Dipper and Mabel were wandering aimlessly around the forest. The sun felt nice on their faces, the breeze cooled them down, and it was just the right temperature. In other words it was the perfect day.

The reason they were out was Stan had accidentally released a stink bomb inside the Mystery Shack, and it needed to air out.

Dipper had no plans for monster hunting. He was pretty sad because that creepy jerk Robbie was going out with Wendy and she spent less time around the Mystery Shack. He stared at the ground.

Mabel tried to cheer him up by rapping.

"We're walking a forest, and that rhymes with Chuck Norris, and it also rhymes with, uh, blorest, and it also rhymes with, floorest."

"Eminem would be proud," Dipper said sacrasticly.

"C'mon, Dipper, these are the good times," Mabel told her twin.

"Its not the good times, okay? I'm way better than Robbie! But just because he can play guitar, and he's the same age as her, Wendy would go out with him and not me!" Dipper yelled at sister. Mabel nearly started crying, Dipper never yelled at her like that.

Dipper sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just angry, and let's not talk about this, alright?" Mabel nodded.

"Whatever you say, Dip-OMYGOSH, A UNICORN!" Mabel screamed and ran straight to it. She hugged it around its smooth neck. "You're so SPARKLY!"

This got Dipper's attention. The book with six fingers on the cover never mentioned unicorns. He walked over suspiciously.

"Dipper, isn't he AWESOME!" Mabel hugged the unicorn's neck even tighter. Poor guy, Dipper thought. He knew Mabel had freakish strength, and he was afraid the creature might choke to death.

"Would you like to hop on back on my back and ride around the forest?" the unicorn asked. Dipper thought the voice seemed oddly familiar.

"Wow, a talking, sparkly unicorn. Of course you scallywag!" Mabel was nearly on the back of the unicorn. Dipper quickly grabbed her and pushed her away from the unicorn.

"Dipper, what are you doing?" Mabel yelled in surprise.

"I know that voice!" Dipper picked up a large stick and swung it at the creature's head.

"NNNOOO!" Mabel yelled, but is was too late. The stick connected with its head. Mabel expected a bloody end, but the skin, wait-fabric? ripped and out popped Jeff the gnome. The rest of the fabric fell revealing the entire unicorn was made up of gnomes.

"Jeff?!" Mabel yelled at the short gnome who had nearly made her marry one thousand gnomes against her will.

"Oh, hey guys. How are you?"

"Go away Jeff!" Dipper told the gnome angrily.

"We just want Mabel to be out queen for all eternity, how is that so bad?"

"Because my sister is not marrying some short bearded FREAK!"

Jeff and the other gnomes snarled and started walking toward Dipper. "We are a powerful race, Dipper," Jeff told the defiant boy, "and Mabel will marry us NO MATTER-"

Dipper kicked Jeff in the face. Because the gnome was so small he flew like a rocket and landed a footbal field away. The rest of the gnomes looked at Dipper and ran away on all fours.

The twins walked away, and Mabel had a worried expression on her face.

"Wow Dipper, I've never seen you so angry, except for that moment two minutes ago."

"One of my friends is already in a horrible relationship. I don't want another."

"Thanks, Dippingsauce."

Dipper realized that while Wendy may be out of his grasp, Mabel would always be there for him. And that was fine with him