A/N~ Hey guys! So I decided to write this chapter in Paul's point of view, becuase i think it worked best. I don't know if i'll be keepin git in his perspective, but i'm prettty sure i'll be using Chase's perspective for the rest of it! Hope you guys like it!

"Just get on with it, will you? I've got Algebra in ten minutes." Jared rushes, though I doubt he'd been to a single class all year.

We were all standing in the library, our big group of bodies obviously sticking out among the small wooden tables and chairs. The librarian shushes us, even when we aren't saying anything, and I knew we wouldn't be able to stay much longer. Yet, my feet didn't want to move.

Chase Hartley sat across the room, a good distance away. Her pale for La Push face was bent down into a huge book, her legs pulled up and crossed Indian style on top of her seat, and that stupid brown jacket she was alwayswearing nearly blended into the shelves behinds her.

"Seriously guys? Can't I just chug some cough syrup?" I nearly groan to the smiling group of guys. Last night we had a drinking contest, and whoever lost, had to ask out this hopeless girl and actually go on a date with her. The thought of sitting across a table watching her eat made me want to be sick.

"Times almost up. It's either ask her now, or in front of the entire school next period." Jared grins at me, and the librarian shushes us. Rolling my eyes, I move my feet towards her table. Maybe I'd get lucky and we'd go to a movie instead. At least then we'd be in the dark and no one would to see us. And we wouldn't have to see each other.

She has nice hair though, I think, when I stop at her table, and stare down at her. It's a nice chestnut colour like coffee. And long too, that's nice.

"You're blocking my light." her voice drifts up to me, but she doesn't lift her head to meet my gaze. When I don't move, she huffs and looks up. "The books for dummies section is over there." she says, looking bored and pointing with her eyes to the shelves on the other side of the room. Who the hell was she talking to?

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" I spit it out.

There, it was over. If I was lucky, I wouldn't even have to stay the whole date, I could slip out a bathroom window or something. I meet her eyes and realize that she was laughing. Laughing. She was laughing at me. "Oh, you're serious." she says, sobering up and pulling her lips into a tight line, but her laughs still threatened to break through. "No thanks." she says politely; and leans back into her book.

For a minute, I'm stunned. Did she just turn me down? Did this just happen? Looking back at my friends, I managed a smile at their kissy faces and giant grins. Did they even know how seriously weird, and all together delusional this girl was? She just turned allllllll this down. I started walking back to my friends, turning around only once to call back to her. "I'll meet you at Boomey's place at seven then." but she doesn't acknowledge me or lift her head but before any of the guys can notice, the librarian is herding us out of her library.

I got to Boomey's at six thirty, in case her excitement got the best of her and she showed up early. It didn't. I chose a table by the window, and ordered a coffee. I was so confused by all this weird shit going on today; that I didn't even flirt with the hot waitress that was falling over herself to pour me more coffee. At least I know I still got it.

Boomey's was a nicer restaurant then I intended on taking her to. It had sparkly lights lining the walls and ceiling, and fancy wooded floors that your heels clicked on, and little candles on the tables, and nothing on the menu was under fifteen dollars. By seven thirty, she still isn't here. It's about eight when I figure she must have confused the nights of the date. How stupid is she going to look when she shows up on whichever night she thinks it is, and sits at a table alone for hours? Down right ridiculous is how she's going to look. I glance out the window, and have to blink hard at what I see. Chase Hartley is stumbling out of the movie theater across the street and into the dark night, her arms linked with that Kim girl, and that freaky kid who really liked film class. Their laughs blasted through the air like a canon, and before I even realized it I was throwing a twenty down on the table and rushing out into the cold. She looked flushed from the cold, but didn't seem to notice me barreling toward her. She wore a winter hat, pulled down to cover her ears, and a puffy brown vest with a skin tight white shirt under it. And she wore jeans. She didn't look dressed up, or fancy. She just looked plain. Or happy rather. Her cheeks were bright pink and her blue eyes were sparkling, and I hated her. What a tool I must look like, walking towards her in my dress pants and button downshirt, coming from a date that she stood me up for. Here she was laughing, having a good time.

"What the fuck?" I blurt out, my voice seeming to snap them out of their fits of laughter and fun. My face felt hot, and I could tell it was red as anything, but she didn't seem to have any idea what was wrong, or why I was so mad at her."You stood me up." I announce, though the roles should be reversed, and she should be the one angry at me, and yelling at me abbot how I stood her up. Preferably in front of the entire school. But instead it was me yelling at her,on an empty street, on top of too much snow in front of her two best friends. The white flakes start to fall from the sky again but they do nothing to calm me down.

"I guess I forgot." she says, and I realize she's only saying this to save me embarrassment, because we both know she turned me down. She was protecting my pride. She was making sure I didn't look like a complete idiot, even if it were only two of her friends around. Why the hell was she being so nice? When it was just the two of us she was a bitch, and now here she was being nice. What the hell was this? Angry, because you can't be angry at someone like her, I spin on my heel and trudge through the snow home.

"Paul!" she hollers, and it isn't until she's next to me in her car that I look at her. "Get in, it's freezing out. You can't just walk home." she says, but I hear her friends complaining and scolding her. To spite them specifically, I yank open the passenger seat and settle myself inside. It's warm here, and she smiles at me like I'm some frigging lost kid, and then she drives slowly down the road. Too slowly, and when I tell her this, she says she'd rather be safe then fast. I roll my eyes at her, and remain silent again until her two friends are inside their houses and she's driving me home. "Bye Paul." she says, as if I'm a child she's dropping off at school. I'm almost expecting her to say 'have a good day' but I'm out of the car and walking to my house. I should invite her in, I think. I should give her some coffee, or maybe some beer and make her something to eat. Before I have the chance, I hear her pull away from the house, and listen until her car turns off the road.

t's not until Monday that I see her again. It's just for a few seconds as I'm standing from my bike, and she's walking through the school doors with the kid from Friday night. He's snapping pictures of her with his big camera, and she's meekly trying to dodge them. Then they disappear in through the doors and a grimace forms over my face.

I yank my helmet off and tuck it under my arm. I didn't need one in the first place, but it let people know I had a kick ass bike, even when it wasn't around. Bouncing up the steps into the school, I pause momentarily at the sight before me. Jared and the guys were all standing around Chase, her friend wasn't with her anymore, and was probably at his locker on the other side of the school.

"So how was it?" they mock her, smiles on their faces and a defiant one on hers. "how'd the date go?" they ask, and I can tell they've been grilling her for the last few minutes. "Did ya go all the way?", "Did you try to kiss him?" someone else asks, and she turns to catch my eye, then glances around at the crowd of people who were forming, then back up at Jared.

"He didn't show up." she says loud enough for everyone to hear, and glances at me one more time before pushing past Jared and into the History room just before the bell rings.