Robin gasped as the Jokers blade barely missed his torso; he flipped backwards and landed on a vent and watched as Aqua Lad ran at the Joker. Robin's hand flew to his utility belt reaching for one of his many explosive devices, but his hand clutched at empty air. He looked up in time to see Kid Flash bounce of the wall and Aqua Lad land on top of him.
They had been given a mission by Batman to secure an old run down warehouse that was suspected of being a drug zone. However being that they were in Gotham almost every run down warehouse in the city was a drug zone. However when they arrived the villains were already there, and not the small time crooks Robin had been expecting.
The Joker was now heading for Artemis who had only three arrows left. She notched one and warned the Joker not to come any closer. The Joker however was not the type of person who listened to kids and as a result went flying through the air as his face connected with Supper Boy's fist.
That should wipe the smile off Jokers face, Robin thought to himself, smirking. But the Joker was also not the type of person to just back down from a fight. He got up, laughing as he did so, and Robin felt a shudder travel down his spine.
"What's wrong kiddies, you really thought that would be all it took to knock old Joker off his feet", the Joker laughed again and lunged at Super Boy. Super who was on the edge of the roof stumbled over the edge and landed on the ground with a deafening thud.
Robin on the other hand did not see this as he crept silently through the shadows hoping to avoid the Jokers attention until he could reach his two possible unconscious friends.
"Aqua Lad, Kid Flash, you guys okay", Robin asked kneeling down beside them.
"I will be fine, thank you Robin", whispered Aqua Lad as he retrieved his water bearers.
"Well, I could really go for a double cheese burger, extra-large fries and chocolate milkshake right about now", came the speedsters reply. Robin smiled; Wally never failed to amuse him.
Unfortunately the Joker had noticed the three friends recovery and was now pining his attack on them. His hand darted into his jacket and pulled out what appeared to be throwing knives. With careful but quick precision he aimed then threw a volley of knives at the three boys.
Kid Flash dodged the knives with ease and sped towards the maniac, Aqua Lad however was a little slower to react but with help from Robin managed to avoid injury.
The Joker had now run out of knives and instead turned his attention to the red and yellow blur hurtling toward him. He stood calmly, waiting for the blur to get close enough for him to attack.
Robin realized the jokers plan before Kid Flash and tried to call out a warning, but Kid Flash was often stubborn and continued with his poorly thought out attack.
Miss Martian bring the bio ship and get here quick as you can, Robin thought.
But what about the fire's, she thought back.
Zatanna will be able to handle that on her own for now, we need you here. Robin ordered
Miss Martian obeyed, flying to the location Robin had given her. Not a minuet latter she heard a thump on the roof and made an opening, through which the one and only Kid Flash fell through.
"Hey there beautiful, he said as he slowly got up brushing himself off.
"Oh, hey Wally, what's happening up there"?
"Well Rob and the others are kicking the Jokers sorry butt", Wally told her, punching his fist into his open palm as if to reiterate the point. But since landing on the bio ship Wally had not seen the events that had occurred on the roof top and so was quite surprised when he saw what was happening.