I walked into the Sunset Tower Hotel to meet the gang. Andre, Cat, and Robbie were staying here and we decided to meet at the Tower bar to eat and plan our night. I wasn't sure whose name the reservation was under, but luckily Andre met me at the door. "Hey Andre, where's everyone else?"
"Cat and Robbie said they'd be down in a few and the others should be here around 7."
We walked up to the hostess and Andre gave her my name. When I gave him a questioning look he answered, "Since we were all here for a game show about you, we thought we might as well use your name."
I rolled my eyes, "You guys could have told me."
"Well, now you know." He punched my arm lightly and we followed the hostess to our table. We were shown to a large table near the back and told that our waitress would be with us shortly.
Shortly after the hostess left, Robbie and Cat joined us, "Hey guys!" Cat and Robbie said as they took the seats across from me.
"Hey little red."
"Hey," I replied and gave a short wave.
"Where's everyone else?" Cat asked.
"Here," came the reply from behind her where Jade was walking up with Tori, Trina, and some guy who must have been Jason.
"Hey party people," Tori said as she slid into the seat next to mine. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her for a hug.
Jade pointed to the guy next to her, "This is Jason. Jason these are my friends Andre and Beck. You know Cat and Robbie already."
He held his hand out for us to shake and said, "Nice to meet you guys. I've heard a lot about you."
Andre and I exchanged looks before looking to Jade, "What've you heard?" I asked.
He laughs and kisses Jade on the cheek, "Don't worry Jade hasn't said anything bad. I've mostly heard about you guys from Tori."
I could see Andre visibly relax and I laughed when Jade smacked him. I felt Tori lean into my left side and my body became tense, "This isn't weird for you is it?" she asked.
"What are you talking about? Why would this be weird?"
"You used to date Jade and now she's sitting here with her husband. That's why."
I locked eyes with her and gave her a genuine smile, "It's not weird at all. It's kinda nice actually." I grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Trust me, I'm okay with it." She gave me her thousand watt smile and squeezed my hand back.
"What are you two whispering about?" Jade asked with a knowing smile.
I could see Tori clamoring to come up with something so I answered with the truth, "Tori was worried I'd be weirded out by you being here with your husband."
Jason laughed and Jade locked eyes with Tori, "Really!?" She got up and grabbed Tori by the wrist, "We have to pee. Excuse us."
"I have to pee too!" Cat hollered and ran after the other girls.
Trina stood up, "I guess I'll tag along. Let you guys do…whatever guys do."
We laughed as all the women at our table disappeared. "What do you think they're talking about?" Robbie asked.
I could tell that Jason knew but didn't wanna say anything, "You know don't you?"
He looked at me with a guilty expression, "Yeah I know, but I don't think it's my place to say anything."
"Come on man, you can tell us," Andre coaxed.
He laughed, "I don't know all the specifics, but I bet it has to do with you," he said as he pointed toward me.
Now I was really curious, "What about me?"
Robbie answered, "He said he didn't know any specifics Beck."
I figured I wouldn't be getting any more information than that so I dropped it. Maybe Jade would tell me. Possibly Tori, but I doubted it. "Fine, why don't we figure out what we're going to do tonight?"
The conversation ran really smooth after that. Jason was really cool and fit well into our group. When the girls returned, Tori seemed a little flustered. I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she would simply reply "nothing" and turn to join whatever conversation was taking place among the table.
The waitress arrived to take our drink orders finally. She started with Jade, Jason, and Andre who all ordered alcoholic drinks. When she got to me I ordered water. Andre seemed disappointed, "You're not gonna drink with us?"
"I'm not much of a drinker. You know that."
"We haven't all hung out together since graduation! Let loose man!"
I sighed and changed my drink to a rum and coke, "Better?"
"Hell yeah!" Jade said. I looked at her confused, "What?"
"Nothing," I replied.
She continued taking drink orders until she got to Cat who ordered a virgin margarita. "Not you too! What is with you guys not wanting to drink?" Jade asked.
Robbie put his arm around Cat's shoulder, "She can't drink."
"Why the hell not?"
"It's not good for the baby," she answered.
We all stared at Cat and Robbie in shock. Cat pregnant! She still acted like a child herself! Tori was the first to speak, "Congrats you guys! I'm gonna be an auntie!" Cat squealed and gave her friend a hug.
I couldn't believe that Cat and Robbie of all people were having a kid but I was happy for them, "Out of all of us, I never thought you two would be the first ones to have a kid. Congratulations guys. I'm happy for you." I shook Robbie's hand and gave Cat a squeeze.
The shock wore off of the others who began congratulating the parents to be. I looked to Tori who had her head turned away from the group. She seemed upset about something so I nudged her with my arm, "You okay?"
She turned toward me and gave me a genuine smile so I knew she couldn't be that upset, "I feel like I'm missing so much. I've been so busy for so long that I feel like I'm missing my life."
I chuckled which made her look at me funny, "I know what you mean. I told my manager that I wanted to take some time off and figure out what I wanted from life. I wanted to reconnect with you…and our friends. The game show this morning is the last thing I'm gonna be doing for a while."
Her look became contemplative, "I've thought about doing something like that, but I was afraid to."
"Why?" I asked, genuinely interested.
She turned back toward me, "I was afraid that if I took any time off that I would lose my fans. I'm so grateful for them and I don't wanna let them down."
I laughed, "You won't let them down. They'll still love you. If there's anything I've learned, it's that you never stop loving Tori Vega."
I realized what I said when her brown eyes connected to mine and she said, "What?"
Everyone at the table had apparently heard what I said because all other conversations had stopped. Jade saved me by standing up and grabbing my wrist, "I have to talk to Beck." I was pulled out of my seat and led to the entrance, "I can't believe you just said that!"
"Me either." I ran my hand through my hair in order to clear my head.
"Did you mean it? I knew you still had it bad for her, but really?"
I couldn't lie to Jade, "Yes I meant it."
"When did this happen?" she asked. She didn't appear to be upset, just curious.
"I always liked Tori as a friend, but after you and I broke up and we started really hanging out together, I don't know. I started noticing little things about her that I really liked and when I went to talk to her about how she was acting before the Platinum Music Awards it just hit me. I couldn't stop thinking about her and I wanted to find a way that I could get her to go out with me without hurting you, but that didn't happen. I've tried to make these feelings that I have for her go away, but they refuse to leave."
"Jade, can I talk to Beck alone please." I turned to see Tori standing right behind me. Lucky for me she didn't look angry.
"Be my guest," Jade patted Tori on the shoulder on her way back to the table.
"How much of that did you hear?" I asked knowing that it was probably most of it.
"All of it," I couldn't tell how she felt or what she was thinking which worried me.
"I'm sorry. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but…" I was cut off by Tori's soft lips on mine. My eyes closed and all too soon it was over.
"You don't have to apologize to me. I know exactly how you feel because I feel it too. There's a reason that I've been single all these years. No one could ever compare to you," I saw her blush as her gaze dropped to the floor.
My heart was racing so fast that I felt as if it would explode. I lifted her chin so that I could look into her beautiful eyes, "What now?"
She slid her hand into mine, "Now, we go order food because I'm starving!"
I laughed and walked hand in hand with her back to our table. As we approached, the whole gang started clapping and cheering causing Tori to blush again and my smile to grow so large that it hurt. We spent the rest of the night reminiscing about old times and catching up on our lives now. I finally felt like everything was right. I had Tori, I had my friends back, and my family was closer than ever. I may not believe in perfect, but my life seemed to be about as close as you could get.
**So that is the end, but I'm not super happy with it. It may change. Thank you all for the wonderful reviews and I'm sorry to those who wanted Bade, but she is happily married.**