I don't own Inuyasha or Avatar: The Last Airbender.
It seemed like it was from a dream - as if it wasn't real. The way the soft snow looked coming down slowly towards him. His nose was cold and running a bit, but he didn't care. His face turned up to the sky and he watched the white flakes rain down. All he could see was endless, grey sky..
Sokka allowed himself to let go like this now. He usually was keeping watch on the outer walls of his little village, but with the war being over, he simply focused on the sting of the harsh winter air. He awoke at dawn to start the day, but instead of training the young ones for war, he watched the rest of the sunrise quietly. It was safe here back at home. His body was strong, but tired lately. Sokka couldn't believe it had been over a year since he was home with his tribe. Something suddenly disrupted his thoughts...
Through his heavy coat, Sokka felt a pressure form around his middle. He looked down and saw arms wrapped tightly around his torso. A teasing question erupted from the mysterious person who had captured him:
"Whatcha doin' Sokka?"
Sokka turned in her arms and there she was. Her cheeks and nose were stained pink from the cold's cruel kisses. Her eyes were bright though, as they always were. Her hair attempted to escape the hood of her coat in the breeze, and a few strands tickled her face as she smiled sweetly at him.
"Daydreaming again?"
His heart lifted. He felt so thankful in that instant. More so than he would've ever imagined. Sokka was just thinking of their recent days preparing to face the Fire Lord, and how thankful he was that the war was finally over; but this feeling? It was utter bliss.
Sokka ignored Suki's start to speak again and he kissed her. Her lips were warm and he felt a comfort come over him and his cold body. His heart began to race. They stayed like that for a while.
This is where it all began. It felt to him like it was only yesterday, not over 50 years ago. Inuyasha closed his eyes. No one was around now.
He could almost feel the wind rushing past him as he ran through the forest. His hand was sweaty from grasping the jewel tightly in his hand. The energy from the Shikon Jewel was already sending a chill deep into his flesh and bones. He remembered the adrenaline coursing through him and his body viciously halted by a piercing pain in his chest. Inuyasha watched the jewel slip from his fingers, and then he saw Kikyo - he saw the determination and hate in her eyes. Struggling to say something to her, his heart wept bitterly as he fell into a deep sleep.
The aura of energy had always been strong from this tree. Today however it seemed as if it was bringing him right back to the fateful day when he and Kikyo were cruelly deceived by the monster that was Naraku. He remembered it so clearly.
I almost don't believe he is actually dead. There have been so many destroyed lives, illusions, deceptions... I can't believe it's finally over.
For so long, Inuyasha and his companions have fought the demon Naraku. A mere human named Onigumo desired Kikyo so much so that he sold himself to demons for a stronger body, aware of the spiritual consequences. The demons devoured Onigumo, and Naraku was born. Naraku, who had caused so much damage. He hurt so many people without mercy or remorse. Inuyasha had been ready to give his life to a woman he loved, then his life changed in the course of one day.
But Inuyasha and the others had gotten their revenge. Naraku is dead and gone. The young priestess has finally been set free and her soul can rest easy. She died knowing how much Inuyasha wanted and needed to protect her with his life too. Kikyo passed on quietly in his arms as he felt her cold lips fall away from him. She was peaceful-looking when her body went up into the heavens.
Inuyasha felt tears burning to fall down his cheeks - he decided he wouldn't stop them. No one is here to see them.
"It is finished."
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More to come very soon. ~Love, Liv