Hey everyone, this is my latest edition to my collection of short stories. This story line would just not leave me alone for the past 2 weeks so I decided I should write it. Alvin is 21 years old in this fic. It's a story from Alvin's point of view, so you know :) Anyway please read on and I hope you enjoy it :).

I walked down the dimly lit street on a cold winters evening. A transparent, plastic bag slung over my shoulder containing the few possessions I had received and kept over the 6 years I had been inside. Minus one that had been confiscated on my arrest. I stirred at the concrete floor, listening to the sound of my footsteps. Watching the shadow that my figure casted in the pale yellow gradient of the street lamps. My mind was occupied with thoughts of what my family's reaction may be to me turning up on the doorstep after years of imprisonment. Judging by the fact that I hadn't received a birthday card or Christmas card for the duration of time, it wasn't going to be a happy reunion.

I finally reached the family home. I fished out my front door key from beneath the few items of clutter in the plastic bag and pushed it into the door. I attempted to turn the key but, to my surprise, it didn't budge. I scanned the lock on the door and noticed that the make of the lock didn't match the key. "Brilliant." I sighed, branding the key useless and flinging it into a nearby grid.

Taking a deep breath, I hoisted the bag back over my shoulder and raised my hand before rapping on the door with my cold knuckles. I waited patiently, looking down at my worn trainers. I heard the door unlock and open. I lifted my hooded head to meet my adoptive father's eyes. I smiled sheepishly. He didn't smile back, he just gestured his head for me to come in without a single word being spoken. I shyly walked in as if I had just walked into a complete strangers house. I shuffled into the living room and sat stiffly on the edge of the couch, setting my bag down on the floor between my legs.

Dave sat in the arm chair across from me and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. "Well, Alvin... Are you proud of yourself? Of what you've done?"

I cringed at the harsh tone in the voice of my long-time guardian. "Of course I'm not, Dave." I said quietly, lowering my head to look at the floor. Why did I feel like I was talking to a complete stranger?

"How could you, Alvin. He's your brother for god's sake!" Dave yelled, standing up quickly and approaching me.

"I don't know." I whispered.

"What?" Dave replied.

My eyes began to tear up and my vision became blurred.

"I don't know." I repeated slightly louder.

Dave became slightly angered and frustratedly shouted back at me. "What do you mean, you don't know!? How can-"

I shot up from my sitting position and screamed at him, cutting off whatever he was about to say. "I MEAN I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, OKAY. Do you not think I've been asking myself the same question for the past 6 years! It's fucking torn me apart, Dave! It's ruined my life and pushed away everyone I loved and cared for! My life's gone to shit. All because of one moment of anger, I've fucked up my whole life."

I dropped back down on the couch, put my head in my hands and cried hysterically. In the back of my head I knew that I was either going to end up back in jail... or sat in an alley with a litre bottle of vodka and a gun to my head.

Half expecting to be hoisted out of the front by the scruff of the hoodie, I was surprised to feel Dave's arms wrap around me and pull me into loving hug.

"God, what's wrong with you, Alvin." Dave said quietly as he tenderly rubbed my back.

"I don't know, Dave... P-please... Help me." I sobbed back.

"I will, Alvin... I will."

I had never felt so weak and vulnerable in my whole life.

As Dave released me from his hug, I heard footsteps creaking down the stairs. I turned my head to face my youngest brother who stood half way down the wooden steps. A shocked expression washed over his face as he finally recognised me under the shadow of my hood. He ran towards me and clenched his fists, hitting me in the chest as tears rolled down his round cheeks. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and tried to calm him down.

"I'm sorry, Theodore... I'm sorry."

He stopped hitting me and threw his arms around me, bawling his eyes out and forcing himself against me as hard as he could. I placed my hand on the back of his head. I almost broke down. I'd missed my baby brother so much. I missed his innocent charm and never ending happiness. His contagious smile which never failed to cheer me up in any situation.

"I missed you so much, Alvin. Don't ever leave me again." He mumbled, at an almost inaudible volume.

"I'm sorry, Theodore. I'll never leave you again, I swear."

He let go reluctantly and sat close by me, as if he thought I would disappear if he moved more than a foot away from me.

I collected myself and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. As I looked up at Dave, I dreaded the answer to my next question.

"Dave, umm... Do I... C-can I... Still... Sleep here?" I stuttered, sheepishly looking at my adoptive father.

He looked up and with a sympathetic smile, nodded his head. A feeling of deep relief washed over me and I smiled back at my father.

"Thank you."

The rest of the night flew by and it was soon 11:30pm. Dave stood up from his armchair and yawned loudly.

"It's getting late, I'm gonna' go to bed." he announced making his way towards the stairs.

"Me too. It's been a tiring and... emotional day." I replied, sighing the last part of my sentence. As I stood, Dave threw an arm over my shoulders. "It's good to have you back, son."

I smiled gratefully and turned to look at him. "It's better to be back, Dad. I was kinda' thinking you wouldn't... want me back after... well you know."

Dave frowned slightly and quickly replied. "Alvin, I'd never even think about anything close to disowning you. You're my son and I'll love you no matter what."

"I love you too, Dave." I gushed, with tears almost escaping my eyes.

We walked up to our bedrooms and said our good nights. I looked nostalgically around my room. I took off my shoes and socks and put my feet down on the carpeted floor. I relished in the feeling of the soft material. I hadn't felt carpet under my feet in 6 years and words couldn't describe how good it felt. I stripped down to my boxers and pulled back the covers of my bed. I led down on my bed and closed my eyes, reflecting on the day I'd had. Sleep came quickly and I was soon snoring away.

Well that's it for this chapter. This is going to be a 2-shot but I'm not going to say when the next chapter will be up because it would just be a blatant lie :) Hope you enjoyed it and please REVIEW! :)