to speak kindly. "Congratulations Mr Stark, it's a boy. Both he and the mother are well."

"A boy." Never before had Steve heard his friend so in awe and he couldn't keep the happy grin from his face.

"Steve, it's a boy!" Howard turned to him with sparkling eyes.

"Yes, I've heard. Congratulations." He went over to pat him on the shoulder and was surprised when the inventor pulled him in a quick hug. "A boy!"

The Nurse grinned at the euphoria. "If you'd follow me, your wife is asking for you and I'm sure you want to meet your child."

"Yes, yes of course! Let's go."

Steve watched as the women led his friend away, unsure of what to do now. He really wanted to see the youngest Stark member, but maybe he should wait until he returned from his next mission. This should really be a fam…

"Steven!" Howard got his attention from where he was about to vanish in a room. "You wait there a second. Don't go anywhere, you got me, soldier?"

That answered his question. "Yeah, no. I wasn't planning on going anywhere." He reassured and waved the man away. "Go on, I'll be right here."

"Good." And then the door closed, so there he was again. Waiting. He ran a hand trough his blond hair and now, he began to pace.

Up and down, up and down. 'oh god, he was going to meet the baby now…soon'. Up and down. 'Oh god, what if the little one didn't like him? Nah, a new born couldn't decide something like that now, could it?'. And up and down, up and down. 'Oh god, what if he broke the boy? Argh no, this is getting ridicules Rogers!' He went trough his hair again. 'Take a breath, and sit down!' he sat down, hands in his pockets and his foot automatically began to tap up and down.

Absentmindedly, he started to hum a melody and it took him a while to notice that it was the song that had always been running when he went on stage. Blushing, he quickly stopped and remained silent until Howard called for him, finally, after, oh only 20 minutes.

"Steve. Come on, come on." He was waved to the door.

In the room, Howard stood beside the only bed with Maria lying in it. She looked pale, exhausted, so so tired but also very content.

And in her arms there he was, bundled up and surprisingly quiet. The new born Stark heir.

Steve stayed unsure for a moment at the door, but when Maria gave him an encouraging smile, he made his way over.

"Hey." Steve whispered, quiet so as not to startle the baby, and put a hand on the women's shoulder but couldn't move his eyes from the newborn in awe. "He, uh…" forcing himself to look at the mother he grinned. "Congratulations Maria, he's beautiful."

"Thank you, Steve." Her face, even tired, beamed in happiness. "Do you want to hold him?"

"Oh no." The Captain declared quickly. The boy looked way too…too fragile. He didn't want to hurt him or anything. Didn't even know how to hold a baby. "No, he, uh, he looks really comfy there in your arms." He rambled on. "Probably really tired and all. It's fine."

"Nonsense." Howard claimed from the other side of the bed and carefully but confidently, took his new son in his arms. Steve wondered where he had learned that, he didn't know the man had experience with children. Or did it just come natural when you become a father?

"Here Soldier, look how I'm holding him." Howard said suddenly right beside him.

Ok, right. He was Captain America, he could hold a baby. He swiped his suddenly slightly sweaty hands on his pants and then brought his arm in position, so Howard could carefully place his child in Steve's hold. "Watch the head." The father instructed unnecessarily, since Steve already got it covered, and stepped back.

Careful, not to hold too tight or too loose, he finally looked down and it was like seeing him for the first time now. He looked so tiny in his muscular arms, starring at him with big, round eyes, blinking tiredly. One little hand lying easily on the small chest while he was shoving the other halfway in his mouth, drooling all over it.

Maybe Steve should be disgusted but, damn if this wasn't the cutest thing he had ever seen. He couldn't keep the silly grin from his face when he looked up at the parents.

"He's perfect." He breathed.

"He is." Howard had a similar grin on his face when he stroked a finger gently over the babies forehead. "Steve, meet Anthony Edward Stark." He introduced proudly.

"Anthony Edward Stark" Steve repeated softly and lowered his gaze back to the infant. A strong name, fitting for a Stark, but it sounded so long for such a little being. "Tony."

He looked up when he heard the soft laugh from the bed and realized he had talked out loud.

"Yes," Maria confirmed, "Or just plain Tony. Have you decided yet, Steve?"

At the confusion on his face the new mother narrowed her eyes.

"Decided what?" the Captain asked, but her attention had already focused on her husband.

"You didn't ask him." It wasn't a question, and Steve looked up at Howard as well, careful to keep his hold steady.

"Asked me what?"

"I was just about to." He the accused father defended himself to his wife and then looked at Steve with a serious expression, making him slightly nervous.

"Asked me what?" he tried again.

"Steven," Howard began, "I- we would like to know if…well, if you'd do us the honour of becoming Anthony's Godfather."

Godfather? Had he heard right?

"I…" Steve looked down at the boy, still remarkably silent and calm, who was now tapping his wet hand on Steve's shirt, up to the hopeful looking Howard and the smiling Maria. "I-I…are you sure? I thought, maybe you'd wanted, you know, your friend…Obadiah, was it? I would have expected you to…you know… ask him?" what was he talking? Maybe they had asked him and he'd declined or something. It really wasn't his business. "I mean…he…I…are you sure?"

"Aw, no." Howard answered easily, not looking so seriously anymore. "I prefer to keep my association with him professional. And besides, Maria doesn't like him." He smiled, not seeming to care.

"You don't have to decides immediately, Steve." Maria reassured Steve when he still didn't seem convinced, and put a warm hand on his arm. "But we really believe you would be perfect for the role."

"I…wow." He must sound like a complete idiot but he couldn't help it. This was very unexpected and terrifying and awesome and…could he do it? The Soldier stretched one finger out and tenderly stroked Tony's rosy, soft cheek and when one tiny hand took a weak hold of his pointer, he couldn't help the mist forming in his eyes.

They wanted him to become their child's Godfather, to belong closer to the family, and he wanted. Oh, how he wanted to be part of Tony's life. Maybe he wasn't the best choice, since he travelled a lot and all, but,

"I'd love to." He could be selfish this one time, right? "Yes, I'd be honoured to be Anthony's Godfather. Thank you." He looked at both of the adults and wasn't even ashamed of the tears in his eyes. "This is more then I ever expected."

The new parents looked more than happy with his answer, but his attention went back to the newborn when he felt his finger being abused as new slobber surface.

"Hey there, little Tony." Suddenly it felt like he and Tony, his godson, were the only people in the room. "You'll see, the both of us will have a lot of fun. You'll learn the important things from your mommy and daddy, but I'm sure I'll find some things to teach you as well. I could show you how to draw, for example. If you are as smart as your father it probably won't be long until you teach me things, too." He smiled amused at the thought. "I'm not sure how this is all going to work now, buddy, but don't worry, I'll learn. And if you need me I'll be there. I will always protect you, little fella." God he hoped he'll always be able to keep his word.

Tony seemed rather unimpressed by Steve's speech, if the huge yawn was anything to go by, but he didn't care.

The Captain was startled out of it by Howard's hand on his shoulder. "I think it's high time mother and baby get some rest, Captain Droolfinger." He said fondly, and, with the same care as before, took Tony back in his arms, stroked his face as well, and then handed the newborn to his mommy.

Steve had already felt the loss when the warm hand let go of his finger and he hadn't really wanted to relinquish his hold on his godson so soon, but he knew Howard was right.

He sighed and wiped his index on his shirt. He would have to leave now anyway, to prepare for his next mission.

"Of course. I should get going now anyway. Just…just thank you really, for this."

Howard patted his shoulder and this time Steve surprised him by pulling him into a hug, making the inventor laugh as he clapped his back.

"Come look for your godson when you get back, Captain. And stay safe."

"I will."

Feeling bold and too happy to really care, Steve even bend down to give the tired mom a kiss on the cheek, and after a seconds hesitation, the already half asleep Tony one on the forehead, before he went to the door.

"I'll see you later, then. And…you know…thanks again."

Without waiting for a response he left before he decided he wanted to stay with Tony forever.

Great, if leaving would always be this hard now, then being Captain America will never be as good as before.…but this was totally worth it.

He couldn't wait to get back.

And if he looked happy while fighting this mission. Who could blame him?