A/N- I'm just going to tell you somethings you need to know before reading this. 1. Hades restored Nico's memories after the Titan War. Don't ask how, because I haven't thought about it. 2. Occurs before the Heroes of Olympus series and after the the Avengers defeat Loki. 3. I picture Bianca's hat as a big green ball cap. 4. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 8, 1943 - Nico
"Please!" Bianca whined, her small hands gripping their mother's hand excitedly. She was practically begging for their mother's attention. Nico didn't understand why she was making such a fuss. He had noticed that their mother had been watching her eldest child out of the corner of her eye for the past three minutes. Couldn't she see that she was asking for something she already had?
"I don't know, Darling." Maria said, her voice was playful, and if his sister wasn't so worked up, she may have noticed. However, Bianca was still tugging away and putting on her most pitiful face. Nico rolled his eyes at both their antics. How could Bianca keep claiming she was the older one? He was nine and he still acted more mature than her. Shouldn't that mean he was older?
"Oh please!" Bianca cried. Nico knew that their mother was going to give in soon. He could never figure out how his sister did it, but with a flash of those eyes and a few words, she could get whatever she wanted. It wasn't fair. He had tried the same technique a few hours prior, but did he get to stay in his room and listen to the outcome of the game between the Pirates and Cardinals? No, he was being dragged into town to buy a new pair of shoes. Today was not his lucky day.
"Did you ask your brother what he wants to do?" Maria asked innocently. "I think I'll let him decide." Her eyes darted to him and he smiled up at her. His mother was nothing if but fair, but on the other side of that, she had directed Bianca's attention to him. She played her move well. Now that she was no longer being pulled around by her daughter, she could pay for the eye sore shoes she help Bianca and himself pick out.
He took back what he said about his mother being fair. She was down right sneaky.
"Oh please, Nico." Bianca said, almost tackling him in a hug. "I promise to play as many games of that silly card game with you as much as you want."
"Really?" He asked bewildered. His sister never wanted to play with him.
"As long as you don't cheat."
"I do not cheat!"
"Making up rules as you go counts as cheating."
"I do not-"
"Children!" Their mother snapped, effectively ending their argument in it's tracks. "So, what will it be Nico?"
"Please, Nico, he's only here for one night!" Bianca interjected before he could talk. "Please."
Nico considered his options carefully. If he said no, he could catch the final score on the game. Looking at his sister's pleading face, he knew what he wanted to do, and what his mother had raised him to do. She was testing him, and the consequences of failing would be the guilt he would have to live with forever. Plus, he might make Bianca cry if he said no. He didn't have a lot of friends, and he didn't feel like earning Bianca resentment as well. He loved her too much.
"Okay. We can go."
The smiles he received from his mother and sister were well worth the sacrifice of his baseball scores. He could always find out later. He made his sister happy. She did so much for him, ranging from helping with his math work to sneaking him dessert under the dinner table, and in one instance, picking him up a new radio when his got busted. It had taken her weeks to save the money for it.
He was going to help Bianca get Captain America's autograph, It was the least he could do.
"Well then. Come along. If we're going to catch the show we better leave now." His mother instructed. Then moving as only a mother could do, she hoisted the shopping bag over one shoulder, and grabbed both his and Bianca's hands in one of hers.
The three of them, side by side, walked down the sidewalk of Las Vegas. The conversations between them were relaxed, but it would be hard not to feel the excitement in the air. The crowd seemed to grow around them a they neared the casino hosting the national hero. The energy surrounding the small family felt like it was bouncing off the people around them, amplifying it.
The lights around them flashed and lit their faces as they made their way into the casino in the growing darkness of the evening. The sparkling white tile of the entrance slowly transformed into the plush red carpets of the casino's lobby. Wall hangings indicated the next week's events hung around them, and Nico was suddenly overwhelmed by the shear number of things to look at. It was his first adventure into a gambling hall.
"Nico." His mother said gently, giving his arm a tug. "This way." she instructed, and Nico let himself be pulled along. He was clinging tight to his mother, the crowd was starting to make him nervous. He wasn't a fan of large gatherings.
Bianca, on the other hand, appeared to be thriving. She was even so excited and her stride was so upbeat, her ponytail swung back and forth under her green cap with every step. It was so swishy, for like of a better term, that as they entered the darkened room holding the stage, he swore a small breeze was coming from it. Nico even heard his mother chuckle at the sight as she handed a short man dressed in a soldier costume their tickets.
Then a thought struck him.
Looking up at his mother he tugged on her hand to get her attention.
With a smile she looked back. "Yes, Nico?"
"When did we get tickets?"
"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked, and Nico eagerly nodded, happy to be included. "Your father and I bought them weeks ago."
Nico felt his mouth drop open at the knowledge, but he quickly shut it so he wouldn't alert Bianca. This was her day. It didn't matter that he hadn't been the deciding vote in their plans. Bianca was happy, and she was finally going to get her hero's autograph.
It was only too bad that Captain America was too busy to notice the young girl who wanted his attention.
It was only too bad that he didn't have time to sign her hat.
It was only too bad that Captain America broke his biggest fan's heart.
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 - Nico
The city was in ruins. Nico knew this better than anyone. He had been in the outskirts of the fray taking down every monster that came his way. His sword pierced right through the primitive armor, and regrettably, blood stained his sword. It would be a pain to clean later, but at least he wasn't dead. He was battle worn and looking like the Underworld warmed over, but alive nonetheless.
It was weird how everything seemed to happen to New York, and even though the monsters were gone, Nico refused to put his sword away. The mortals could think what they wanted, he was going to stay as armed as he could. After all, he had just been jumped by a large monster thing while walking down the street. Gods only know what could happen next.
However, Nico was pretty sure that one way or another, his day was going to start getting worse than it already was.
With a sigh, Nico turned Bianca's green cap backwards on his head. The bill kept slipping down over his eyes while he was fighting. He wished he would grow into it like he had with his aviator's jacket, but it seemed like no matter how big he got, the hat got bigger as well. Maybe it was Bianca's way of reminding him that he was still the little brother.
A smile graced his lips as he thought of his sister. His bitterness had all but disappeared over the years. However, what hadn't disappeared was the stream of damaged caused by what he would guess was an 'alien invasion?' Things just continued to get weirder and weirder as the years passed. Shaking his head to rid himself of the possibilities to what could occur next, he started to jog to what was the epicenter of the event.
The old saying, curiosity killed the cat, came to mind as he jumped over corpses and slid across the hoods of cars that were parked in his way. He knew that there was a big possibility he wasn't going to like what he found there, but the lure of adventure was pulling him in. He had nothing better to do than find some danger and jump head first into it.
Getting closer to the center, Nico noticed a severe increase in monsters. All of which were pouring out of a portal in the sky. Despite the sudden science fiction twist his day had taken, he smiled. Readying himself and rolling his armored shoulders, he lunged into the action.
His sword shined as he sliced into flesh and he could feel the power draining into him. Unfamiliar souls pouring out of their bodies into his sword was like a fresh of breath of air. Since the war had ended, he hadn't been fighting large scale enough for his taste. He had been dying for some action.
A crash pulled him from his gleeful killing spree. His ears ached under the strain of the noise. Whatever that sound was, it was close. Looking around himself for the source, his heart almost stopped. A building was about to collapse on top of him, and ridding the destruction appeared to be a green monster sitting atop an alien whale.
His day was taking the gold for being the strangest ever.
The monster kept pounding the whale into submission and with each stroke of his giant fists, the whale sunk deeper into the building. Nico could hear screams coming from inside the building. They were almost as bad as the buzzing in his ears, alerting him that souls were being sent to his father's realm. The combination of the two was doing little to help his concentration. He was starting to stumble under the pressure.
The building was almost halfway when he finally came to his senses.
Nico started running. The building's shadow encased him as the destruction fell closer, and not breaking his stride, he pulled the shadows towards him. The familiar feeling of his face being pulled off greeted him like a friend as he shadow traveled away from what would've been his death. But just before the shadows took him away, he knew he had picked up a parting gift. A parting gift that had happily implanted itself into his stomach.
As much pain as he was in, Nico pressed on. He would've liked to say that he left the shadows the same way he entered, like a badass. Instead he stumbled, ending up on his stomach. "Damn." He cursed. His vision blurred. He could feel blood start to leak through the front of his shirt. His landing had left something to be desired, and he knew he had one hell of a wound on his stomach. Consciousness was fading fast, and Nico briefly wondered if his father was going to kill him for dying so soon.
But then again, he didn't really care. He was already out like a light.
A/N- More to come, but a fast updater I am not.
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