Title: Inner Demon

Pairing: RoWen (Romeo and Wendy)

Genre: Humor/ Romance

Rating: T

Disclaimer! We don't own Fairy Tail ;)

"Romeo-kun, it's been a long time hasn't it?" A radiant smile crept up the woman's face as her eyes twinkled at the sight of the violet-haired mage.

"Ah, Michelle-san! It's nice to see you again." Romeo gave a small smile and the beam plastered on the busty brunette's face widened.

"Are those abs? My, my! Romeo-kun, you have been working out haven't you? And look at those muscles! How long has it been since we last met?" Michelle gushed as she swooned all over the poor boy who stared awkwardly at Michelle.

"Ano.. You have became prettier after all these years too, Michelle-san." Romeo replied politely, bowing slightly as the endless chatter escaped from her mouth. Romeo nodded politely and gave a forced smile of enthusiasm as Michelle finally ended her speech, engulfing Romeo in a huge hug. In the process, she managed to sandwich her huge breasts between their bodies, effectively making Romeo flush.

"I hope to see you around again, Romeo-kun!" Michelle gave a seductive wink and sauntered off in her skimpy clothes and ridiculously high heels. Romeo gave a sigh of relief and frowned at the woman who left. Hell, he sure hated that woman. She was the same age as him, seventeen, and was from a high social class. What annoyed him the most about the woman was her undying affection for Romeo. Sure, they grew up together. But he had a girlfriend now, couldn't she get a hint? If Wendy saw this-

"Romeo." A penetrating voice called him from behind, and he froze at the familiar voice. Turning around, he came face to face to the dragon slayer who had a smile that lit up her face.

"Wendy!" Romeo exclaimed in surprise, hoping that he wasn't displaying how fearful he was.

"What are you doing here?" Romeo asked in confusion, calming down his nerves as Wendy's grin fell.

"I wanted to go to the bookstore to collect some books for Mira-san. She talked about adding new books to the library." She explained, and Romeo nodded stiffly.

"I'll help you then."

The walk to the bookstore was silent, as Wendy immersed in her own thoughts while Romeo thanked his lucky stars for Michelle leaving quickly.

"So, Romeo." Wendy began, smiling.

"Who was that girl?"

And that was when Romeo realized he was in deep shit.

The inner demon was awake.

The doors of the guild opened quietly and exposed the figure of Wendy and Romeo.

"Mira-san, I'm back." Wendy gave the same smile which crept Romeo out, and he watched as his girlfriend walked to the bar calmly before giving him a slight glance. A kind gaze where her eyes seemed to challenge him to disobey her, and where her angelic smile managed to creep him out.

"Romeo-kun, I think that you should go home first tonight." He winced at her choice of words, and the magic power reverberating out of her being intensified. Thoroughly fearful of the dragon slayer, he succumbed and nodded hurriedly.

As he ran to his only source of hope, he slammed down on the table where his Natsu-nii was seated and surprisingly not fighting.

"Natsu-nii!" He exclaimed, and his eyes held desperation as Natsu turned to him.

"Help me." Romeo pleaded as Natsu examined him like some sort of bug.

As Romeo explained the current mess he was in, Happy flew over with a fish stuck in his mouth.

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaatsu! I just heard that milk comes from boobs! Lucy must have plenty of those!" Happy exclaimed as he grinned gleefully. Hammering his right fist on his other palm, Natsu's eyes widened in realization.

"That's it! Romeo! Tell Wendy to drink more milk, or get some from Lucy! Happy, you're a genius!" Natsu gave a proud smile to Happy, as they engaged in a heated discussion.

"Eh? How will milk help?" Romeo asked in confusion as he got ignored. Shrugging, he made his way to Wendy. He didn't understand, but he knew that he could trust Natsu-nii.

Wendy frowned as Romeo dashed off, her heart squeezing tightly as she cleaned the glass for Mira-san.

"Ara ara, what happened?" Mira asked as she walked to the sulking blunette. Once Mira understood the full explanation, she gave a slight giggle. The tinkling laughter that chimed from Mira's laughter soothed the dragon slayer down.

"Romeo loves you, you don't need to doubt that." Mira chuckled, her motherly voice making Wendy feel guilty. Even if Michelle likes Romeo, it wasn't his fault. Yet why was she so angry?

"Wendy, it's normal to be jealous in a relationship. But when two people are together, the trust and faith for each other should never waver." Mira gave a smile as Romeo walked over. With a wink, she went to the other side of the bar. Registering her words, Wendy's hand pressed against her heart.

So this was the feeling of jealousy.

"Um, Wendy." Romeo called, his legs shuffled from side to side, a habit he does whenever he's nervous.

"I know why you're angry, and I don't know if this will help but.." Her nagging conscious told her to apologize, while the guilt robbed her heart. She was about to blurt out an apology, when Romeo finished his sentence.

"You should drink more milk."

Wendy blinked once before she fully understood what he meant, her face flushing in a deep scarlet red. Something within her snapped as the anger flowed through her blood. How dare he!

Romeo watched as Wendy trembled in fury, and he watched in intense fear when Wendy glared at him. Was this really the Wendy he knew?

"Then go and find Michelle then!" She screamed at him, her voice shrill and dangerous. The whole guild's attention turned to the duo, as Lucy walked over.

"What happened?" She asked and the fuming Wendy looked as if she was about to cry any second now.

"I don't know! Natsu-nii told me to tell that to her and she will forgive me!" Romeo had both hands in the air, panicking as Wendy grew more upset.

"Natsu." Lucy's stern voice called out and Natsu squeaked.

"H-Hai!" Her eyes narrowed at the dragon slayer.

"What did you say to Romeo?" She asked and Happy flew in the air.

"Scary Lucy is back! He told Romeo to tell Wendy to drink more milk! And to get it from Lucy, aye sir!" Happy reported and the silence loomed over the guild.

As the guild burst into laughter, alcohol and seats toppled as everyone fell to the floor laughing.

It was chaos.

Lucy had been last seen strangling Natsu, a chibi rage painted on her face.

"Wendy, I'm sorry.. I didn't know you would react this way." Romeo apologized, inwardly cursing at his limited vocabulary. If Natsu's advise didn't work, he would do it his own way.

Darting glances around the guild, he noticed that no one would be looking at them.

Quickly, he dove in for Wendy's lips, effectively sealing his on hers. As her eyes widened, she couldn't help but feel her heart racing and her face blushing as it heated up.

Wrapping her arms around his neck and closing her eyes, Romeo knew that he was forgiven.

"Look! They're kissing!" Happy yelled, flying around the guild.

Talk about privacy. But hey, this is Fairy Tail.


Hey guys! ^^ Okay, we accept requests for any pairings :D If there are any genres that you would like us to write, please tell us.

(No Yaoi/ Yuri, sorry.)

Also, you might have noticed that I used the word 'we', and this is a collaboration between two authors.

You may want to watch out for initials below to find out who wrote it ^^

This chapter is definitely not one of the best ones hehe :P I'll improve over time in humor, I guess..

RoWen are just adorable ^^

Reviews are loved 3

~Y.M (Author 2)