Hey, everyone! It's me, Pigwidgeon! I finally got an account! (but the name Pigwidgeon was already taken. Hmph.)

I'm completely aware that this should be in a different category but I put it under Starship so people who are StarKid fans would read it, not Hunger Games fans who don't know what StarKid is. If you don't like the Games, don't read.

I wrote this a while ago, so if any of the facts with their families or whatever are wrong, I'm sorry. Constructive feedback is appreciated. Also I've never met any of the StarKids (though I got a response email from Lily Marks once... does that count?) so I have no idea how they would actually act in these situations and I don't own them- this is PURELY FICTION.

(Just so you know before you start reading the story- it will be divided into four parts: the Reapings, the Training, the Games, the Victor. Each part is several chapters- like 4 or 5. There are multiple first person POVs in each part. The number next to each person's name is their age.)


District 1

"Denise! Come eat breakfast!"

I trudge downstairs, not wanting to seem like a damper on the day. My family is Hunger Games crazy, and today is the Reaping. I have an older sister who's a victor, a brother who died but came in third place only to his district partner and a boy from 2, and another little brother who is practically in tears from excitement. It's the first Reaping that he's old enough for, and obviously he's not going to volunteer, but all the same...

However, I'm not like them. I might as well not be called a Donovan. My goal is to stay as far away from that Arena as possible, whether I get ridiculed from my stupid victor sister or not. I'd rather be alive and scorned in District 1 than dead at the hands of some killing maniac from District 2.

"This is it, Dad. I'm volunteering."

He smiles at me. "Go get 'em, son."

Tara and my parents escort me to the fifteen-year-old section, giving me a wave and a "Good Luck!" Michael scampers off to the twelve-year-olds, excited but slightly nervous, I can tell.

Leigha, our escort, steps out onto the stage. "Welcome, District 1!"

Applause and cheers erupt from the crowd.

"Well, I say, let's get right to it! Ladies first!" She plunges her arm into the Reaping Ball, and I hold my breath.

'Only four times, Dee. Your name's only in there four times,' I assure myself.

But of course, my name is the one she calls. And there are no volunteers.

Some jittery girl gets to the stage after her name's called, but no one volunteers for her. Oh, well. Maybe we'll let her into the Career pack.

"And the male tribute is... Michael Donovan!"

"I VOLUNTEER!" I call out, pushing past several people to get to the stage. I shake hands with the girl, who eyes me nervously, and I smirk. She has good reason to show some fear.

Let the games begin.

"Oh, Denise, I'm so proud! The third of my children in the Hunger Games!" My mother gives me a hug, and Michael just jumps around.

"I got reaped! I got reaped! I'm not going yet, but I got reaped!"

I want to punch him.

"Go and show those Capitol people what you're made of!" my mother and father both exclaim, hugging me.

I pound my fist into my hand. "You bet I will. I'll see you after the Games."

District 2

"Is this really necessary?" my mother asks.

"Yep! Mom, I'm volunteering." I shove another pin into my untameable hair and add a few last minute touches to my make-up.

"Just... Really think it through, okay, Brit?"

"I have thought it through, mom. I'll be fine."

I walk by myself to the Reaping. I haven't told anyone, but I'm volunteering today. This is my chance.

Paolina, District 2's escort, struts onto the stage. "Good afternoon, District 2!"

The crowd roars in applause. I even hear a few whistles and howls amongst all the clapping. Paolina shouts into the microphone again.

"Ladies first!"

Her hand wiggles around in the bowl for a while, teasing us. And she pulls out a name.

"Eva Crandall!"


I run to the stage, and tell Paolina my name. She announces the second name soon after.

"Christofer Mellian!"


Yep, I did it. I volunteered, and now that Capitol had better watch out. The girl from District 2, Britney, gives me a sly glare and I know already that we're going to lead the Career pack.

District 3

No, no, no. It's Reaping Day. Just... no. I hate the Reaping. It's the worst day of the year. I don't understand how people can allow this to happen. 'Children, go and kill your fellow children!' Insane lunatics, that's what they are. That's ALL they are.

I pull on a tank top and somewhat fancy skirt, and march dutifully to the Reaping with Anna and Mark. Anna's too young— she's eleven— but Mark and I report to our respective sections and pray our names aren't picked. Well, here goes nothing.

"Nico, we have to leave in two minutes if you don't wanna be late!"

I sigh. It's not like I really want to go to the Reaping, I mean, what chance would a fourteen-year-old nerd from District 3 have in the Hunger Games? Hopefully, I won't find myself in that scenario, but I have a bad feeling about today.

I stand in the fourteen-year-old section and wonder, What would happen to me if I WERE picked?

Several other equally nervous teenage girls stand around me. 'It could be any of them,' I think. 'It could be any of them, and it could be me. No, Julia, you can't afford to think like that!' Ugh! I hate the Games so much, it's going to drive me crazy one day.

Our escort, Bo, takes the stage. "Hello, District 3!"

He is met with a light applause, but we're not a very Hunger Games enthusiastic district.

"Well, let's get right to it!"

He dips his hand into the girls' Reaping Ball, and it's deadly silent. I'm closing my eyes and desperately wishing that the name on that slip of paper is not mine.

He unfolds it carefully and reads, "Julia Albain!"

The girl, Julia, stands on the stage next to Bo, her face pale. My heart really goes out to her— I just hope I don't find myself in that position.

"And now, our male tribute is..."

'Just not me. Anyone but me.'

"Nico Ager!"

"Oh, Julia! Be careful! Be safe!"

"Mom, I'm going to the Hunger Games. I'm not going to be safe."

She gives me a teary hug, as do my dad, Mark, and Anna.

"I love you guys, so much. I'll miss you and I'll really try to win."

My mom and dad come into the closely guarded room, and immediately my mom bursts into tears.

"Don't leave us, Nico!"

"I have to go, Mom! I'll try to be safe, but it's the Hunger Games!"

My dad gives me a hug as well, and as the peacekeepers drag them away, I realize that this is probably the last time I'll ever see them.

Thanks for reading! No promises on when I'll update, sorry :( School is starting tomorrow so... wish me luck in ninth grade!

(And in case you're wondering, yes, there will be romance. Eventually.)