Sam rolled her neck as she walked, making her way to baggage claim. She hated airports with everything in her, and the nub better be damn pleased that she gave in and took a plane to come see him, instead of insisting on driving like every other time. (He claimed it will give them more time if she flew, because she wouldn't have to leave earlier to make it back in time for work. She just agreed because he offered to pay.)

Where the hell was he?

Picking a table at random, she climbed on top and peered over the dreary crowd. It was nearing on five in the morning and she was dead tired (there was some old fat man leaning his seat so far back he was practically in her lap the whole flight – little to say she didn't sleep much) and all she wanted was to drag him to his bed and use his conveniently giant bicep as a pillow to sleep for at least five hours.

She was honestly debating just taking a cab to his dorm at this point, until she spotted one of his stupid striped shirts about ten feet away. As soon as she caught a glimpse of his nubbish figure, standing on his toes to see over the crowd, she threw caution to the wind and jumped off the table, unceremoniously dropping her carry on and nearly landing on top of an old couple sitting at the table beside her, beginning to run. It was like any cliché movie airport scene: Sam running toward him, Freddie spotting her, his distracted eyes lighting up, bracing himself for the impact.

Unlike movie scenes, however, Sam and Freddie were much less graceful, and didn't have the advantage of a run through beforehand.

Basically, they collided and fell backward, Sam sticking her hand out to break her fall and - luckily or unluckily, depending on whom you ask - accidentally catching Freddie's head before it banged the ground.

"Ow, nub!" She shouted, pulling her hand away quickly. "You have a hard head!"

"Not my fault you ran into me!" He shot back, waiting in vain for Sam to get off of him, "Could have judged your distance a little better."

Instead of another comeback, Sam just stopped, hovering her body over his and looking into his eyes, "I missed you."

With a smile, the accident was completely forgotten, and Freddie gripped Sam's waist. "I missed you, too. But before I kiss the living daylights out of you, we should probably be standing upright, considering there are security guards glaring at us for this PDA."

She rolled her eyes, scrambling off of him and reaching a hand to pull him up, which he took, albeit warily.

The second he was standing upright, she launched herself at him again, softer this time, but still succeeding to lift her legs around his waist in an attempt to get closer. He wasted no time in wrapping an arm around her to keep her from falling, with his other hand quickly becoming entangled in her long mess of blonde hair.

"God, I missed you so much. I'm so glad you're here." He muttered as he made his way down her jaw, blatantly ignoring the crowd pushing past them with varying reactions of disgust or amusement.

"If you would just quit that stupid school then you wouldn't have to miss me." She returned, knowingly, and he laughed.

"Or you could just stop being stubborn and move out here with me."

As soon as the phrase left his lips, he stopped, leaning back to look at her. They had been joking back and forth about her moving out to Massachusetts, but that's all it had been – a joke. Until now, that is, because he was seriously thinking about it and why not? It's not like she had all that much keeping her in Seattle, besides her job, and she would have just as good of an opportunity to build boats in Massachusetts as in Seattle.

Sam unwrapped her legs from his waist, and he slowly placed her back on the ground.

"I'm… I'm serious, Sam. Why not?"

Shaking her head, she looked at the ground. "I can't just… leave. I just got a job, I'm finally making stable money-"

"Honey-" The grimace on her face brought him back to reality. He sighed. "Okay, fine. I won't push you on it. Just… think about it, okay? I only have another year at MIT, you're done with school, there are definitely job opportunities here – in fact, we can look for some while you're here, if you want." He caught the excitement in her eyes, just before she rearranged her expression to the indifferent mask she so effortlessly carried.

"And we don't even have to stay here for that long, just until I'm done with school. Then we can go wherever you want. We can go to Canada and live next to that Fat Cake Headquarters."

"Oh my God, could we really?"

Grinning, he wrapped one arm around her waist, leading her to the double doors to exit the airport.

"Anything for you, love."

Rolling her eyes, she bumped her shoulder against his. "We can talk about this later. Let's just go back to your room and sleep, nub."

To: Frednub

Where the hell are you?

To: The Demon

Went out to pick up milk – you forgot to get some after work – again, might I add. Be home soon, dear.

To: Frednub

Not my fault you drink like two gallons a day. Hurry back, I can't sleep without you here.

P.S. Don't call me dear.

To: Frednub

Oh and the dryer is broken again.