So here is my story in the 'Shattered Glass' universe. I have a few pictures on my dA account that sorta relate to this story, just look up 'blackbeltgal' on dA if you wanna see them. I may not update this regularly cuz my life is getting super busy. Anywho, ENJOY!
Cybertronians and humans alike rushed, attempting to quickly repair a wall that had been nearly destroyed in a recent, nearby bombing.
Refugee's remained in the camp set up for them in the back right corner, most in make shift shelters, though a few who had lost a family member or their friends were still out, sobbing over their recent losses.
That was one guilt that Megatron had yet to get passed. The humans didn't deserve this, they shouldn't have been pulled into a war that was not their own. But it had happend, and now all he and his allies could offer were shelter, medical attention, food and water to any weary refugee's that had survived an attack.
A gentle touch on his foot plating brought the 'cons attention to the ground, where his partner stood, staring up at him. His message, although silent, was clear.
Are you alright?
Megatron sighed, reaching down and gently lifting the human.
"Yes, I am fine."
A raised brow.
"I am sure, Jack. There is no need for concern."
The raven haired male allowed it to end at that. If his guardian wanted to speak of what troubled him, he would in due time. Megatron was soothed by the warm flesh pressed to his hand, and Jack smiled slightly when the 'con purred softly.
Jack let his gaze drift to the refugee's, eyes searching, ensuring every child had someone there with them, that each person had one to comfort them.
"We were lucky this time, none of the children seem to have lost their family to the raid, or at least, not all their family." Jack murmured.
Megatron looked at the 21 year old for a moment, then turned his gaze to the camp before nodding.
"Yes, it would seem so."
The raven male stroked the warm metal of Megatron's palm for a second before his hand moved to touch under his right eye as it shut. Noticing this, the giant 'con lifted him to optic level.
"Jackson, your eye. Is the dark energon bothering it?"
Jack forced a smile onto his face, trying to ease his partner's worry.
"A bit, yes, but I'm alright. Raf and Knockout checked it just a few days ago and said it was fine. Don't worry."
Megatron raised a single metal brow at the young man, but allowed the subject to drop.
"Hey! Jack!"
The raven human blinked in surprise before looking to the floor. Raf was running up, a human sized holo-log in hand.
Megatron chuckled before lowering his other hand for the teen. Raf quickly thanked the 'con, clambering onto the large metal palm and bracing himself before he was lifted, level with Jack.
"Raf, is something wrong?" Jack asked, moving to stand at the tips of Megatron's fingers. Raf followed the same example.
"You...could say that..." The teen replied. He hesitantly held out the holo-log to Jack, who accepted it, offering Raf a calm smile before looking down, eyes darting over the words.
His brow then furrowed.
Jack swiftly ran up the length of Megatron's arm, taking place on the mech's shoulder.
"A large energy surge just happend nearby, the traces picked up are similar to a groundbridge, but...different. It's small, but the distinction is clear." The young man murmured, holding the 'log out for his guardian to see.
Megatron frowned, then turned his gaze to Jack.
"Do you have any suggestions on our next course of action?"
The raven male pursed his lips, pondering this for a moment, then nodded.
"I think we should send Miko to investigate. She may not be as good a spy as Raf, but this could mean trouble, and she can handle any trouble that this may throw at her."
He then looked over at Megatron, who made a sound of agreement.
"Yes, that would most likely be the best course of action, wouldn't it?"
The 'con then looked down at Raf as Jack gently tossed the holo-log back to the teen.
"Thank you, Rafael, for notifying us of this annomaly."
The brown haired male grined.
"No problem."
Setting the teen down, Megatron looked over at Jack as he gracefully lept down to the floor as well.
"I'll go speak with Miko, I'll see you later." Jack explained shortly before walking off.
Megatron smiled slightly as he watched Jack walk away. The young man's movements were graceful, more so then most other human males. Though it was no surprise, most of his life had been spent fighting along side 'The Allies'. He was a warrior, a leader among the humans, and a second-in-comand among the ranks of the 'cons.
Megatron turned away to gaze again at the refugee camp for a moment, then started off to check on the soldiers who were still recovering from the bombing.
Original tfp verse, 3rd POV
The base was calm, all things considered. Miko was contentedly looking at the pics on her phone, while Raf was playing a video game. June and Fowler were both talking quietly, smiling as they did. The only person outside of base was Jack, having to work that day.
The 'bots were doing their own things, while 'Bee watched Raf play his game, and Bulkhead was chatting with Arcee, Optimus was watching the monitor and Ratchet was attempting to fix the groundbridge.
Now and then, there'd be a curse in Cybertronian from the medic, but it was quiet, too silent for human ears to hear.
All-in-all, everything seemed to be just normal.
Until the spark in the underwiring of the 'bridge controls.
"By the allspark, this is taking longer than I first suspected..."
"Is something troubling you, old friend?"
Ratchet paused, looking up at Optimus with a sigh.
"No, this is just becoming frustrating. I still can't understand why the groundbridge response time has been so slow..."
Optimus placed a hand on the medics shoulder.
"Perhaps you should tkae some time to rest, old friend."
Ratchet sighed again, shaking his head.
"No, best I take care of this now."
"Uh, doc?"
Ratchet groaned slightly, rolling his optics.
"Yes, Bulkhead?"
"Are the circuts supposed to be sparking like that?"
"Sparking? What are you-" Ratchet looked down, then his optics widend in horror.
"Primus! Everybody, get out of base!"
Then there was a burst of sparks...and the bridge came to life, before it exploded.
Shattered Glass verse, 3rd POV
A form darted through the tops of the trees, leaping swiftly from limb to limb, only pausing now and again to look around.
Miko cursed to herself as she stopped once again. Why was she sent on this mission? Raf was the leader of the spy squadrent, and would've been better at this job than her (mostly because she lacked the patience for this sort of thing).
With a sigh, she reached up, tapping the comlink that resided at her ear. The tap quickly opened up a chanel with base, and Jack's voice came over.
"Miko, have you found something?"
"No, nothing yet. Damnit, why didn't you just send Raf? He has more patience than I do when it comes to this sort of thing!"
Jack chuckled.
"Miko. I chose you for this because you can handle any trouble this power surge may have brought with it. Raf is good as a spy, that is true, but in combat situations, you're the better choice."
Miko laughed.
"Now you're just soundin' rediculous."
"Ah, you wound me. Now keep you eyes open, we don't know what trouble this could be."
"Yeah yeah yeah, I'll call ya when I find something."
With that, Miko tapped the comlink once more, ending the connection before she braced herself, begining to again go from branch to branch.
Her black trench coat fluttered behind her, seeming nothing more than another shadow within the trees. Her black and pink pigtails bounced with each movement, brushing her shoulders lightly.
A flash of light brought her attention to the sky, and she grabbed for a hold as the ground trembled with a thunderous boom.
Instincts overcame her, and she rushed towards the area from which the light had come. She moved in practiced silence, something drilled into her head since she joined the Allies.
She stopped when she reached a clearing, hanging back in the shadows that the tree's cast, clinging tightly to the branch she crouched atop, glaring at the figures in the clearing.
The Autobots.
But strangely enough, they looked different...acted different...
And had humans with them.
"Is everyone alright?" Optimus asked, looking around, concern lighting his optics.
The tone of his voice shocked Miko, never before had she heard of the Prime being concerned for anyone.
"Yeah." Arcee groaned, rubbing her aching head.
Miko crept forward slightly, reaching up to open a chanel once again.
"Miko to base."
A few moments later, Jack's voice came over the comlink.
"Miko, calling back so soon? Did you find the disturbance? Is it the Autobots?"
"Yeah, I've got a visual on them. They're the 'bots alright, but with major cosmetic makeovers."
"Alright. Anything else?"
"Yeah, they've got humans with them."
"Humans? They always kill humans on sight...Don't engage."
"What? What do you mean don't engage!"
"Miko, look at them. Are they hurting the humans?"
Miko sighed. Then did as she was told and looked closer.
The 'bots...they were calming the humans, lifting them to shelter them from any dangers.
"No, they arn't hurting the humans. They're protecting them."
"Alright then...Follow them."
"What? Why can't Raf do it! He's the leader of the spy squadrent and-!"
The tone in Jack's voice was warning, and Miko sighed again.
"Fine, but you SO owe me one, Jack."
Jack chuckled.
"I know."
With that, he ended the connection.
Miko gave a quiet groan, rubbing the back of her sore neck in a feeble attempt to relax the tense muscles, then she listened in on the conversation that the 'bots and humans were having.
"Dude...what happend?" The human teenage girl (who looked very much like Miko) asked, rubbing her back.
"It would seem that the groundbridge malfunctioned, and transported us somewhere far from base." Ratchet replied, running a few quick scans over the other Autobots.
Miko's hand reached instinctively for the gun at her side as the medic reached for the humans, but forced herself to not draw the weapon.
The human femme was shocked when the medic gently lifted the young teen from the ground. The teen squirmed, quickly irratating the 'bot.
"I'm only chacking you for injury! For Primus' sake, stop moving Miko!"
It all clicked into place in Miko's mind when the medic called the younger teen femme that.
They weren't the 'bots, not from her dimention at least. A groundbridge malfuntion was bound to end in dissaster, and so it had. It had ended up sending them to a whole fragging new dimention!
It all made sense now. The major differences in appearence and personality, and the two teens who looked fairly similar to herself and Raf.
These 'bots...where good.
Miko's hand slid away slowly from her gun, instead moving towards the medkit latched to her belt. If the humans were injured...she wouldn't be able to stop herself from helping them.
She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she would get in trouble if she revealed herself. But then decided that she wouldn't be in trouble. If she was wrong, she could escape, and if she wasn't, it was her job to help them.
"But where exactly are we?" Arcee spoke up, hand on her hip.
Miko jumped down, allowing herself to land none-to silently, giving warning that she was approaching.
"I think I can explain that."
She entered the clearing, paying no mind to the guns that the 'bots had pulled. The strangers all stared at her in shock and awe.
"What the slag?" Bulkhead muttered, watching the older version of Miko walk forward.
"My name is Miko Nakadai, demolitons and weapons expert for the Allies. I've been listening to your conversation for the past few minutes, and, considering that your little friend there has the same name as I do, I think I have the answer as to where you are. You are in a different dimension."
Everyone was taken aback by the bluntness of the older teen. But the femme, uncaring of the fact, looked over at the four humans.
"Are any of you hurt? I have a medkit if you need it." She asked, gently taping the medkit at her hip with two fingers as if it were example of her willingness to help.
The humans all shook their heads, still staring at her with surprise.
Miko smiled slightly.
"Alright then. Now, listen up! It sounds like your 'bridge malfuntioned. Your not in Kansas anymore. In this dimention, the Autobots have ruined the planet and kill humans, while the Decepticons are the saviors of the human race. Considering how you all seem to be the good guys, I can guess that the 'cons are bad in your world, yeah? I'm gonna make this offer only once. You all can come to base with me, or stay here. But trust me when I say that the Allies' base is the only place that's safe for your human friends."
The Autobots were silent, then Optimus spoke.
"I believe you. We accept your offer."
Miko grinned, nodding, then lifted a hand to her ear and tapped the comlink.
"Miko to base, requesting a groundbridge. Innocents have been found, six Cybertronians and four humans."
Soundwave was the one to reply.
"Medbay needed?"
"Soundwave? You got stuck on on duty? I feel sorry for ya. Anyway, uh, yeah! A open up a few bearths in the medbay. I'll also need you to find a safe route to get us by without the refugee's seeing."
"Megatron and Jackson are requesting data."
Miko paused, reaching into her pouch and pulling out a small datalog.
"Got it, sending it right now."
Miko then ended the connection and looked over at the 'bots and their human friends.
"Get ready to move. Once we're in base, we'll only have a certain amount of time to get to the medbay before you're bound to be seen. And judging by how you all act, I'm pretty sure you don't want to scare the frag outta anyone."
Slowly, the 'bots allowed their defences to fall away completely, and Bulk, 'Bee, Arcee and Optimus all lifted the humans from the ground, keeping them close.
Even if they didn't fully believe this was all happening, they knew that this older Miko was their only chance.
And somehow...they knew she wasn't lying.