This is my first fic; i hope you like please comments and reviews! The chapters will get longer with time!

Chapter 1

They were married three months, four weeks and fourteen days. That left them nine months for her to have the baby. Specifically the heir to the Uchiha clan. Which was good timing since she was already one month into her pregnancy.

She was sitting in the center of their canopy bed painting her nails, a rich crimson color. The Uchiha crescent was embellished neatly onto her robe; when he walked in. As usual he was wearing his ANBU uniform his face hidden beneath a serene weasel mask. He spotted his young wife on their bed, oblivious to his intrusion. He made some noise to get her attention. She glanced up startled at his silent entrance. He sometimes had a hard time believing she was a ninja. The softness in her touch and the innocence in her eyes fooled him. Her young face was vibrant and glowing in her pregnant state. Her voice was soft as she spoke.

"You're home"

"Hn" He answered casually. He removed his ANBU vest and Sakura moved to help him out of his clothes. Her small hands undressed him with grace any Uchiha matriarch should posses. He noticed her pink locks were longer from when he last remembered, one month earlier. It now reached her back and framed her angelic face softly as she focused on her task. During his mission he had received word of his wife's pregnancy and had rushed to get home to his family. The Uchiha clan and its elders were immediately impressed with Itachi's hastiness in furthering the clan. They wanted him to have several children, favorably male.

He let his hands gently brush through them, stopping at the nape of her neck, tilting her head upwards to meet his; her bright orbs shined like emerald gems a bright contrast to her dark skin.


Even after three months of marriage she was still nervous around him. It wasn't as if Itachi was the most reassuring person to be around. His long lingering gazes and stoic expression made her uneasy and self conscience. He watched the blush rush to her cheeks as he continuously stared at her face. She was something of a wife. His hand was still on her neck as he pulled he forwards to brush his lips against hers. It had been weeks since Itachi had been in the comforts of his home and in the arms of his wife. He couldn't help it when the first thing he saw was Sakura and her glorious beauty and his instincts told him to take her and take her fast.

Later they lay in bed wrapped in each others warmth. Her head rested on his chest and his arms were around her small form. She breathed in his scent of fire earth and pure male and snuggled in closer.

After a moment she asked;

"How was your mission?"

"Hn" She assumed meant good. After all he was Itachi Uchiha, nothing less than perfection. Which boggled her mind, why she was married to him. She played with his long black locks running her hands through them. The one leisure she rarely enjoyed. He ever rarely left his hair down.

"I missed you" She confessed, her voice muffled by his chest. If it wasn't for his keen hearing he would've missed it. His only response was to tighten his arm around her but Sakura knew he meant well. Instead he placed his hand on her stomach. He glanced down at her questioning. She smiled reassuringly.

"He's fine. I think we're okay for now. Just until the fifth month" He didn't say anything but she could feel his worry lingering in the air between them. She sat up running her hands down the tight ripples of his chest. It sent a quick shiver down his spine and to nether regions.

"Look, we're fine. I'm a medic; I would know if something's off. I wouldn't lie to you okay?" Again, he said nothing but she no longer felt the weight of his worry. However her hands continued moving and she felt a shift in the air. He quickly reach to grip her hand,but she was quicker. She followed her hand down past his chest and saw his sudden change in mood. She met his gaze and feeling speechless. After what they just did, he still wanted more. She was beginning to think her husband was more animal than man.


But she never finished her thought because she was under him within seconds, his lips seared to hers.