The conversation wasn't easy, they want Alice to pretend not to know Jane is coming so she can act as bait, which is insane to me, but I guess Carlisle is right and I have to understand that it's the best course of action because Jane is strong and with that we could get the surprise factor on our side whilst she thinks it is on hers. I was not happy about the upcoming battle, but what choice I had, what choice did any of us have really.

Later as we were laying on her bed I couldn't keep it anymore.

"Alice I want you to transform me this week, or even right now"

"Bell.." she started

"No, No Bella I want to be a vampire before the battle that is not up for discussion I want to be there and strong with you"

"I understand love, and I love you so much for wanting to be there for me, but please listen to me, try to understand where I am coming from love, Turning you into one of us, is going to happen, it always was going to happen but I don't want it to be for the battle, I don't want it to be for a fight, it shouldn't be for a fight…"

"Alice..." I tried to interrupt

"No, Bells she can't take that away from me, I never wanted to turn you to be a soldier, it is not about that nor is it about making you stronger, it shouldn't be rushed, it should be about love about the fact that we both a the moment want to intertwine our existences not out of fear but willingly out of love, out of hope for an eternity together. I waited so long for you love, I made you up in my mind thousands of times, and you still managed to be so much more, and I love you but I also care for you Bella that means that I want everything between us to be about gentleness and comfort and she… she can't take that away from us, this is not how it should've gone" she finished in a whisper.

"Al, I am thankful for you, and for the way you want things to be, I don't think you could be more gentle even if you wanted to, but life isn't always about how things should be, you know that love, but things are the way they are, and it is not just about a fight, it is about love, there is nothing that you and I could do to each other or for each other that wouldn't be about love, we have too much of it, it will forever infect every one of our moves and there is hope in that even if now it doesn't feel like that. Sometimes If the roles were reversed would you go home and wait for me to fight?"

"No" she sighed

I felt her bury her head in my neck "But there are so many things to discuss till, it's not just that"

"Like what?"

"Your dad, your mom, and so much more, your graduation that you should be able to attend, prom"

I smiled at my wonderful Alice, taking my prom into account when the fight that was coming could kill her, I wish everyone was cared for like she cares for me, trying to factor in infinity just so I live to never encounter even a second of sadness or regret.

"I cut you a deal" I said

"What deal, love"

"You turn me in three days, I spend the next two with dad, and tell him we're going on a school trip, then in a week or two, after the fight go back and tell him I'll stay with Renée until next year he'll never know or worry, pros of divorced parents, they don't talk as much" I smiled

"Can I offer another deal?"


"No, listen to me first I know you think I don't want to turn you, but I swear love I do, I kind of even made a plan for it, even if it terrified the hell out of me, we finish high school first, go to prom, be crowned because duh! Then you tell Charlie you're off to college, he'll take pictures of you and be so proud, you'll tell him your college is in England, I'll turn you then, we'll train you, you'll learn how to be like us, the you and I will go visit the world, we'll have fun in every city, and then after the first year we'll come back you'll see your mom and dad and we can even go to college afterwards study whatever you want to study. Isn't that a better deal?"

"Is Jane going to wait for graduation?"

"Screw Jane!"

I think this is the first time I heard her curse"

"Alice I want to fight with you, for you, you know that"

"What if fighting for me was doing the right thing and waiting as I am begging for you to wait love"

"Because you might die"

"Love, I am begging you"

"Alice, you already agreed why are you backpedaling?"

"I am not"

"Yes you are, you said you would turn me"

"I did but I didn't say when"

"Fine, I'll ask Emmett then"

"Bella" she sighed

"No, nope, no Bella no anything, you want to know the truth, I think you are terrified inside that I'll regret the transformation"

"Would it be so bad if I were love?"

"Yes because it means you don't trust me"

"I do…"

"No you don't, because if you did you will trust my word. Alice Cullen I love you, I want you now and forever, and I want you to turn me, I want to fight with you, and for you. No don't interrupt me I am not done, That is an affirmation I need you to accept these truths why Is it so hard for you to accept them?"

She seemed so small again, it will always amaze me, how sometimes she seemed so frail that a touch will annihilate her, with her big golden eyes staring at me full of something so close to sadness but that I can't pinpoint.

"I am terrified you'll regret me" she whispered

"Never" I take her hands and make her look at me. "Never will I ever regret you "

"Okay" she whispered "We'll do it next week, but you spend this entire week with your father, whenever he is at home you are"

"Fine, but I won't get to train"

"You don't need to"

"What do you mean?"

"Newly turned vampires are very strong, we'll have a week to get you used to your body" she stayed silent for a moment "I am going to drop you of at Charlie's"

"Oh, Okay"

Alice's POV

After I dropped Bella home, I went straight to Edward, I sat next to him, I reaaly don't know what to do.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"you know I am not"

"She wants you to turn her she wants to be with you and to be one of us, and I think she is right"

"But she is so incredibly young Ed, too young to give her life up, I mean think about her parents, every time she asks that of me, I see Charlie's face, he just loves her so much, and he is so terrible at showing it if she disappears he might go mad with sadness, I can't take her away from him, or from her mom, or her first college experience, that is not how any of this was supposed to go"

He put his arm around my shoulder

"I know baby sis, I know that, but she'll see the, again and she will be happy, you will make her happy"

We stayed like that until the phone rang

Bella's POV

I was anxious, I mean I understand her fears, of course I do, if the roles were reversed I would've had the same, but I feel like she doesn't understand mine, she can't understand the impossibility of me sitting at home whilst risking her, I feel like if I had a proof of my love, like the mating bond a tangible unbreakable fact she'll get it, but that is unfair my love isn't more volatile because I can't offer an eternal bond except with my words, my words should matter, she should know that she has my eternal love, and I will never regret her, just like I am sure of her love for me she should be sure of my love for her. I couldn't take that anymore, so I picked up the phone.

"Hello love, is everything okay?"

"My love isn't volatile"


"My love for you is as strong as your love for me"

"I know"

"No you don't"


"If I asked you to give up everything for me, no questions asked would you?"


"Would you?"

"In a heartbeat"

"So would I, for you"

"I don't want you to gver up anything for me, I can't ask for that"

"But I would and you didn't ask"

She stayed silent

"I don't want you turning me to feel wrong for you Alice, every time we talk about it you get sad or closed off, is it so bad that I'll be with you forever, don't you want that?" I asked

"Open your windows" was all she said before hanging up

I did, 3 minutes later she was in my room, I barely got the time to turn around that she had me pinned against the wall and kissed me so fiercely it felt like she was trying to melt our bodies together.

"Please never ask that again, I want to spend every second of my life with you, even if there is an afterlife I will find you again and I will keep loving the heck out of you"

"Then love me now, change me now, listen to me now, trust me now love, please"

"I will"

"Will you?"

"I promise I'll keep my word, I might change you early because of the fight, but you are right I am not changing you because of it, I am turning you, because I love you, I trust you and I wanted to be with you now and forever"

The following week was a nightmare for many reasons, first and foremost I didn't get to see the love of my life, because I was supposed to be focusing on the rest of the world according to my Goddess, no matter how many times I told her there is nothing but her worth focusing on, second is the growing anxiety, not for the transformation, even though I guess that factored in, it was more about Jane.

However to be fair, Charlie and I did talk, I spent times with him, Alice said that he loved me but he can't really show it, and I guess, I see it now, or maybe I am just going to miss him, whatever it is I am happy she made me do it, as horrible as it is to be away from her, it did leave me time to talk to mom on the phone.

The day of the transformation came quickly and after an eternity, The Cullens had everything prepared and Alice held my hand the entire way to the house, she seemed more scared than I was even if we both tried to hide it.

"It's going to be okay love" she said

"I trust you" is all I answered

Alice's POV

As soon as I sunk my teeth into her flesh, I felt it a sort of vertigo, a heavenly rush it was so hard to stay on top of it and not let is swallow me as I drank, but I did, because my hand was on her heart, her heartbeat that is what grounded me, her scent linked me to her. I let my hand travel from her breast to her waist and brought her as close to me as I could before injecting the poison.

I don't have a lot of memories, and in the ones I have the painful ones have a good place, but no memory will ever be as painful to me as the scream she let out then.

It was done. She was one of us. She will be as she awakes. I love her. I wish our love didn't involve poison.

Bella's PoV

I knew it was coming, I knew the pain was coming, it was written somewhere in my mind, can't quite figure out where, but there was no being prepared for that sort of pain, unlike any I have ever encountered. As it swallowed me whole, I thought I was going to disappear in it, yet I could feel comfort, somewhat I was being comforted, yet I couldn't figure out where that comfort came from. But I held n to it. I heard all around the universe a subtele whisper, by a voice I knew, but couldn't recognize it.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds, aduit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds or bends with the remover to remove : oh no! it is an ever fixed mark

I knew that voice was my destination , but I couldn't seem to reach it, it came from all directions, I was scared I was lost, yet the voice was still there unwavering, showing me the direction.

I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart I am never without it anywhere, I go you go my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing darling.

I felt my eyes open, slowly to uncover the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, her hand laying on my cheek, she as looking back at me like she saw the grace of deliverance, her lips so close to me yet so far away, and suddenly something tore my indsides, a sensation I can't believe it was so crushingly painful, I thought I was going to die, I made a move to leave to run, to do something, anything to get over that but she forcefully pushed me back on the bed.

"I am so sorry love, it is going to be okay, do you remember everything who you are, who I am what is happening?"

I nodded but I wasn't focused I need to get rid of that feeling it is destroying me

"It is going to be okay" she said

Carlisle came in with a bag, I grabbed it and brought it to my lips, it was unlike anything I've ever tasted, I am not even sure that tasting is still the word to use here, my whole body was consuming the liquid at the same time, it was instantly filling every inch of me. Only when I was done drinking I saw that Alice's hand was still on me, I took a second to look at her, for the first time, a second time, she was truly what the best the universe could ever produce, I grabbed her by the collar and kissed her, I didn't really gathered the extent of my strength, she crashed on me, I love her, god I do, she kissed me bask she was trying ever so gently to quiet my passion, with so much tenderness I stilled my movement.

"Love, you need to rest, close your eyes" she said

I did as I was told and rested my head, I grabbed her hand urging her to lie with me.

"I am here love, I am here, from now on I am always with you, close your eyes, ret.

Even though I wasn't tired I did as I was told, and fell unconsciousness instantly, the next hours were spent in between a dreamless comatose slumber and hunger. But she was, true to her word, always there.

The next day, I was already feeling better, I was laying in bed with Alice.

"You're okay?"

"Yes baby"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I am sorry it hurt you"

"Don't be your voice guided me through the pain"

"Always" she said as she nuzzled deeper in my neck

"What is my ability?"

"Only time and you can tell us that honey" she smiled

"When do I start training to fight?"

"Bella, for now just stay with me, hold me, allow me to be happy that everything was okay, and allow yourself to rest, and tomorrow we'll talk about everything else"

"I can think of something I want to try with my new found strength" I smiled

"Oh I bet you can, but we won't"

"Why not" I asked as I grabbed her waist, with my strength she seemed even smaller.

"Because, Bella I need to make sure everything is okay, for a little bit more, please"

"The first time I met you I didn't know you were so much of a worrier"

"Only when it comes to you"


"Because love, you are the one thing in the world that is more important than the rest, than life itself"



"When you're done worrying, and we're done with the battle"

"Yes love"

"I am going to do things to you that will make the universe blush"

"Promise" she asked kissing my neck

"I swear"

"Alice stop trying this hard" said Edward

"He is right, love you can't force your visions"

"She is supposed to come tomorrow Al, we've done everything possible, we put Charlie in a safe location, with the fishing trip, we have trained, everything will be fine, she might be just blocking you" said Esmee

"I know, I know" Sighed Alice

Things have been quite hectic lately in the house, I still can't figure out what it is that I have as an ability, but I am a good fighter, not really because of my strategy or even discipline but it has more to do with the fact that I apparently will be super strong for about a year, which is nice, but I need to focus more, brute force isn't enough, Edward and Jasper said to stay close to themn in battle, they said they will put my force to the best use, but I don't know if I 'll be able to stay next to anyone but her.

That is the most interesting thing that happened to me lately , with my newfound condition, is her, loving her, this new way, it is like a more intense, educated and focused feeling, I smell her, and she drives me insane, I hear her, even when she is kilometers away, everything about her is becoming a sort of existential canvas where I take place, and to know Its is the same feeling for her, it is even better. Love is life, even in death.

"Bella" I felt her say

"Yes love?"

"Do you want to take a walk with me?"

"Sure love"

We walked in the forest next to the house, I wasn't yet allowed, to walk too close to the town, I am still unstable, I know it, I feel it, and if anything my red eyes reminded me, they fed me blood from bags, after the battle, we will start changing my diet.

"Honey, if the worst comes to pass tomorrow"


'No I want you to listen, I will fight of course, but let me at least tell you that" she stopped, almost ike she was out of breath "I am so incredibly grateful that I got to meet you, and if I die I want everything I own is yours, have fun don't mourn me forever, and stay with the family they'll help you with the transformation"

"Okay, three things, one you're not going to die, two if you do I will mourn you forever, until the end of times, and three you are the most amazing of all the creatures in this universe and I love you"

We sat in the park a few hours, just enjoying the closeness. But the battle was approaching, I was getting anxious and restless.

"We should head back" I said

Alice who's head was on my lap nodded.

When we got home, everyone was in the living-room.

"Hey" said Carlisle

"Hey everyone, I just, I want to say thank you for everything"

"Alice no! No thank yous no goodbyes are we clear?" declared Esmee

"But ..."

"But nothing you are my daughter, we will fight, we will win, and all of this will be well behind us in a few hours"

I guess she was right, even though a few hours later, Alice will be as close to dying as I ever need to see her.

We took our positions in the clairiere early that day, we were willing to spend hours waiting so Alice could seem alone laying there in the grass, my beautiful queen. I had received orders to not move until ordered to, no matter what, because they didn't know if Jane came alone, nevertheless Edward and Jasper both had a hand on me, I was grateful, and angry at the same time, grateful because I wouldn't have respected that order no matter how hard I would try, she is my everything, you can't even think of threatening her and leave unscathed, but angry so very angry that my mate might come to face a danger that I would have to witness unmoving.

It was an hour or two before we heard any noise, and then it came, a quiet ruffling of the leaves, it was fast, Alice heard it, I know, she adjusted her posture and I bit the inside of my cheek as hard as I could, not to move. Jane appeared as Alice had predicted, same place, I saw her face for the first time, her face, the face of the vile monster who hurt my world, the woman I will end myself as soon as I could.

"Hello, sweetie it has been a long time hasn't it?" she said

Alice stayed silent.

"Heard you found yourself a mate, I came to check it out for myself but you know that already don't you"

Again Alice didn't utter a word

"You did a good job, hiding her I mean, but you know I can't let her have you, you are mine sweetie" she said sitting next to Alice, and put her hand on her neck

The grasp of Edward on my hand broke the skin, he did well, I was going, I am going I am trying so hard to do the right thing, I am trying to but I will not succeed. I don't think I can.

Jane laid next to Alice, then put her head on my love's shoulder "I missed you Alice, I missed us, I know it was not always easy, but I never stopped looking for you, I know what you think of me sweetie, and I'll admit I am so sorry for the way I behaved, but I love you and deep down I know you love me, so come with me now, tell your little army to leave their trees, we'll let them go and you'll come with me"

"Do you always come to reclaim love with an army?" asked Alice

"I did not say I had an army and I had a feeling I will be me with resistance"

"Why do you think I resist?"

"Because you have a biased memory of what we used to be"

"How is that?"

"Alice, don't make me angry, you see you always do that make me angry and then blame me for my anger, you are note being fair amore mio"

"How am I being unfair?"

"Alice, we've talked enough, don't let this thing drag on forever, you and I belong together, you know it, I know it, let's go"


"Yes love" she whispered as she dragged her finger under Alice's shirt

"The only place you and I will go together is hell"

Jane laughed at that, that abomination of the creation laughed, that monster laughed. I couldn't move, not anymore, not now that she admitted to have people close by, not now that fighting for my mate life meant for now fighting to stay rooted

"Fine, sweetie, so be it"

"Will you be fair with me and allow me to fight you alone, we'll settle this together, call your men tell them to leave, or to come witness your victory, doesn't matter to me"

"Fine I'll do so if you do so"

"Fine" said Alice "Carlisle bring the family and come out, my life will stay in the confines of these woods isn't it?"

Edward and jasper pushed me back "you are her life stay here for now" whispered Edward.

From every tree in the forest, people seem to emerge, they were so many, too many for us to fight, and this was going to be hard.

"So, no army huh" said Alice "You must truly believe that I love you, if you brought Rome to imprison me"

" This is stupid is it not, Alice at the second the fight starts I will submit you"

"Yes" is all that Alice said

"You were always crazy, were you not" snarled the blond monster

"Yes always, because I believe"

"In what?"

"What you lack, I know someone who has it, what you took away from me, I gave it away to someone, I don't mind dying here Jane, because I know I won, dead or alive I won, you and I both know it"

"Shut up sweetie, don't make me mad, since I love you I'll give you one hit, one punch for you"

"Okay, one punch it is then"

Alice turned around and hit one of Jane's men, and suddenly the forest turned into a battleground, I couldn't stay behind, but I felt like it wasn't my moment yet, I kept my eyes on the Cullens and despite what I initially thought they were handling themselves and then I saw it. I saw Jane and my mate on the ground. I flew out of the woods I don't know how many men I took down on my way there.

"Leave her alone" I yelled ad I plunged on Jane

She pushed me back forcefully

"I am going to kill you" I yelled

"No you won't, so you are the mate"

I punched and punched but I couldn't seem to touch her, and Alice was laying on the ground, with empty eyes.

"You are pretty, well not me, but pretty" she smiled

I wasn't listening, I kept punching, I stared around, most her men were on the ground but the Cullens looked bad. I finally landed a punch, seemed surprised, as was I, I hit her in the face and broke her porcelain skin.

"Okay, the fun is over" she said

She stopped, stared at me, but nothing happened so I flew myself and punched her again and again.

"Alice!" I yelled "Alice stand up please love"

She punched me so hard I fell back, she stood above me, and brought me to my knees and then punched again so hard I thought she broke my face, and suddenly four men were holding me to the ground. After that everything went in slow motion I saw her walking back to Alice, and grabbing her by the collar, she put her hand on Alice's chest and began to break the skins. It changed something within me, I yelled it was unlike any sound I have ever emitted everything around me stood still for a second before it was blown away. I ran to Alice, she seemed to be coming back to us although her face was cracked completely, Jane came rushing again, but nothing was the same, we were fighting in a fog.

"What is happening?" yelled Jane

"non possiamo più usare le nostre capacità » yelled one of her men

"Bella you blocked all our abilities, it's a fist fight now bitches" Yelled Emmett

At a fist fight I had a chance punches flew around and hitting my targets, Jane was out of sight I looked for her, and Alice was punching her again and again, until she tore her apart, good, if I didn't give her her revenge, she took it and that was the best possible course of action. After what felt like hours we were burning monsters, and trying to keep going despite all our wounds.

The fog I created took hours to dissipate. It vanished with the smoke of the sacred fire.

Hours later, we were all back home, all trying to get over the day, exchanging what the battle was like for us, yet Alice didn't speak at all, we were all painfully aware of that, but none of us wanted to push her, finally she said

"Thank you everyone for having my back today, I think I am going upstairs"

"You're welcome" we all said

I followed her upstairs

"Are you okay love?" I asked

"I am many things right now" she sighed

"Talk to me love"

"I don't want to bother you anymore today"

"Al, you are to me what I am to you, do with me as you would've done if the role were reversed, please"

"I am sad that you all got hurt, sad that I killed people, Happy that she got what she deserved, so incredibly sad that you had to discover your ability like that, when I discovered mine with a vision of you, so terribly proud of you, of your strength, patience and courage, so grateful for you all, so unbelievably hurt by what she did to me, by what she took away from me"

"It's okay love, there is no one here who is sad that we all came home alive and well, or regrets fighting for you and with you, as for me I got to be a badass, saving your life that is the best way to discover my ability"

"I love you so much"

"Me too love so freaking much"