Hey guy's. don't own anything once more. read and review plz. thx. :D

Buttercup's P.O.V.

I shot up out of my bed and ran into the hallway towards Bubbles room. I bust open the door almost knocking it off the hinges. She shot up and look toward's me.

"What's wrong?" She ask rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes.

I watch her for a moment before leaving to go back into my room. I look at my clock.

"7:02..." I said as I made my way into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After the shower, I dried myself and dressed in a dark green shirt with gray long sleeve. It had a black star in the middle. Black cargo's with black and white sneaker's.

I look in the mirror at my reflection. ugh! My hair was a was in half curls. I brushed it down to be straight and put it in a high pony tail with a half bang. When I was done, I quickly made my way out into the kitchen. Bubbles was the only one there.

"Where's the Professor?" I asked as I sat down in front of a plate.

"He's in the lab like always." She answered. It was kinda quiet at the table this morning. You know, with Blossom gone and all.

"So, why did you come into my room?" She ask standing up to throw her plate in the sink. She fix her shirt before sitting on the counter, facing me. She was wearing a baby blue shirt with white long sleeves. She had a small pocket on the left breast plate. She wore a mini white skirt with white shoes.

"You know..Just checking in on you." I responded only glancing up at her once then back down to my plate.

"For what reason? I'm fine."

"I know that..just..Never mind. Come on. Let's get to school already." I said. I stood up and dump my plate in the sink and grab my book bag. She was waiting for me at the door.

As we landed in front of the school, we went inside to our locker's.

"Hey, BC." Bubbles said using my nickname.

"What's up." I said getting some of my book's. I slam my locker when I was done and walk over to her. The hall's contained a few people who came early.

"Do you have plan's later?" She asked.

"Not really, why?"

"Wanna do something later?" She ask looking into her little compact mirror and fixing her hair. I don't understand why people worry so much about there hair. It's going to get fuck up sooner or later!

"Sure." I answered. We heard the bell rang. We walk to class together and sat down each other. See unlike Blossom, We ACTUALLY Talk during a lesson. We sat in the back corner of the room so we couldn't be heard.

As we sat down I heard some girls talking and couldn't help but to ease drop.

"Oh have you heard. We've finally got a new student today." One of them said. I think her name was Sally and the other one Julie. I really didn't care what there name was, just there conversation. I listen closely at what thy said.

"Really?" Julie asked. They sat all the way in the front but with my super hearing, not a problem.

"Yeah, Actually 3." sally said.

'Well I wonder who it could be!' I thought sarcastically/angrily. I knew who it was. Three people magically comes out of no where, and now we have new student's. What a coincidence!

"Bubbles." I whispered.

She turn to me. She seen the pissed off look on my face. "What's the matter?"

"I-" I was interrupted when the teacher yelled for our attention but I didn't listen.

"I think..." I whispered lowly so no one could hear me.


"I think..."


"I think the rowdy ruff boy's are here!" I yelled causing some people to stare. I just glared at them and turn my attention back to Bubbles who had on a shock face.

"How do you know this?" She asked looking around the room.

"I heard Sally and Julie talking" I said pointing to the two girl's who was giggling like crazy.

"Well. We don't know if there really here." She started.

I was about to respond when the teacher spoke again.

"Ladies in the back. Be quiet. Now as I was saying, We have some new student's who will be attending Pokey Oak's High School. She them respect and guide them through this year of hell- " Everyone look up at him as he cursed. "Uh.. I mean school. This year of school." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Boy's can you please come in?"

As someone came in, There was all groan's from the guy's.

"That's Mitch!" A boy yelled.

"And you too kind." Mitch said. He walk over to us and wink at me. I blushed and gave a faint smile. And how was I suppose to hell him what happen yesterday! He'll totally freak out and want to jump Butch. I honestly would let him but he's not strong enough to handle him. He took a seat in front of me.

A boy walk in. He had black shaggy hair and dark green eyes. He wore a light gray shirt and black cargo pant's. All the girl's signed dreamily as they watch him walk by. He glanced around until his eyes fell on me. They lingered longer than needed to. I stared back up at him, as if tempting to say something. He walk over and sat in front of Mitch.

"See. your just being paranoid, Buttercup." Bubbles said.

The next student's walk in at the same time. I heard Bubbles gasp. I look up and seen oh whadda know, it's the rowdyruff boy's.

"Ugh! WHHHYYYY!?" I yelled. "Do you just want to ruin my life!?" Everyone look at me but I couldn't care less.

They smirk as they came to us.

"Oh hell no! Go sit somewhere else!" Bubbles yelled. Look's like she was still piss at Boomer for ruining her dress.

"Bubbles! Buttercup! That's enough!" The teacher yelled. "That's no way to-"

"Mr. Watz, No disrespect and all but, there right. We technically don't get along and-"

"Good. Then that'll give you a chance to get to know each other better." He smirk.

"He smirk." Bubbles whispered to both of us.

"That's mess up." Mitch his head.

"That bitch." I hissed.

"New seat's. Stand up!" He ordered. Everyone groaned but they didn't feel what we three felt.

5 Minutes later...

Well me and Bubbles didn't sit in the back. We sat in the SECOND row in the back. And guess who took our place. Yup. Our counter part's. COUNTER PART'S! Mitch sat in front of Bubbles, Brick on his left and on his right and in front of me was the other new kid.

So as Mr. Watz, got on his lesson. Butch and Boomer kept grabbing out chairs back and throwing them forwards roughly. I swear Mr. Watz was evil.

"Hey, babe." Brick said looking at me. Don't he know he could stop calling us that and learn our Real names. Dudes, been saying that since we was five. FIVE!

I just look at him for a brief moment before copying what was on the board, totally Ignoring him.

I felt his eyes still on me. I look up to see those red eyes on mine.

"What are you looking at?!" I hissed quietly. I didn't feel like having my seat changed next to his. Bad enough I sat in front of Butch.

"Where's Red?" He suddenly ask.

"None of your business." I snap. Gosh, Why does he care so much about her for? (A/N: i just made her sound jealous. lol. it's nothing like that though.)

He stared at me for a few moment's before looking back in front of him.

Bubbles yelp as Butch yang her hair.

That's it.

I stood up and turn to the two laughing Idiot's.

"What the hell is your problem's?" I glared at them. They both stood and got in my face. Was I. ME? Buttercup Utonium. Suppose to be Intimidated by them? Yeah, I don't think so.

"Don't touch my sister." I said. My fist crackling as I clutched them.

"What are you going to do?" Boomer taunt.

Was he taunting me? Wait? How the heck did he even get IN this grade!?

The whole class watching eagerly as I step closer to them.

This time Brick stood up and came closer to me. I still wasn't Intimidated. Bubbles stood too as they cornered us. How the HELL did they do that?!

"Would you please it down! I'm trying to teach a lesson here but I can't do it when you keep interrupting me1" Mr. Watz yelled.

"It's your fault for making us sit with them!" I yelled. We glared at each other before taking our seat's.

The class went on with the silence between us. Chair touching. Annoying glances. Until the class ended.

Hour's later We headed for gym. We changed into our gym clothes which contain which contain a white shirt and gym short's. We had gym outside today.

The teacher explain to us that where playing outside because there using the gym for an early parent teacher's conference. (A/N: Eh, that's happen's.)

We got to the middle of the field. Yes. My favorite. Soccer. But the thing that i hated was that Butch was on my team.

The gym teacher blew the whistle."Begin!" I kick the ball right in between Boomer's leg's. 'HA! This is so going to be easy.' I thought as I kick the ball over to Mitch. He ran toward's the goalie, which was Brick. If it was me I would of kick the ball with all might might but we can't because we, mainly me, will hurt the other student's.

He shot it in the net and my team cheered. It was like he wasn't even trying to stop it. And I should know. He's holding back. A lot.

"Nice shot." I said.

"I know right." He pulled me toward's him. On the corner of my eye's, I could feel Butch glaring at me. Good. This must be killing him knowing he can't have me. He could have the girl for all I cared.

He lean down and pressed his lip's on mine.

Correction. I KNOW this is killing him.

I mentally laugh at the sight of him. His eye twitching with rage. I felt him deepen the kiss and I smirk.I wrap my arm's around his neck. I open my mouth willingly and he didn't waste no time to bring his tongue in.

Whistling was heard in the background.

"Okay. That's enough!" Butch said separating us. He walk in between us with a frown on.

Good. Jerk should know better than to mess with me.

The whistle was blown again as we started another game. And this time I was center. The whistle blew once more and I ran ahead.

"Pass me the ball!" I heard Butch call out. I ignored him and shot the ball. Brick easily caught it. Oh not he pay's attention. I wish I could use my Real strength.

"I told you to pass it to me!" Butch yelled.

"Like I would pass it to you. You don't even know anything about soccer." I argued.

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't. You've been in hell with HIM all your life." I snap. I knew I hit a sensitive spot there but so what. No one told him to be here in the first place.

I started walking away when I was suddenly knock down on the ground. Butch straddle my hips and held my hand in back of me with one hand while the other press my face to the fake grass.

"Watch what you say to me." He snarled.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled. Bubbles pushed him off roughly and help me up.

The student's surrounded us as Butch came toward's us.

"Your asking for it, Blondie." He his. His eye twitching. He raised his hand to strike us when we heard the whistle blow.

"Don't you dare hit her young man." The gym teacher said.

"But sir." Boomer started. "They hit him first."

"What no we didn't!" We yelled.

"Did too!" They argued back.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did too?"

"Did Not!...wait a minute.."

"HA! Ya see! we-" I stop as I turn to see the teacher on the floor.

"Great. We got him dizzy." I said throwing my hand's up.

"Well he was 72 year's old." Bubbles said.

"And now that's he's out of the way..." Butch started, smirking.

"Not now!" I snap. Damn. With this whole shit going on. Man. I wish Blossom was here right about now.

The bell rang and we headed off to lunch. We got our lunch and the three us sat all the way to the last table like usually.

Mitch sat next to me as Bubbles sat across from us.

"So are you two going out?" Bubbles asked taking a bite out of her pizza.

"Well..." I said looking up at him. He smiled at me and nodded towards Bubbles.

She squealed in Joy. "I'm am so happy for both of you! I should get you." She said thinking of all the things she could buy.

"No, Bubbles. It's okay. Really." Mitch said laughing nervously.

"You sure? Cause I can reallly-"

"I'm sure. But thanks though." He said cutting her off shorty. She pouted.

We laugh but then stop as we heard an annoying high pitch voice.

"Everyone Shut up. I got something to say!" She yelled standing on a table.

Ladies and gentlemen. Princess Morbuck's.

There was two of her little prissy friend's at her side handing out flyer's. When they got to our table, they just threw us the paper. I'm telling you , there noses are fake.

"Now if you all look at the flyer's that was just given to you, you will see that tonight I'm throwing a party."

"Only the coolest people, like myself would be there. It's start's tomorrow at 7:45."

"But it's a school night." A random girl said.

"Like I said. Only cool people would show up not caring what day it was." She got off of the table and left with the other slut's.

I look at the paper in my had's before tossing it over my shoulder. "I'm not going." I snap as I look into Bubbles eyes.

"Please Buttercup! It could be fun." She persuaded.

"No." I told her.

"Come on. And who knows, you and Mitch could get a dance." She said winking at me. I blushed as I heard him chuckling.

"Yeah, come on BC. It might be fun." He said copying Bubbles lines.

"...Fine.." I recently said. Bubbles gave Mitch a high five as he hug me.

"Great.." I heard Bubbles say as her smile drop. We turn to meet her glaze and signed.

The rowdy ruff boy's seen us and started walking over to us. They sat at the table behind me and Mitch.

"Well this day just keep's getting better." Bubbles muttered.

"Yeah, try more like this week." I sneered as I watch them from the corner of my eyes.

They was staring at us intentionally. I turn my attention back to my friends. They both had the same annoyed look on there faces that matched mines.

"I really miss Blossom." Bubbles suddenly said out of the blue.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's just not the same really." Mitch piped in.

"What should I wear tonight? " Bubbles said changing the subject. "Oh I can do your hair-"

"NOOOO!" I said Irritated. "Not again. You two took too long with that shit. I'm not going through that again."

"Please" She begged. She put on a puppy face but I wasn't buying it.

"Come on. Your hair's messed up anyways." Mitch said. And before I could respond he started ruffling my hair. I laugh trying to get away from him but he just held me in place.

"Okay Okay! I'll let her do it!" I said struggling to get out of his grip.

Bubbles smiled as she watched us laughing. I would be smiling too if I was her. I haven't been this happy in a while ever since the indecent in the forest and I was just happy that I could be myself.

We stop stop laughing when a figure glowering over us. We look to see Butch glaring at us.

"Can we help you." Bubbles asked beating us to the punch. She stood on her feet and walkover to us. With her hand's on her hip's, she glared up at him. For a moment there, I was so proud of her standing up to Butch like that. She knew she could get crushed easily by him but she didn't care, not one bit.

"Yeah, you can. I just wanted to know if Buttercup was enjoying herself." He sneered.

"Yeah, she is." She answered. I blushed at the comment. Just what was he trying to pull? My eyes widen. He. Wouldn't. DARE!

"Did she tell you," He said looking directly at Mitch. "That we totally made out yesterday after you left."

My eyes widen. Mitch look at me with an eyebrow raised.

"What is he talking about?" He asked. Bubbles turn to me confused.

I tried to ssay something but nothing came out of my mouth. I knew this shit was going to happen! I'm going to kick his sorry-

"Yeah, and she was about to show me how she Really needed me if you catch my drift." He smirk down at me as I glared dagger's at him.

"But she had to leave me hanging and now later on today were finishing up business tonight." He turn to look at Bubbles who was still looking at me still confused.

He eyed her up and down then smirk."Your welcome to join."

She had on a face that scream Horror!

Mitch watch me stiffen under his glaze. I look down guilty and ashamed of myself. I knew I should of told them sooner. What the hell was I thinking! I probably just screwed up the perfect relationship I've ever had. And that was rare.

With out another word, he stood up and left the table and out of the cafeteria. I watch him leave, pushing some nerd out of the way.

I signed in anger as I switch my glaze to the now smirking Butch. I stood, my face turning red from anger left after him.

Bubbles P.O.V.

I watch as Buttercup left after Mitch. I felt bad for her. This was her first perfect relationship and it's now already ruined. Ever since Ace step into her life, thing's been rough for her. It nearly took her over two month's to get over him. And just what was Butch talking about. That's not something Buttercup would do. I knew about her crush for Mitch and she wouldn't go to someone else like Princess would do.

She Has been acting weird lately. The cut's an bruises in the morning, Breaking car window's, Complaining about seeing her reflection's in window, The weird tornado. I mean, when did she even learn how to do that. That was different from our original one's. There's something was up with her. And I was going to find out what it was.

I slowly turn to Butch who frown at Buttercup's retreating body. His hand's was clenched to his sides. His body slightly twitching.

I tap his shoulder and his head snap toward's me. I jump a little as his eyes glared at me.

Alright if he wanted a glaring contest.

I glared at him getting into his face. I could tell he was getting impatient with me but I didn't care. What he said was Way out of line. Making up lie's to just ruin her happiness. So I had to put away all my fear's aside as I knew I was alone with the ruff's. I was the temporary leader of the group and I had to Be it and Act like one.

"What you did right there was..was.." I stuttered. What's one of those word's Blossom would use at a time like this?

"Irresponsible?" Brick ask with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah! Irresponsible. Your just ruin the best relationship she had!. You guy's are the worst's thing that happen to this school, And our lives."

"You are too kind, Bubbly." Boomer said.

"Don't you dare call me that." I hissed. Yup, I was starting to like being in charge. "And you.." I said turning to Butch. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Making those lie's up. How low can you be."

He gave a carefree look as he watch me yell at them.

"And as long as Blossom's gone, I'm in charge now and I would do anything to protect and make my sister happy. Even if I have to take all you three down myself." I sounded a little dark, and for a second, I could of swore I seen a small flash of nervousness in there eyes. Good. Because I was dead serious.

"And another thing. As long as your in this school, in this town, on this earth. You WILL respect me, and my sister's. And that mean's calling us by our REAL name's." I said toward's Brick and Boomer.

"You WILL NOT, cause anyone any harm because you ARE stepping on MY turf." Okay. I think I'm going overboard, Just a smidge.

"Now, before I leave you have no right to be near us. That include Me, Blossom, Buttercup, Mitch, And the rest of our fellow friends." I moved over to be eye level be my blonde counter part. "And by the way, I'm not scared of you." I stood up and cracked my knuckles.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go look for my sister." I said turning around but only to be face to chest with Butch. Did he not hear me? I don't wanna have to repeat myself again but I will if I had too.

"I'm sorry. Did you not hear what Just came out of my mouth? Because I can repeat it. I have no problem with that."

He didn't say anything but just look down on me. I seen the other two get up as they circled me.

Brick was the first to speak. "Where Red?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked perplex.

He rolled his eyes. "Blossom.."

"Oh, so you know her name after all. Good for you, Brick." I said clapping.

What was wrong with me today?! I better stop before they decide to attack me.

"And why do you care? I'm not telling you anything!" I snap. I knew I was bpushing there button's but what was I to do. What would Blossom do?

'Stop talking before you get your self killed!' I heard Blossom yell in my head.

'Well I can't help it! It just feel's SO good to be in charge.'

'It ain't going to feel good when your rib's are sticking out your head.'

'Okay. Okay. Gosh, No need to be dramatic.' She thought.

"Now. If you would excuse me AGAIN, I need to find Buttercup." I started. I tried getting pass them but they just block my way.

"Why won't you move out of my way?" I asked.

"Because we ain't done with you yet." Boomer said pulling me closer to him. I quickly pop his hand's off me and glared up at him.

"Ain't someone feisty today." Brick smirk.

"I would advise you, not to touch me again and let me go find my sister." I pushed pass them and ran to catch up to Buttercup.

Normal P.O.V.

Buttercup was in the hall still looking for Mitch. She came across another hall and seen him at his locker. She quickly made her way over to him.

She open her mouth to say something but he interrupted her.

"I don't wanna hear what you have to say." He started; He slam his locker down hard, making her jump slightly. He turn to go in the other direction but Buttercup grab his shoulder turning him back around.

"Look. I can explain!" She tried. Tear's threatening to fall. She blink them back and look into is eyes. She would do anything to make him for give her. But how was she going to persuade him into believing her.

"Explain what? There's nothing TO explain, Buttercup." He suddenly yelled. He took a deep breath, trying not to let his emotion's get the better of him.

"Look. I-I don't think is going to work out." He said looking straight into her eyes.

It was really hard for her too hold in the tear's.

"B-b-but we-" She started. He cutted her off by holding up his hand to stop her.

"I know we just started but where already off to a bad start. So let's just end it right here right now before it could get any worst."

"Mitch I. I-" She stop herself. How could she explain it to him. She really don't want to lose him or their friendship.

"See you around, Buttercup." He said walking away. She frozed in her spot.

'How Could I Let This Happen?' She thought. She quickly turn around to see him gone.

She lean against the locker's and slump down to her feet. She brought her leg's up adn buried her head in her arm's. And this time, she didn't hold the tear's back.

Bubbles was walking down the hallway when she seen a figure hugging themselves. She couldn't see the face but She knew who it was. She ran over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. Buttercup cried on her shoulder's, not caring if anybody saw her. Bubbles rubbed her back saying soft thing in her ear, tying to in least make her stop crying.

Bubbles P.O.V.

I ran towards her I admittedly pulled her into a hug. I started muttering soft word's to calm her down and not her.

"Shh. It's going to be okay."

I really felt bad for her. I knew she had feeling's for him. It was hard to let someone just rip her heart out once but now twice!? It was even harder to gain her trust. And where going o have to go through that again.

I look down at her sobbing form. She was shaking as she continued to cry.

Minutes of sobbing away, she soon stop but was now hiccuping from it. Her head was still on her shoulder and eyes closed. Her nose was a little red from all the rubbing.

With the boy's

They all watch as Bubbles exit the lunch room after her sister and friend. Brick noticed the look Butch gave as he sat back down.

"Yo dude, You alright?" Brick asked with an eyebrow raised.\

He look up to meet his Brother's eye's. "Yeah, why you ask?"

"You seem distracted.. " Boomer piped in. He look on the floor and it caught his attention. He pick it up scan it.

"What is that?" Brick ask snatching it away.

"No I wasn't reading it. Just go and take it." Boomer said sarcastically with earn him a slap in the back of his head.

"A party tonight boy's." Brick said smirking.

"Are we going?" Boomer asked excitedly.

"Yes you idiot." Butch said. He took the paper and smirk at Brick.

"Look's like your girlfriend hosting it." He snickered.

"Girlfriend?" He snatch the paper and second's later he burn the paper.

"I'm not going!" He finally said.

"Aw come on, Brick. She's not that bad."

Brick slowly turn his head to his younger sibling. "Chick's insane! I'm not going anywhere near her!"

"How's she crazy?"Boomer ask perplex. He was really slow at everything, wasn't he.

"The bitch tried to get in my pants!"

"So?" He said, still not getting the whole Ideal.

"..Just shut up, Boomer." He said shaking his head.

They sat like this for what seem like forever but only minutes until the bell rang. They quickly stood up as they heard the kids started coming.

"You wanna go somewhere so we could talk?" Bubbles asked with concern.

She wipe her blood shot red eye's.

She shook her head "yes" and with that they quickly left out of the back door and took air.

They flew inside Buttercup's window and sat down on the bed. They sat crossed legged as they faced each other.

"Shh. I'm going to see if the Professor's here." She said going to the door. She quietly open it and tip toed down the hall. Buttercup sat there, brushing her hair out of her face. Minutes later, Bubbles ca,e back with a tray of flower's, tea and a big bag of chip's. Buttercup laugh silently as Bubbles placed the tray in between them.

"Bubbles, a flower?"

"I like flower;s..." She pouted. She sat on the bed and grab the cup. Buttercup followed her movement and took a sip.

She handed her greeneyed sister a note.

"What's this?" She asked looking over it. Iwas a note from the Professor. It read

Girls, I went out for more equipment for my lab. If I'm not back in time for dinner, just order pizza. Money's on the counter. Be back soon. Buttercup, your in charge until I get back.

love Professor

"Ha! I'm in charge." She teased.

"...So you wanna tell me what was Butch talking about?" Bubbles ask Ignoring her statement and taking some chip's and tossing them in her mouth.

"Well It all started when Mitch was sleeping over. I had this nightmare. I was surround by darkness..." She explain the whole entire story to Bubbles. She look kinda frighten by all of this. She was about to pass out when she explain the incident that almost took place on the roof.

"And now Mitch hates me and-" Right about now she was sobbing again.

"And I think my dream's are coming true." She blew her nose into some tissue.

"Buttercup, your nightmares can't come true. That's kinda Impossible." Bubbles said shrugging.

"So what are you saying? You don't believe me?!" Anger was rising inside of her.

"I didn't say that. I just-"

"You did. I knew I should of never trust in telling you."

"What's that suppose to mean?" She ask some what hurt and offended.

"You thought I was crazy just like everyone else! I'm not crazy! you think I would just cut and beat myself up?!" Buttercup asked getting up.

"Well there's no explanation for the way you've been acting."

"What do you mean the way I've been acting?"

"Oh come on! Window breaking, The bruises and scratches, The roof! And you saying someone is taking over your body?"

"Yes!" She signed. She had doubt's in telling Bubbles anything. Why couldn't they be more like robin? More trusting and understanding.

She signed. She mumbled something under her breath.

"What?" Bubbles asked.

"I said I wish I had a different sister!" She yelled all the anger that was building up came out. "I wish I had a different family who is understanding!" She ranted. She continued to scream not caring if she hurt's her sister's feeling's. They should of believed her from the start.

"If I'm such a terrible sister then I should just leave." She had tear's running down her soft baby face.

She stop herself before she really could say the thing's she's been feeling.

"Bubbles, just go to your room and stay there." She got up and open the door signaling that she was serious.

Bubbles was hurt deeply but left the room with out saying another word. "And your not going to that party!" She yelled after her. She heard the door slam.

Wow, There's a lot of drama going on, eh. Anyway's, review plz and thx. :D.