A/N: I'm really sorry it took me this long to post. Last week was the first week of classes and first week is always crazy town here at the college. I hope I did a better job with spelling this time. PLEASE READ A/N AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER.


Chapter 3


I can't believe my kids are fine. I can't stop kissing and hugging them. I can finally breathe. The minute I hold them in my arms I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Everything in the room disappeared. Nothing mattered but the fact that they were fine and in one piece. I can't stop crying but at some point I know I have to stop. Chris tries to distract me from all the crying by talking about the toys they have in their hands. I was so busy kissing them and being grateful that I didn't notice them.

"Where did you get these?" I ask afraid that they did something wrong.

"The man gave it to us. Mr. Grey," said Teddy. I felt my blood run cold. I never expected to hear that name come out of my kids' mouths. My subconscious froze in her spot. My inner goddess woke up from her five year coma with hopeful eyes and a new heart beat. Me, I was just terrified. I couldn't believe it.

"Who?" The alarmed in my voice was evident.

"Him!" Chris pointed and I look up afraid of what I was going to find.

There, standing in all his glory was Christian Grey. The love of my life; my first everything; the father of my children; the man who broke my heart. Fifty! Both my subconscious and inner goddess said at the same time. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. How did he know that I was here? How did he find my kids? Oh my God he found our kids! Chris was the first to break the silence I don't think she noticed.

"He is the boss of everything Mommy!" she said excited. "We got the second car for free. We didn't have to pay more for the first car, and we didn't even have to wait to take them home!" They both look so happy. It was as if Christmas came early this year. I was just standing there looking at Christian. God, he looked more beautiful than I remember. He had his same copper hair. He still looked like an Adonis on his perfect gray suit. Taylor was standing right behind him trying not to look too shocked but was failing miserably at it. Christian's eyes looked like they were going to come out of their sockets. Me, I'm sure I looked as pale as a ghost. It was confirmed when Teddy spoke.

"Mommy, are you ok? You look kind of green." He said with a concerned voice. My little man was always so perceptive. His voice pulled me out of my shocked state.

"I'm fine baby," I said to him. "Christian." It was all I could manage.

"Ana," he whispered.

"Well it looks like the kids were safe and sound. Are we done here, Mrs. Steele?" The chief of security asked me.

"Yes, thank you sir." I shook his hand and turned to my kids. "We should probably go."

"Ana…I" Christian was at a loss for words.

"You know our mommy Mr. Grey?" We all turned our heads to Chris.

"Are you friends?" Ask Teddy.

"Yes, Ted, Mr. Grey is an old friend of mommy from when I leave here in Seattle." What else was I supposed to say? 'He's your father' doesn't seem appropriate somehow. "We have to go guys." In that moment Chris runs to Christian and hugged him. It broke my heart.

"Thank you for the cars Mr. Grey." She said to him on her sweet voice. Teddy walked to him and stretched his hand.

"I'm not going to hug you, but thank you for the cars Mr. Grey. Now I can open it and see what's inside!" He was as excited as his sister about the cars. Christian was as surprised as I was by the kids' gesture. He patted Chris on her back and shook Teddy's hand.

"Goodbye, Christian." I turned to Taylor acknowledging his presence for the first time. "Nice to see you, Taylor, and goodbye too."

"Ana, we need to talk." Christian says to me for the first time using a complete sentence.

"If I may Mrs. Grey" Taylor started to say but I cut him up.

"It's Ms. Steele now Taylor."

"Ms. Steele, you don't look very fit to drive."

"He is right mommy you look kind of green. Maybe you need to eat." Said Teddy who, like his father, had a thing with feeding me. "I'm hungry too mommy. We missed our snack time." He said kind of shy.

"I'm hungry too mommy. Can we go to Friendly's?" Chris asked with eyes full of hope.

"Not today baby." I felt horrible by saying no, but I was on saving mode and I needed to go some place cheaper. But as always my kids know me too well. They decided to offer help and I wish they didn't. I'd never been more embarrassed in my life.

"It's ok if you don't have money mommy. Chris and I have 20 bucks and we can give it to you to pay for food if you need it." Teddy said trying to help. I wanted the earth to open and swallow me. I couldn't believe what he said that in front of Christian.

"Well, Ted has ten and I have ten. You can have his ten but you are going to have to borrow mine." All eyes were on Chris after what she said. "You don't have to pay me right away. You can pay me when you have tons of money, but you are going to have to give $12 because I won't make you pay me right away." She looked so cute explaining this. It was in moments like this that she reminded me so much of her father. She was all business. I was about to thanks them both and refuse their offer when Christian spoke.

"I can take you." We all turned to him. "I can take you to the restaurant and pay for everything. That way you don't have to drive." I was about to say no when my kids spoke.

"Yes!" They both said in unison. What is it with people interrupting me today?

"I'm sure you have a million things to do. We don't want to disrupt your day." I try to decline politely.

"I don't have anything to do. I'm all done for the day. Isn't that right Taylor?" He said. My kids started jumping up and down chanting 'we are going to Friendly's.' After that, it was impossible to say no.

This should be interesting.


When I hear the kids tell Ana that she could borrow the $20 they had it broke my heart. Their conversation confirmed what I already suspected from their clothes and the car incident. They don't have money. How can my kids don't have any money? Oh, my God I have kids! What am I suppose to do? There was only one thing I was sure of; I couldn't let Anastasia go without talking to her.

Taylor arranged for Sawyer to come get Ana's car and take it to where she was staying. I found out she was staying at The Inn. It was a three stars hotel. I told her that I could transfer her and the kids to five stars one but she declined. I discreetly asked Taylor to tell Sawyer to upgrade their room to the most expensive suite at The Inn. It was the least I could do. Taylor was going to drive us. To be honest I didn't think I was fit to drive. I was a nervous wreck

"I need to get the kid's seats out of the car." She said not really looking at me. I totally forgot that the kids needed special seats. This is why I can't be a father. I totally forgot about their safety. What kind of father does that?

"Sure." We walked to her car and what I saw pained me. Her car was an old model probably ten years. I felt the need to buy her a new safer car and send this one to a junk yard. Not that she would have appreciated it.

She opened the car took the seats out giving one to Taylor and one to me. Then she proceeded to take out a bunch of things. Coloring books and pencils; story books; blankets; a bag; a stuffed donkey and a small R2D2 toy.

"What do you need all that for?" I asked with a surprise face. She looked at me amused.

"They won't go anywhere without their favorite toys. The blankets are in case they fall asleep in the car. They have a change of clothe in the bag, believe me they are going to need it. And finally, kids get bored in cars you need to keep them entertained or they are going to make your life miserable." She explained.

"Are you serious?" She rolled her eyes at me and that made me narrow mine. Then she froze for a second before she started laughing. I was amused so I joined in the laughter.

"Grownups are weird," said Chris.

I've never been to Friendly's before. I was glad Taylor was driving; he seemed to know where he was going. I sat on the front seat and Ana sat in the back between the kids. I couldn't stop looking at her from the rearview mirror. While the kids color I look at them with more attention. I could see a lot of Ana in Chris. She had her same nose, and bone structure. And her eyes, does beautiful deep blue eyes. She was as beautiful as her mother. But I could also see some of me in her. Her hair and her attitude, was all me - definitely the attitude. She was also told for an almost four years old. I also reflected on how she was called Chris. Her name had something to do with me. I felt my heart warm at the thought. Teddy on the other hand was all me. He had his mother's eyes but I think that was about it. He had my hair and bone structure. In fact I think he look just like me when I was six. Ana was trying to keep up with their conversation and put up a smile for them, but I knew better. I could see through her "everything is perfect" façade. She looked tired. Her body looked tone, but she also looked like she lost some weight in a short period of time. Her eyes had a shadow under them. I could tell she hadn't had a good night sleep in days. She also had a hunted look on her face. As if she was afraid of something. I didn't like seeing her like this. I wanted to know what was going on her life. I wanted to know how I could make it better for her. I wanted to solve all her problems. I just didn't know if she was going to let me. Hell, I was lucky if she didn't run away again after lunch.

It took us 30 minutes to get to a Friendly's, because of traffic. From the looks of the parking lot the place was full of people. It looked like it was mostly middle class families judging by the cars I saw. When we walked inside I saw many kids eating, apparently it was a popular place with the kids. I made mental note to remember that. I also saw a lot of different pictures of ice cream on the walls. They sat us at a table close to a window where two people had to share a seat. The kids claimed one seat for themselves, which I was thankful for. It gave me the opportunity to seat next to Ana, something I thought I'll never be able to do again. She asked me to take the window seat and for a minute there I thought she may make a run for it. But then, I remembered the kids, she can't run without the kids.

We ordered our food. I was about to order for all of us when Ana stop me. The kids were looking at me like I had grown two heads and I felt the heat go to my face. I must remember not to be so controlling around them. They took their kids menu and started reading as Ana buried her face in her menu to avoid talking to me.

"They know how to read?" I asked surprise. When I was four I didn't even know how to speak. Of course that was because my mother was a crack whore, and I had a fucked up life. Ana was definitely not her. Ana was probably the best mother in the world. To think I almost took that from her and that I almost killed these two beautiful children before they even had a chance makes me feel sick to my stomach. What kind of monster am I?

"Of course we do, silly." Chris said with her beautiful voice.

"They are very advance for their age," Ana explained. "They can do some simple math, read and write." I could hear the pride in her voice.

"We are even going to go to school this year. Isn't that right mommy?" Teddy seem very exited about the possibility of going to school. Maybe she will let me help with that.

"Your name is Christian right Mr. Grey?" Chris asked.

"Yes it is." Did she make the connection already? I wouldn't be surprise if she did. She seems like a very smart kid.

"It is almost like my name!" She was very exited about it.

"And, what is your name?" I asked. I've wanted to ask that question for a while and know seemed like the right time. I have kids and I don't even know their names.

"Christiane Grace Steele" she said very proud of her name. I had to fight the tears that threatened to come out. She named our daughter after me and my mother.

"What's your name little man?" I asked Teddy trying to contain my emotions.

"Theodore Raymond Steele" he too was very proud of his mane. "Like my grandpa Ray." I didn't mention the fact that he was also name after my mother's father Theodore. My grandparents love Ana very much ever since they meet her at a charity ball. She named my son after my grandfather. I excused myself for a minute, went to the restroom and let some of my tears fall. I couldn't hold them any longer.

How could I have done this to us? Ana was the most kind and thoughtful person I ever known and I broke us. Because I was scared, I and my fifty shades broke us. I missed four years of my kids' life. I missed almost five years with the love of my life. I lost them because of my stupidity. I cleaned my face and went back to our table. I had decided that I was going to fight to get Ana back.

When I got there the kids and Ana were talking. It looked like they where telling her how we meet.

"Then we came to you." Finish Teddy as I sad down. The kids had already started in their food. Chris was busy with her grilled cheese and some carrots and celery. Teddy was eating some chicken fingers with french-fries. Ana and I had gone for the BLT. Afterwards came desert. The kids wanted to make their own sundays and we all three begged Ana to let us do it. She couldn't hide the smile and said we could do it but that I was going to have to do the laundry that was going to come out of that.

As she predicted the kids got ice cream toping all over them. I thought they look kind of cute all covered in chocolate and caramel syrup. Then Ana started texting with someone back and forth I was dying to ask her who it was but I didn't want to over step my line and have her running for the hills.

"You upgraded our hotel room?" She asked surprise and alarmed. I gave her my sheepish smile.

"It's a suite with two bedrooms and bathrooms. It has more space for you and the kids." She decided not to argue. Then I thought about how she found out. "How did you find out?"

"My friend texted me," she said as a way of explanation. I didn't know she had a friend with her.

After the kids where done Ana took them to the bathroom to clean them up and change their clothes. The car ride was quiet the kids fall sleep and Ana put the blankets over them. She definitely knew everything they needed. They were hugging their toys for dear life as they breathed softly. Ana look like she was going to fall sleep any second. When we got to the hotel I help her get the kids up to her room. Her friend wasn't there. When the kids were tucked safely in bed, we let them sleep.

"Ana we need to talk about this." I said, because I knew that I wasn't going to get another chance.

"Can it not be right now, please?" She gave me a pleading look.

"Ana" she cut me off.

"Christian, I'm tired I really wanted to get some sleep before the kids wake up from their nap. We can talk tomorrow. I have a meeting but I'll have you my cell number so we can agree to something." She looked so tired that I couldn't say no.

"Ok, get some rest."

When I got to the car I didn't know what to do. I was happy Ana was here. But I was also sad. I had kids that didn't even knew I was their father. I wanted to cry. One thing I knew for sure I wasn't going to let Ana go that easy. This time I was going to fight for here, and right now I have two more reasons to fight for.

A/N: THANK YOU so much for all of the amazing reviews and all the support. Anamcara78 I'm going to try to give more details for my next chapter. I'll try to make things go a little slower. I think I'm going to be updating again tomorrow. Again sorry for the wait.

Also if any one thinks they can help me edit the chapters before they go up so that it has less mistakes I'll appreciate it. Thank you.