"Morgana!" Rúnya tossed aside proper protocol the moment the familiar face from Camelot were ushered in to the Great Hall. It didn't matter much, the ceremony wasn't for another hour or more, and only Sir Kennard was there to witness the soon-to-be-crowned Rúnya's bubbling excitement. Her friend was just as beautiful as Rúnya had remembered, but something was off. The tenderness that had once consumed Morgana's face had been overpowered by something more rigid, bitter and fearful. It would have given Rúnya more cause for concern if it hadn't been for Morgana's eyes: just as she had remembered when she'd first looked into them, the same glow of kindness that Rúnya's life had been so dependent on. "Forgive me, I'm being rude." She stepped back and nodded to the woman at Morgana's side. "I don't believe we've been introduced before."

The other woman dipped at the waist in to a bow, not a curtsey like Rúnya would have expected. "Morgause, Your Majesty."

Rúnya's eyes snapped back to Morgana. Her face melted in to a smile. "Your sister." She said. "You were able to find a way to be together after all?" Morgana and Morgause exchanged a look. It was clear to Rúnya who exactly was in charge in the duo; Morgana followed her elder sister without question. "So I take that to mean you're no longer the ward of Uther Pendragon?" Rúnya said at last to break the silence.

Surprisingly, Morgana smiled. "We can talk about all that later." She ran her fingers through Rúnya's jet black hair. "We came here to see you Rúnya. It's your special day."

"Thanks to you." Rúnya said sincerely. "I wouldn't be alive, let alone back in my proper place if it hadn't been for what you did for me." She embraced Morgana and leaned in close to her ear so that her words were not overheard. "Whatever path you've chosen to take now Morgana, know that you'll always have my loyalty." She pulled away, never breaking the smile on her face. "I hope you'll be staying a while. Uncle Kenny's prepared a feast large enough to feed all of Rheged." She chuckled. "So I supposed it's a good thing all my people are invited."

Morgana thought about the dozens of feasts Uther threw. How many times had he opened his table to the common people? But Morgana understood perfectly: Rúnya felt like she owed her people everything she had been given. Uther thought his people owed him everything. "Perhaps."

Within the hour everything was in place. Rúnya knelt before the Rhegedian bishop who in between his hands held a delicate silver tiara. It was a crown far less noticeable than the one's Morgana was accustomed to seeing on kings, but she knew it fit Rúnya perfectly.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Rheged and her territories according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I swear."

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will."

"And do you so promise to use your utmost power to protect those under your rule? To uphold and maintain the laws of God and to preserve the ways and teachings of the Old Religion?"

"I promise."

"Then it is my duty and pleasure to crown thee, Queen Rúnya Arwen, third of the name, ruler of Rheged and Protector of the Realm, Mother of the Flame." He gently nestles the tiara over her brow. "Long live the Queen!"

The gathered crowd roared in response, just as they had the night Rúnya had won her life back from Grimmire. Morgana looked up at the younger girl and felt a pang of envy. Not for the crown on her head, but the fact Rúnya was finally, safe. Morgana despite escaping with her sister, well…so long as Uther was king she would never be safe. He would never stop hunting until he brought his beloved ward home. That was why, even though she could have easily made a life here with her sister Morgana knew that she could not stay long in Rheged.

"I understand." Rúnya answered when Morgana finished her tale. "You can always make a home here, if you decide running has grown to exhausting." Rúnya took Morgana's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. It was very warm, but Morgana knew that was normal. "Friends stick with one another no matter what. Whether they're wearing a crown or being tied to a stake about to be burned alive."

"I can't ask you to go to war for me." Morgana acknowledged. "You have a promise to Arthur to keep as well, one I would not ask you to break for my sake." She smile faltered. "But there may come a day where I must ask you to preserve my life."

"And I promise that gladly." Rúnya stood up and nodded towards the window. "Where will you two go?"

"I'm not sure. Morgause knows far more about the journey to come then I can possibly hope to understand." Morgana looked out at the world that lay beyond the walls of Rheged. "Somewhere far away I expect…"

"My gates are always open." Rúnya reminded her. "And here, people like us don't have to live in fear. Here, let me see your arm for a moment." She peeled back Morgana's sleeve and pressed her thumb against the soft supple skin. "Níedfréond." A small, ashy mark was inlaid in to Morgana's skin. "In your darkest hour, let this gift be your light, when all other lights go out."

"What is it?" Morgana studied her arm. Though she had felt no pain, the mark looked no more than a small burn.

"That is for you to decide when the time comes my friend." Rúnya her throat. "I have to get back, I can already sense Uncle Kenny is getting restless at my absence." She rolled her eyes. "I love the man, but you'd think he'd have relaxed a bit by now."

"Never." Morgana chuckled. "The people who care most for you will be worried forever." She too felt Morgause growing steadily impatient. "I have to go now." She reached over and drew Rúnya in to a long embrace. "You're going to be just fine." Morgana told her. "This is what you were born for." She held on just for a moment longer before letting go and stepping back. "I hope our paths cross again Rúnya."

Rúnya nodded. "They will." She said firmly. "My tale is done, but I may yet have a part to play in yours."

Morgana grinned before slipping out the door and disappearing with Morgause. She drew her green hood over her head and flashed the queen a devilish smirk. "I'm sure you do."

The End