Okay I shouldn't be writing this. Not at all! I have so many other stories I'm writing and whilst some people would just keep all new ideas until there finished with the one they're working on now. I just can't do that Because when I first came up with this idea I fell in love with it mainly because of the first chapter and I wanted to see if I could make it as sweet as it deserved to be (which I didn't , Just warning) so I wrote it to test and then I really wanted to carry on so lucky Gallagher Girls get to read it!
Unlucky Potterhead's and Tributes will get annoyed with me because I've taken up to much work. Not to mention that I start working on my GCSE's this year sooo. Yeah! Should be fun as you watch me struggle J
Disclaimer: I do not own the Gallagher Girl series although I am one… Wait! You didn't hear that!
Laughter echo's all around the parking lot and the sounds of the circus drift through the tent up ahead as children make there way hand in hand with their parents to a fun day out. But one family was different, one man , in particular because the small girl beside him wouldn't understand the significance of that day for years. Or at least that's what Matthew Morgan thought.
He casually surveyed the area as he got out of his car and walked round the other side to let his Daughter out. She hoped out and beamed when she caught sight of the colourful tent in the distance.
"I thought you were to old for the circus?" Matt teased poking her bottom with his foot as he locked the car. Cammie turned around with a glare but then broke into a smile as she said.
"shut up!" and blushed the colour of a Tomato.
"Language." He warned as he took his daughters hand and led her towards the crowd that leaked into the tent.
"Taci din gura!" She repeated in Romanian.
"Shhh!" He sent her a warning look and even though Cammie rolled her eyes she knew better than to carry on.
As they approached the red and blue striped tent the sounds of the circus music got loader and pierced their ears as the smells of corn dogs and Toffee Apples filled their nostrils and Matt watched his Daughters mouth water as a boy of her own age with wavy brown hair walked past holding something deep fried.
"We just ate two family sized packets of M&M's between us." he pointed out and watched as his Daughter tried to hide her disappointment. "So what do you say we wash it down with some candy floss?" he asked as he lifted her onto his shoulders and carried her to one of the queue's , making her laugh and kick at his stomach. When he put her down she didn't stop laughing for a while , he stared down at her and thought of how now he couldn't even spend time with his own daughter without it mixing into his "Special project". He wanted it to be over , but a lot was riding on that day so he tried not to think like a father and husband and to start thinking like a spy , He couldn't be both all the time no matter how hard he tried.
Walking into the tent the music was overwhelmingly loud and the half of the audience that were already seated laughed at a clown that was warming up them up. Matt's attention however was on the woman at the side of the entrance looking threw her purse. He looked back down at Cammie and then at the stage, he barely noticed that he walked straight into the woman sending the items in her bag everywhere. Or at least that's what it seamed like.
"Sorry" he mumbled as he bent down to pick everything up, people barely gave them a second glance. But Cammie stood back and stared as if transfixed. She blinked as her father offered the woman a scrap piece of paper but she just shook her head and hurried of in the opposite direction. Cammie caught a glimpse of the list on the tattered old paper and watched as he father crumpled it up and put it in his pocket as if it was no big deal. He smiled at her and led her into to the tent so Cammie tried to pretend it was nothing. But having grown up with two highly trained operatives that was a little hard.
Something was different in the Circus that day. And at least one of them should have spotted it.
Everyone was starring up at a tightrope walker as he performed some particularly difficult stunts when Matt first felt something. A prickling on the back of his neck that he got when something bad was about to happen. He looked around casually trying to catch a glimpse of something unusual. Nothing. He looked down at Cammie who looked as if she had been staring at him for along time, she smiled , he smiled back. But his heart was racing like he had just dived of the top of a building into a river that supposedly led to an underwater headquarters for a terrorist organisation that shall remain nameless, and he spoke from experience. He looked around again and caught a glimpse of red hair disappearing around a flap of circus tent.
Why would someone leave in the middle of one of the best acts? Although Matt knew the answer. He just asked himself as if it wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening not with Cammie here… although he had always known that was a possibility and he had taken her anyway. He couldn't help thinking he was a terrible father. But this wasn't supposed to happen!
Cammie had started to look at her father with concern but Matt kept on glancing round, Noticing more and more odd things as he did. But it couldn't be the circle, he thought, the circle wouldn't be this sloppy. But someone was there none the less and all of the spy instincts in his body where saying that whoever it was ,was bad.
"Dad?" Cammie asked reproachfully taking in the look on his face.
"Yeah?" He said as if nothing was wrong.
"I don't like the look of her." She said and her eyes darted to the left ever so slightly and only for a second and despite it all Matt was more than a little proud in that moment.
"I'm sure it's nothing Cammie." he said turning back to the stage so he could get a glimpse of the woman his daughter was talking about but Cammie could tell by the tone in his voice that he didn't. He only caught a glimpse of her but a tall woman with wavy red hair was standing by the entrance to the tent. She was starring at them, and despite how short the look had been Matt was sure he had seen her smile a wicked smile in his direction. Defiantly not the circle, he reassured him self, The circus would not be that sloppy. Even so he slid his hand into his daughters and held tight.
Without warning sirens blared and people screamed. The lights in the circus had turned red and were flashing as the youngest children cried and a fire from the left of the stage spread through the room quicker than it should have done. Family's ran to the nearest exits and a flow of people where soon pressing against the Morgan's who seemed reluctant to move until Matt dragged Cammie out of the moving crowd.
"you see the fire?" he asked bending down so they were the same height. The fire was keeping to the other side of the tent remarkably well sending everyone to the exits on their side of the tent.
"Yes…This isn't a security test is it?" she asked trying to stay calm.
"No sweetie I'm afraid not." He laughed slightly. "anything you saw today. It's important you don't tell anyone. Promise me. Try to forget it." he said even though they both knew that wasn't going to happen.
"Why?" Cammie asked worriedly.
"There's something I have to do." He said and kissed her forehead then turned around. He stopped mid-step at the sight of three remarkably calm adults staring at him considering the fire raging behind them.
"Matthew Morgan?" The woman with red hair asked. "you've been reckless with us…Now why don't you hand it over." She said as if it would just work like that.
"Yeah Ok," Matt said purposely reaching into the wrong pocket. " Oh wait! Sorry! Just remembered I don't give in that easily." He nudged Cammie with the back of his foot ever so slightly in way of telling her to run.
One of the men next to her reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun. The fire wasn't spreading any further than the half of the tent It had already penetrated and everyone else was too pre-occupied with getting themselves and there children to safety to notice the five of them standing there.
"It's your choice Morgan." the man said in a scratchy voice and a devilish grin but Matt stood firm.
"Are you an Idiot?!" the woman snapped like he was causing a great inconvenience to her.
"No I'm a Morgan." he said coolly and the woman on the other side of the redhead rolled her eyes like that was exactly what she had expected.
"We're in no rush, just hand it over whenever you like." The woman smiled wickedly.
"Well unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of heat and I have a home to be getting to so maybe another time?" He said and nudged Cammie again.
"Oh and this must be little Cameron." the Woman smiled leaning down so they were face to face but before Cammie even wondered how the woman knew her name she spat at her face even though she didn't know who she was but knowing that these were the guys she would face when she was older. The woman growled and before she could pounce on her or even say anything, Matt slammed the chair next to him over his body and straight onto the woman's head.
"Cammie run!" he yelled as he kicked the man with the gun in the groin and caught his weapon.
Cammie could only back away slowly not knowing what to do, normally when her dads work mixed in with her she was warned before and then she had always been of some help , whether it be big or small. But something told her this was a whole lot different. So she only stumbled away as slowly as she could without thinking, as she watched her Dad hit the second woman over the head with the gun and take the redhead to the floor.
Soon she ran out of space to move and she bumped into someone from the ever decreasing crowd.
"Sorry." she muttered glancing at the boy with wavy brown hair she had seen earlier.
"What are you waiting for!" he yelled glancing worriedly at the fire. "Come on!" he said taking her wrist and pulling her threw the exit.
It would have been almost dark outside if the smoke from the tent hadn't made it almost completely black.
"where are your parents?" The boy asked taking her away from the crowd. He couldn't have been older than Cammie herself but he sounded so grown up, He probably enjoyed feeling in charge of the situation and was proud of 'saving' Her, Cammie thought.
"My dad told me to get out as quickly as possible and wait by the car." She lied easily and she felt more than a little proud.
"Well you can wait with us until he gets back then." The boy smiled and this caught Cammie of guard.
"I- I- I…" she trailed of not having a clue what to say. "I don't think I should." she finally decided upon. The boy stopped and let go of her wrist.
"Why not?" he asked like she had just said he couldn't have a puppy.
"because it might not be safe." she guessed at what normal parents told thier kids but she couldn't shrug of the feeling that it might not actually be safe considering the people in their fighting her father. A shot rang across the parking lot but not many people paid attention, only Cammie who shouted, "Dad!" without even thinking.
"What's wrong?" the boy asked who hadn't thought much to the shot either considering the fire at hand.
"Nothing." Cammie dismissed and tried to run back to the tent but she stopped dead when she saw the three people her father had been fighting run out of the tent. One shot, One fighter left inside. You figure it out.
"Come on!" the boy said pulling on her wrist again. Maybe if she had been paying more attention she would have thought more to the impatience and anger in the boys voice but in that moment she was to busy trying to pull away and hold back the tears.
"No- I- I need…" she said trying to run back to the tent but the boys grip was to tight on her, He now held both her arms behind her back and before Cammie could shift her weight and send him to the floor another, larger, stronger pair of hands lifted her of her feet and covered her mouth. She was to small to deal with such a big guy, she hadn't even started at the Gallagher Academy yet so there was no way out. She still thrashed and screamed and tried pointlessly to spit the cloth out of her mouth. It didn't make any difference. The screams mixed in with the rest of the children around them and they were to far away for anyone to pay any real attention.
The cloth was spiked with a drug that was making her head go fuzzy and the world grow fainter. She could barely move as they dragged her into the back of a van. when the drugs took over and she slipped into unconsciousness she could have sworn she heard her father call her name.
Meanwhile Matt stumbled out of the tent cradling the bullet wound that pierced the flesh at the side of his stomach.
"Cammie." he croaked. trying to get through the smoke. He looked around but the circle members where gone and Cammie was no where to be seen.
"Cammie!" he yelled, stronger this time. It was all he could do to keep himself standing and from being sick. "Cammie!" he yelled again, because they couldn't have her , He wouldn't let the Circle steal his whole life. But he couldn't be a spy and a father at the same time, he had tried that today and as he yelled Cammie's name he knew that that fact had been true. He tried to step forward and he let the tears flow because he wasn't going to pretend he hadn't ruined his own life and he was in no state to wipe them of. He remembered the wound and it hurt more than ever.
"Cammie!" he yelled one last time as he fell to the floor in the least spy like way possible. But he wasn't meant to be a spy, not then anyway, he needed to be a father. He tried to push himself up but the effort was to much , the loss of blood was spread over the pavement and the fire sirens whirled in his head with the circus music as he yelled for his daughter one last time, but no sound came out and before he knew it he was unconscious on the pavement.
Well I hoped you liked that because I didn't :\ I promise it will get better I really do! That didn't go the way I expected it to If I'm honest because as I carried on writing it I realised it had to be more Circle than it was Cammie sooo… Please Review! I'll give you Pigeons and spaghetti! J
Oh and in the next Chapter you get to hear from Zach and Joe a little bit and also you get to find out who that boy was, which , If you're a real Gallagher Girl should be obvious… but it probably wouldn't be right anyway so…that's even more reason to review because I don't update until you do!