
In the desert of Hueco Mundo, nestled in the sands, lay Los Noches, an ancient thriving civilization. Inhabited solely by hybrids, human-like creatures with animal characteristics, Los Noches was a paradise untouched by humans. Their paradise however, was shattered when an expedition of thirteen humans stumbled upon an outer temple of Los Noches. The humans had set up camp and unexpectedly a group of hybrid cubs stumbled into their camp during their play surprising both groups. The humans marveled at the strange creatures but the cubs were skittish around the strangers. After a little coaxing with sweets and other nonnative delicacies the cubs were soon trusting enough to approach. As the humans sat petting the cubs, one of their groups voiced an idea. To gather more of them and turn these strange creatures into pets! They were rare and thus could make a huge profit off of them. The vote was uneven but enough of the expedition liked the idea and convinced the cubs to take them back to the others.

Upon arriving the humans started capturing and caging as many cubs as they could, knowing that where there were cubs there had to be parents nearby. With their trap in place the cub's parents rushed out hearing their young in distress and were tranquilized when they it seemed like rescue was within grasp. The humans had managed to capture a surprising number of the hybrids but as they tried to advance past the temple they were fiercely attacked by an army of hybrids and retreated with what they'd caught. The hybrids cried over their losses and knew that the rest of Los Noches had to be protected or else the humans would just return and the hybrids would suffer again. From the day of the attack the hybrids then referred to the humans as Shinigami, for if they were allowed their way with the hybrids they'd surely be the death of their entire race.

The humans didn't care about the lives they had ruined and began selling some of the hybrids to the highest bidder while they kept the rest and began breeding programs so there'd be enough to fuel the never ending demand for the rare creatures. While the hybrids looked half animal they were very intelligent and held the same communication skills as their human masters thus making them good servants for their master. The humans coveted their beauty and most were used primarily as sex slaves. Their fierce wildness was beat out and replaced with complete obedience for their masters, knowing that they were nothing but tools to please their masters. The humans made sure their hybrids knew their place in society and sought for all hybrids to bow to the superior race. Wild hybrids, or ferals, would not stand for this and would free and welcome all domestics with open arms. Every human traveling through the Hueco Mundo desert knew to be wary of attack from the hybrids that could easily hide in the sands and strike viciously.

Among the hybrids the rarest and most beautiful were the Amur leopards. They were tall, graceful creatures with a wild beauty unsurpassed by any other. Sought out above all others the Amur's were critically endangered. The females, and some of the males, were often denied the right to breed by owners who wanted them for their own selfish purposes. If that order was disobeyed (even without their consent) then their owners simply murdered them, feeling that their vision of a surreal creature had shattered. It was mainly because of this that the Amur's where rapidly approaching extinction. Though all hope was not lost. Rarely a hybrid species would produce a male with the reproductive capabilities of a female, a beta male. Luckily one had been found in a fiery young male named Ichigo.