Lucy's Sacrifice

Summary:Lucy was being ignored and neglected from her so-called 'nakama' for a year now, ever since Lisanna grew tired of them ignoring her so she decided to quit Fairy Tail,and then after 3 years, for some reason she ends up at Sabertooth.


'Uhhh... It's been a year now since I have been ignored and neglected by my 'nakama', ever since then she has been kicked out of Team Natsu...she remembers that day like it was yesterday...


I was sitting on the counter drinking my milkshake ALONE, yes I have been alone now since Lisanna came back miraculously from the 'dead', I don't blame Lisanna or anyone from the guild that they actually ignore me for Lisanna, but I just wish that they won't ignore me always, I still do have feelings you know, well like I was saying, I was drinking my milkshake then suddenly Team Natsu came to me, I was so happy, Finally somebody will talk with me, I am not yet fully forgotten...

'Hey guys, what's up?.' I said full of excitement, because finally for a year nobody has noticed me

Everyone was looking sad except Natsu, Natsu was the first one to talk...

'Hey Luce... we were kinda wondering if you could quit Team Natsu...' Natsu said energetically..

I was shocked, did I hear him right, me,quit Team Natsu?

'Q-q-quit Team Natsu?' I said trying my best not to stutter, but failed, it was good that Natsu didn't notice my stutterring.

'Yeah, because Lisanna is now back and all, and you know you are kinda weak, if you go solo then you can gain more magical power and save some money for your please please please please please.' Natsu said to me

Did he just call me weak?, was I really always a burden? I tried to keep my tears from falling off my face...Fortunately my bangs were covering my tears...

'Sure, I don't mind at all, well I think I'll go home now,see ya.' I said walking slowly to the door but still putting up a smile for them

'Really?,Thanks Lucy.' Natsu said

He called Lisanna and said

'Hey Lisanna, your in our team now just like old times.'

He was smiling as he said that...

I went out of the guild , when I was outside the guild, my tears started to run uncontrollably, I ran to my apartment...

I didn't even eat anything anymore , I just went home crying, take a bath,then fell asleep...


Now I am in front of Masters office,I grew tired of being ignored and neglected so much, I plan on quitting Fairy Tail actually, well here goes nothing...

*knock* knock*

'Master,It''s me Lucy, may I come in?' I asked

I heard Master say come in so I did...

'What is it Lucy?' Master asked.

'Master,I would like to quit Fairy Tail.' I said sternly

I saw Master was super shock of what I just said...

'But why my child?' Master asked, he was already 10% before bursting into tears...

'Well, Iv'e grown tired of everybody ignoring and neglecting me so I want to quit Fairy Tail.'

I was also almost gonna burst in tears just any second...

'O-okay my child,but please always remember that I will always love you as my child.' Master said crying

'Y-yes Master.' I didn't even realize that I was already crying

Master made my Fairy Tail mark disappear.

I walked out of Master's office, then ran back home, she packed her things then left Fairy Tail




I was watching the guild party that Lisanna was part of Team Natsu, I am happy for her but they don't even realize they drove away one of their precious nakama...