And here's the new story I was working on! I don't think this pair has many fans, and I can't really blame anyone because these two characters barely interacted in canon (or did they? I actually can't remember!), but I hope you'll read this with an open mind. Haha!
...And damn, I wanted to put a dash in the middle of the word Cat and Like in the title, but it wouldn't work! Guess I'll have to make do with this.
Pairing: Marui x Ryoma
Warnings: Well... the characters may seem rather OOC later on in the story. I sincerely hope it won't happen to me, though.
Summary: "You're both like cats- following anyone and everyone who gives you food." Marui x Ryoma
"Oi, Echizen!" Momoshiro's cheerful and overly-loud voice rang out as he banged on the lockers to catch Ryoma's attention.
Ryoma flinched slightly from the loud noise and looked up, annoyance written all over his face. He slipped his racket into his tennis bag, ready to make a snarky remark about how Momoshiro voice was likely to scare away even Tachibana Ann, the girl of his dreams, when Momoshiro's next sentence stopped him in his tracks.
"Kawamura-senpai says that he's treating us to another round of sushi at his place!"
"Oh?" This changed things. Ryoma had never been one to turn down a good meal of sushi.
"Let's go then." In a flash, he had tugged his tennis bag over a shoulder, and slipped past Momoshiro out of the locker room.
"What…" Momoshiro started, his eyes widening as he whipped around to see the team rookie smirking playfully at him. "Wait for me, Echizen!"
"Mada mada dane."
Ryoma sighed.
On his left, Momoshiro fought with Kaidoh over the last salmon sushi left on the plate, the both of them squabbling noisily and incoherently. Momoshiro had stolen most of his sushi while he wasn't looking, and Ryoma still held a small grudge against him, so he directed insults to him under his breath.
There was no response- he was probably too busy fighting with Kaidoh to care about anything else.
Sighing, Ryoma slid off the chair and headed over to a quieter corner of the sushi bar, unnoticed. Slipping into a chair away from the noise the Seigaku regulars were creating, he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, readying himself for a good nap.
"…and then Sanada-fukubuchou told me that if I didn't shut up, he'd make me run a hundred laps around the court!"
Ryoma's eyes snapped open and he gazed around in annoyance. He knew that voice. If he remembered right, it was… Kirihara Akaya, the second year rookie of the Rikkaidai team. Though he's a year older than me and way weaker, he thought, smirking to himself. He briefly wondered what Kirihara was doing in the sushi bar, when another voice spoke up.
"Hey, who wants another plate of sushi?" A deeper accented voice spoke up, followed by an enthusiastic agreement from Kirihara.
Ryoma gulped. He was suddenly starting to feel hungry again, the memory of Momoshiro stealing his sushi still embedded in his mind.
"Jackal, three more plates for me!" A light, musical voice called out teasingly.
"Bunta, don't eat so much, you'll get fat." Jackal replied, sighing. The sound of a chair screeching against the floor sounded as he got up to order the sushi. The sound of footsteps neared Ryoma, and he looked up to see the tan player staring at him. "Oh? If it isn't the Seigaku rookie player…"
And here's the insanely short first chapter. Don't worry, it's the shortest chapter I've ever written too; I just thought it would be appropriate to cut it off here, because the next chapter should be longer. Hopefully. :D
Don't forget to review! :)
Thanks for reading!