Part two.

I can't believe I forgot to mention this little thing:

I actually wrote a Homestuck/Cirque du Freak crossover for you, Shammie… but it was complete and utter CRAP. No plot, not even slightly funny… y'know. So I made this. The Homestuck one… might have to wait, until I get a better plot that actually IS a plot!

A strange man was in her dreams. She couldn't see him – she couldn't see anything yet – but she knew he was there. His presence made her feel uncomfortable. Her blood ran cold inside of her veins.

She wanted to wake up, screaming. To be able to move the toes on her feet and wiggle the fingers on her hands. Despite her efforts, she stood still. She was a prisoner in her own body.

The man would come every day. His eyes trained on her, inspecting her, scrutinizing her features.

Go away! she wanted to scream. Go away…. go away…

"The Cirque refuses to keep her," Sam heard him say one day. "She will have to go."

Mr Crepsley's voice sounded shocked. "To go? To go where?"

He laughed. Even when he laughs he sounds sinister. "With you, Crepsley."

"With me?! To… to the council? She is not a vampire… she would die in the process." I'm not afraid of death. The corners of her lips twitched, and she almost smiled.

Mr Tall stepped closer to the man. "Why hasn't she woken yet?" The suspicion in his tone was obvious.

"Why, because I don't want her to." The pause was painfully long. "Not until she's been blooded."

When she woke, it was dusk.

Waking up was like being born again. The light felt unnatural, the ground too hard, the sounds foreign. She attempted to speak, but her throat was so raw it hurt to swallow.

Larten saw her rouse, though, and came to her aid. "Good… morning, Sam. You were asleep for quite a long time." When he smiled, his scar turned bright red.

Sam blushed like a schoolgirl. "D'you… are we… am I…" He gestured to her fingers. Across all ten lay identical, pink scars that shone slightly in the sunlight.

She gasped. "I'm… you made… I…"

Shame was apparent in his deep brown eyes. "Yes. I did not want to… that was… not my intention. Desmond Tiny. He made me do it."

She tried to think of something to say, but all that left her lips was a wisp of air.

"Crepsley." The voice came from behind, sudden and cold. "How nice to see you here."

A bad way to end it… I know. D: But… well, next time? :P