Chapter 10! W00t! XD

Sam and Mwulangi reached the roof and they went over to the edge as Sam lighted the flared a motioned a nearby helicopter that came closer to them. Sam stood at the edge while Mwulangi stood on the very edge and was reaching out the Allspark to the people on the helicopter. Sam was holding her by the waist and missed the glare that the mini-former was sending him from Mwulangi's shoulder. Mwulangi was almost about to hand the cube over when suddenly Starscream came on out and started firing at the helicopter witch blew out a propeller and went flying down. Mwulangi gave a cry as she fell back into Sam's arms as he pulled her from the edge and over to a corner of the roof top just as Megatron broke through the roof.

"Why persist if the end is obvious? That cube will be mine!"

"We're never giving you the Allspark!" Sam yelled to Megatron as Megatron began to stalk and play with his prey.

"Tell me femme…is it fears that compels you?" Mwulangi felt her breathing hitch and her heart rate speed up as the mech distinctly talked to. Megatron must have noted this somehow as he smirked and a growl started in his chest. Mwulangi hid behind Sam and the mini-former was yelling in clicks at Megatron who simply chuckled at the tiny bot. Mwulangi and Sam were both on the edge of the roof and Mwulangi looked down at the great distant to the ground. After some scanning she found something that calmed her slightly, Optimus was making a steady way up in between this building and another.

"Hand over the Allspark and you shall live as my pets." Megatron tried to bargain. Mwulangi turned back to the mech.

"Never!" Swam answered for the both of them and that was obviously not the answer Megatron had been expecting. He showed his displeasure by destroying the edge that they had been standing on and this sent them falling down. Mwulangi screamed along with Sam as they fell but they both grew quiet when Optimus caught them.

"Hold on." He simply said as he placed them on his shoulder and started making his way down. Suddenly Megatron came out of nowhere and tackled Megatron the rest of the way into the ground. Mwulangi cried out as Sam held her close in a protective grip as they tumbled away from the brawling mechs. Sam then pulled her over to where Optimus was after kicking Megatron away at a good distance.

"Sam, Mwulangi. If by any time I cannot stop Megatron I want you to place the cube in my spark. I will sacrifice myself to keep it from ever falling into the hands of Megatron." Before Mwulangi or Sam could Object Megatron came roaring up and tackled Optimus away and tried to grab for the cube and if one looked slightly closer also for Mwulangi as well.

Mwulangi and Sam both shared a shriek as they leaped back in shock and fell down a trench made by a fallen craft. Mwulangi stayed with Sam as Megatron and Optimus exchanged banters and shots and fists as they continued rolling around. If not given the current circumstances they would be like kids wrestling in the mud. When there fight broke out above the two humans they both held their hands over their heads. Mwulangi gave a scream when she felt a metal claw briskly try and grab her and the cube.

"Give me the cube femme!"

"Then Why The Heck Are You Trying To Grab Me!?" She yelled back at the mech as he growled and tried once more to grab the girl and cube. Mwulangi crawled away with Sam as Megatron was pushed away by Optimus who opened his spark chamber.

"Mwulangi! Put the cube in my chest!" Mwulangi stood up but ran past Optimus and right under the warlord himself. She gave a mighty cry as she thrust the cube direct into his spark. Megatron went on the frits and tried to grab the cube and girl but the force of raw energy was overwhelming as he fell back and short circuited as his spark was blown out.

Mwulangi gave a sigh before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground, the turmoil of the whole thing getting to her finally. Luckily Sam was behind her and easily caught her. Sam shifted slightly then thanked Optimus as he took Mwulangi in his hand before going over to his brother a pulling out a shard of the Allspark from his brother's dead spark.

"You left me no choice brother…" Optimus spoke before standing at his full height and moving to where all were regrouping. Optimus looked to Ironhide who was holding Jazz in his hands, in two. Optimus passed Mwulangi into the arms of Robert Epps who grunted slightly but held her.

"We have lost great comrades today…but they have not die in vain." Optimus spoke on. Mwulangi slowly came to and saw a face that she did not recognise.

"Huuu…?" Epps looked down at the girl then placed her on her feet and steadied her. She thanked him but then quickly yelped when she was tackled to the ground with a bark and she instantly felt her face being licked by a slobbery tongue.

"Buster!" She managed to say out in between giggles as she tried to hold the dog back. Everyone smiled and gave chuckles as the girl hugged the dog as said dog wagged his tail and looked smugly at the mini-former that was glaring daggers at him. Suddenly everyone drew their attention to the yelp of a soldier as he cried out.

"Ah! Robots!" Everyone looked on as the things that were in range of the cube's shockwave slowly walked over to Mwulangi who stood up. The tallest of the mini-formers was the once soda machine and the smallest was the steering wheel. The once Xbox had taken the form of a hound but looked able to turn back into a Xbox while the steering wheel turned into a feline. The soda machine bot looked as bulky as the Autobots and could still transform into a soda machine. They stared at Mwulangi as she looked at them and everyone watched them.

The mini-former on her shoulder clicked to the other formers and they clicked back.

"They Friends! They come from Cube when femme fall with it! They are looking for femme all time but femme keep running from them!" Mwulangi's mouthed formed a 'o' as she realised where they had come from.

"My bad…" She giggled sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck. She looked to Buster as he was sniffing with the Xbox bot that apparently was female. Mwulangi gave a look over the bots and turned to Optimus:

"Can I keep them?" Everyone chuckled at her puppy face and even Optimus gave a chuckle before nodding.

"If that is what you wish…" Mwulangi smiled and was instantly tackled by the mini-formers then the bot mini-former picked her up in a great hug that wouldn't crush her.

Everyone chuckled and Optimus was shocked as Jazz's optics flickered and a strangled chuckled emitted from him.


"I'm…in…two…but…my…spark…is…die…hard…whole…" He gave the ghost of a smirk and instantly Ratchet was on him repairing him in an instant to the best of his ability with the given time. Just enough to keep the mech with them and out of the well of sparks.

"Man…you have no clue how weird this is…" Jazz said motioning with a servo to his body being in two. Everyone gave chuckles and laughs at the mechs up high cheery spirit. Glad that they have not lost him.


I guess that this is the final Chapter of this Story! Keep an optic out for the sequel! X3