Chapter 9 – Epilogue

Quite short, but didn't want to drag it out.

Sasuke and Naruto smiled, as they sat in the courtyard of their university. Their times here were finally over and after much hard work (mainly on Sasuke's part), they had passed their exams with flying colours and Naruto had been given the job as zoo vet.

The raven had also received many job offers and had chosen a few to try out. "So let's give it up one last time, to the classes, of 2013!" Cheers and celebrations filled the air as hats were tossed, that must have been a sight for anyone just entering. Sasuke looked across the hall to see Naruto congratulating his friends and turned to do the same himself.

Suigetsu soon appeared and gave Sasuke a quick hug, before being glomped by his respective boyfriend, Kiba. Suigetsu had finally worked up the courage to ask him out and soon they were moving into a flat together and romping at any chance they got.

Sasuke hadn't hesitated to invite Naruto to come live with him and for a few months now they had been happily settled, much to the delight of Sasuke's parents.

In the corner of his eye, he could see a blonde blur running towards him, and turned quickly enough to catch Naruto as he jumped at him. "Hahahaha we did it! WE DID IT!" Sasuke couldn't help but smile at his lover's antics and returned the embrace with ease.

His pretence around people had dropped slightly and he noticed that people found it easier to be around him and talk to him.

Sasuke wasn't surprised when the blonde latched onto him, lips pressed firmly against his, and the raven responded, pulling the blonde into him by the hips. They ignored the catcalls coming from the few around them that had noticed.

"Let's go home" Sasuke murmured against plump lips.

"What about the party?" the blonde pulled away, glancing to see that Kiba and Suigetsu had moved on to see other friends, so they weren't being missed too much.

"Forget the party, I just want to be with you" Naruto smiled softly, and nodded nonetheless, allowing Sasuke to lead him out of the hall and towards the shiny black car that belonged to the Uchiha. It made him blush at the memories of what had happened in this car, many memories, good and bad had been made here.

But the bad didn't matter anymore, nothing could stop them now.

They arrived home in a casual time, not rushing like they had once, nor taking too long to avoid talking to eachother after an argument. They had survived through it all, and they were perfectly willing to take their time and live life as it came.

"You want to watch a movie and get a take away? I can't be bothered to cook tonight" Sasuke merely nodded, as Naruto leaned his head against him as they walked into their apartment, newly decorated to suit the both of them. "Awesome, Chinese or Indian?" Sasuke shrugged at the question, pausing to think about it.

"Chinese; Indian might be a bit heavy for later" Sasuke smirked at his grinning partner; tonight would definitely be worth skipping the party.

Naruto moved to the phone, with menu in hand, as Sasuke sauntered over to the sofa waiting for his companion to join him. He flicked through the movie channels deciding on an action movie, he knew that no matter what he chose, Naruto wouldn't complain. He never complained; he was too loyal to Sasuke to care what was put on, he just wanted to cuddle and Sasuke knew that.

He didn't have to look to know that Naruto was about to jump on him, it was just what happened everytime they decided to have a night in. Naruto jumped over the back of the sofa, snuggling into Sasuke's side, knees curled up to his chest.

A knock sounded on the front door, and Sasuke pried himself from his snoozing partner, and sauntered to the door, opening it to see a spotty teen, who smiled at him and handed him his food. Sasuke paid the boy and shut the door quietly not wanting to wake his boyfriend. Placing the food on the table, he ran his hand through the unruly blonde locks.

With a yawn, Naruto's eyes blinked open to see Sasuke unpacking the dishes, and he stood, wrapping his arms around Sasuke's back, his face pressed into the space inbetween his shoulder blades.

Sasuke straightened up and turned around in the arms, smiling and placing a soft kiss onto the plump lips.

"I love you Dobe" Naruto pouted at the jokey insult but snuggled closer.

"I love you too, Teme".